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141 BOOKS - Kentucky History & Genealogy KY - Rare Ancestors Old County - CD/DVD

Description: Kentucky Book Collection on DVD The Ultimate History and Genealogy Collection of 141 Books on DVD! This is the most complete collection on DVD for the best price on the planet. This item is delivered on a fully interactive DVD ROM readable on all computers. The files are in PDF format to view, copy or print them easily. They are fully searchable. All our DVDs are professionally produced, designed and packaged. This DVD contains 141 interesting books about the history of Kentucky. Many illustrations of specific events and settings as well as portraits of honourable people can be found and explored. This outstanding book collection serves as an excellent resource for anyone interested in the history of Kentucky! - Many old out-of-print books - Historical Information - Illustrations - Biographical Sketches - History of counties - Records - ...and much more Contents: A Biographical Sketch of Col. Richard M. Johnson, of Kentucky (1843) - Langworthy, A. - 57 pages A biography of Henry Clay, the senator from Kentucky (1852) - Mallory, D. - 688 pages A Discourse Concerning Some Effects of the Late Civil War on Ecclesiastical Matters in Kentucky (1866) - Pinkerton, L. L. - 21 pages A genealogy of the Pope family of Kentucky (1879) - Field, N. - 28 pages A guide manual to the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky (1870) - Wright, C. - 61 pages A history of Elizabethtown, Kentucky, and its surroundings (1921) - Haycraft, S. - 188 pages A history of Jessamine County, Kentucky, from its earliest settlement to 1898 (1898) - Young, B. H. - 298 pages A history of Kentucky (1896) - Kinkead, E.S. - 298 pages A history of Kentucky and Kentuckians; the leaders and representative men in commerce, industry and modern activities (1912) - Polk, J. - 1734 pages A history of the commonwealth of Kentucky (1834) - Butler, M. - 396 pages A history of the First Presbyterian Church, Frankfort, Kentucky, together with the churches in Franklin County, in connection with the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (1901) - Averill, W. - 281 pages A journal containing an accurate and interesting account of the hardships, sufferings, battles, defeat, and captivity of those heroic Kentucky volunteers and regulars, commanded by General Winchester, in the years 1812-13. Also, two narratives by men that were wounded in the battles on the river Raisin, and taken captive by the Indians (1854) - Darnell, E. - 120 pages A Kentucky chronicle (1906) - Gray, J.T. - 590 pages A Kentucky protest against slavery (1864) - Rice, D. - 24 pages A wooden image from Kentucky (1921) - Pepper, G. - 82 pages An inventory of Kentucky (n.d.) - Armentrout, V. - 63 pages Authentic biography of Colonel Richard M. Johnson, of Kentucky (1833) - Emmons, W. - 120 pages Biographical sketch of Gen. William O. Butler, of Kentucky (1848) - Blair, F. - 24 pages Blue-grass and rhododendron; outdoors in old Kentucky (1901) - Fox, J. - 354 pages Boyle genealogy. John Boyle of Virginia and Kentucky. Notes on lines of descent with some collateral references (1909) - Boyle, J. - 190 pages Cemetaries [sic] of Campbell county, Kentucky (n.d.) - n.a. - 16 pages Chronicles of a Kentucky settlement (1897) - Watts, W.C. - 490 pages Coals of Middle Fork of Kentucky River in Leslie and Harlan counties (1918) - Hodge, J.M. - 190 pages Collins historical sketches of Kentucky : history of Kentucky Vol.II (1874) - Collins, L. - 886 pages Collins historical sketches of Kentucky ; history of Kentucky Vol.I (1874) - Collins, L. - 746 pages Constitution of the Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance of the state of Kentucky (n.d.) - n.a. - 17 pages Covington Kentucky, seen through the camera (1910) - n.a. - 32 pages Daniel Boone and the hunters of kentucky (1857) - Bogart, W.H. - 493 pages Daniel Boone, pioneer of Kentucky (1898) - Abbott, J. - 346 pages Daniel Boone, pioneer of Kentucky (1914) - Abbott, J. - 347 pages Daniel Boone, the pioneer of Kentucky : a biography (1884) - Hill, G. C. - 262 pages David Crady, Kentucky pioneer (1884) - Adams, E. C. - 52 pages Drafts in Kentucky during civil war (1909) - n.a. - 20 pages Eastern Kentucky papers; the founding of Harman's Station, with an account of the Indian captivity of Mrs. Jennie Wiley and the exploration and settlement of the Big Sandy Valley in the Virginias and Kentucky (1910) - Connelley, W. E. - 246 pages Ekkoes from Kentucky (1868) - Nasby, P. - 324 pages Famous Kentucky tragedies and trials; a collection of important and interesting tragedies and criminal trials which have taken place in Kentucky (1916) - Johnson, L.F. - 356 pages First explorations of Kentucky (1898) - Johnston, J. S. - 270 pages Frankfort, the capital of Kentucky (1912) - Morton, J. - 12 pages George Michael Bedinger: a Kentucky pioneer (1909) - Dandridge, D. - 249 pages Guide to Lexington, Kentucky : with notices historical and descriptive of places and objects of interest, and a summary of the advantages and resources of the city and vicinity (1883) - Ranck, G. W. - 102 pages Historic families of Kentucky. With special reference to stocks immediately derived from the valley of Virginia; tracing in detail their various genealogical connexions and illustrating from historic sources their influence upon the political and social development of Kentucky and the states of the South and West (1889) - Green, T. M. - 320 pages Historical sketch of the synod of Kentucky, 1802-1902 (1902) - Humphrey, E. - 42 pages Historical sketches of Kentucky: embracing its history, antiquities, and natural curiosities, geographical, statistical, and geological descriptions (1850) - Collins, Lewis - 560 pages Historical tribute to St. Thomas' Seminary at Poplar Neck, near Bardstown, Kentucky (1906) - Howlett, W. J. - 197 pages History of Boone County, Kentucky (1960) - Yealey, A.M. - 35 pages History of Henderson County, Kentucky (1887) - Starling, E. L. - 840 pages History of higher education in Kentucky (1899) - Lewis, A. F. - 350 pages History of Kentucky Vol.I (1922) - Kerr, C. - 568 pages History of Kentucky Vol.II (1922) - Kerr, C. - 1226 pages History of Kentucky Vol.IV (1922) - Kerr, C. - 650 pages History of Kentucky Vol.V (1922) - Kerr, C. - 647 pages History of Lewis County, Kentucky (1912) - Ragan, O. - 504 pages History of Lexington, Kentucky (1872) - Ranck, G. W. - 428 pages History of pioneer Kentucky (1917) - Cotterill, R. S. - 280 pages History of the battle of Blue Licks (1897) - Young, B. H. - 101 pages History of the Eighth regiment Kentucky vol. inf., during its three years campaigns, embracing organization, marches, skirmishes, and battles of the command, with much of the history of the old reliable Third brigade (1880) - Wright, T. - 286 pages History of the First Kentucky brigade (1868) - Thompson, E. P. - 931 pages Hugh Darnaby; a story of Kentucky (1900) - Davis, G. M. - 253 pages Hughes family of Kentucky and Virginia (1920) - Hughes, L. A. - 48 pages Kelion Franklin Peddicord of Quirk's scouts, Morgan's Kentucky cavalry, C.S.A.; biographical and autobiographical, together with a general biographical outline of the Peddicord family (1908) - Logan, I. W. - 170 pages Kentuckians in history and literature (1907) - Townsend, J. W. - 189 pages Kentucky (1890) - Greene, F. - 7 pages Kentucky Ancestral homes (1860) - n.a. - 117 pages Kentucky Baptist history, 1770-1922 (1922) - Nowlin, W. D. - 196 pages Kentucky Counties & towns (1921) - n.a. - 64 pages Kentucky Folklore (1989) - Alvey, G. - 61 pages Kentucky history (1915) - Keith, C. A. - 30 pages Kentucky in American letters, 1784-1912; with an introduction Vol.I (1913) - Townsend, J. W. - 372 pages Kentucky in American letters, 1784-1912; with an introduction Vol.II (1913) - Townsend, J. W. - 394 pages Kentucky in the nation's history (1909) - McElroy, R. M. - 590 pages Kentucky log (1904) - Gilpin, V. - 196 pages Kentucky politicians. Sketches of representative Corncrackers and other miscellany (1886) - McAfee, J. - 259 pages Kentucky superstitions (1920) - Thomas, D. L. - 334 pages Kentucky unionists of 1861 (1884) - Goodloe, W. C. - 52 pages Kentucky, a pioneer commonwealth (1888) - Shaler, N. - 433 pages Kentucky; a guide to the Bluegrass state (1939) - n.a. - 616 pages Kentucky's famous feuds and tragedies : authemtic history of the world renowned Vendettas of the dark and bloody ground (1917) - Mutzenberg, C. G. - 333 pages Kentucky's new state capitol (1912) - Lewis, G. A. - 62 pages Kentucky's struggle with its loyalist proprietors (1920) - Siebert, W. H. - 126 pages Letters on the condition of Kentucky in 1825 (1916) - Swem, E. G. - 76 pages Life and adventures of Colonel Daniel Boon, the first white settler of the state of Kentucky (1916) - Filson, J. - 42 pages Life in the hills of Kentucky (1890) - Barton, W. E. - 295 pages Lincoln and the Bluegrass : slavery and civil war in Kentucky (1955) - Townsend, W. H. - 392 pages Mercer County, Kentucky marriages, 1785 to 1852 (1900) - McGhee, L. K. - 172 pages Message of Augustus E. Willson Governor of Kentucky to the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky (1910) - Willson, A. - 60 pages My life at Oxmoor; life on a farm in Kentucky before the War (1911) - Bullitt, T. W. - 132 pages My old Kentucky home (1920) - Gibbs, C. P. - 44 pages Notable men of Kentucky at the beginning of the 20th century (1901-1902) (1902) - La Bree, B. - 228 pages Old Covington, Kentucky (1922) - Meehan, E. - 28 pages Old Kentucky (1908) - Cook, J. F. - 288 pages Pine Knot; a story of Kentucky life (1900) - Barton, W. E. - 360 pages Pioneer surgery in Kentucky : a sketch (1890) - Yandell, D. W. - 33 pages Pioneers of the old Southwest; a chronicle of the dark and bloody ground (1919) - Skinner, C. L. - 304 pages Press reference book of prominent Kentuckians (1916) - La Bree, B. - 256 pages Record of marriages in Lewis County, Kentucky for the period of years 1806 to 1851 inclusive (n.d.) - Burns, A. W. - 134 pages Report of the adjutant general of the state of Kentucky (1891) - n.a. - 370 pages Restoring Law and Order: The Kentucky State Guard in the Black Patch War of 1907-1909 (2011) - n.a. - 55 pages Revolutionary soldiers in Kentucky (1896) - Quisenberry, A. C. - 28 pages Revolutionary soldiers in Kentucky : containing a roll of the officers of Virginia line who received land bounties; a roll of the Revolutionary pensioners in Kentucky; a list of the Illinois regiment who served under George Rogers Clark in the Northwest campaign, also a roster of the Virginia Navy (1959) - Quisenberry, A. C. - 278 pages Shelby County, Kentucky marriages, 1792-1800 (n.d.) - n.a. - 20 pages Sketch of the First Kentucky brigade (1874) - Hodge, G. - 31 pages Sketches of the early Catholic missions of Kentucky : from their commencement in 1787, to the Jubilee of 1826-7, embracing a summary of the early history of the state, the adventures of the first Catholic emigrants, biographical notices of the early missionaries, the early history of the principal Protestant sects in Kentucky, with some account of the establishment of the episcopal see at Bardstown, of the various religious societies, and of the general state of the Catholic religion in Kentucky (1844) - Spalding, M. J. - 308 pages Slavery in Kentucky, 1792-1865 (1918) - McDougle, I. - 125 pages Some of the medical pioneers of Kentucky (1917) - McCormack, J. N. - 173 pages Speech of Mr. F. Johnson, of Kentucky (1827) - Johnson, F. - 32 pages Spencer County, Kentucky marriages, 1824-1851 (1900) - McGhee, L. K. - 144 pages Stories of Old Kentucky (1915) - Purcell, M. - 192 pages Stringtown on the pike : a tale of northernmost Kentucky (1901) - Lloyd, J. U. - 440 pages The adventures of Daniel Boone, the Kentucky rifleman (1844) - Philip, U. - 174 pages The Anglo-Saxons of the Kentucky mountains: a study in anthropogeography (1910) - Semple, E. C. - 34 pages The Battle of Mill Springs: The Civil War Divides a Border State (2002) - n.a. - 29 pages The Boone family; a genealogical history of the descendants of George and Mary Boone who came to America in 1717; containing many unpublished bits of early Kentucky history, also a biographical sketch of Daniel Boone, the pioneer, by one of his descendants (1922) - Spraker, E. A. - 707 pages The centenary of Kentucky (1892) - n.a. - 200 pages The city of Louisville and a glimpse of Kentucky (1887) - Allison, Y. E. - 154 pages The conquest of the old Southwest; the romantic story of the early pioneers into Virginia, the Carolinas, Tennessee, and Kentucky, 1740-1790 (1920) - Archibald, H. - 395 pages The early settlement of Kentucky (1913) - Clark, C. E. - 9 pages The history of Kentucky : exhibiting an account of the modern discovery ; settlement ; progressive improvement ; civil and military transactions ; and the present state of the country Vol. I (1824) - Humphrey, M. - 465 pages The history of Kentucky : exhibiting an account of the modern discovery ; settlement ; progressive improvement ; civil and military transactions ; and the present state of the country Vol.II (1824) - Humphrey, M. - 524 pages The history of Kentucky from its earliest settlement to the present time (1869) - Arthur, T. S. - 327 pages The history of Kentucky, from its earliest discovery and settlement, to the present date (1895) - Smith, Z. F. - 848 pages The history of Methodism in Kentucky Vol.I (1868) - Redford, A. H. - 479 pages The history of Methodism in Kentucky Vol.II (1868) - Redford, A. H. - 512 pages The history of Methodism in Kentucky Vol.III (1868) - Redford, A. H. - 554 pages The industries of Louisville, Kentucky, and of New Albany, Indiana (1886) - Elstner, C. - 262 pages The Kentucky highlanders from a native mountaineer's viewpoint (1913) - Combs, J. H. - 44 pages The Kentucky resolutions of 1798; an historical study (1887) - Warfield, E. D. - 203 pages The Kentucky River Navigation (1917) - Verhoeff, M. - 306 pages The life and times of Col. Daniel Boone : hunter, soldier, and pioneer ; with sketches of Simon Kenton, Lewis Wetzel, and other leaders in the settlement of the West (1884) - Ellis, E. S. - 294 pages The life of Daniel Boone : the founder of the state of Kentucky (n.d.) - Hartley, C. - 385 pages The McKees of Virginia and Kentucky (1891) - McKee, G. W. - 196 pages The Mountain People of Kentucky (1906) - Maney, W. - 233 pages The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, Kentucky (1917) - McGill, A. B. - 536 pages The statute law of Kentucky : A complete index to the names of persons, places and subjects mentioned in Littel's laws of Kentucky : a genealogical and historical guide (1931) - Smith, W. T. - 213 pages The story of Kentucky (1891) - Connelly, E. - 337 pages The story of Kentucky (1913) - Eubank, R. - 32 pages The Union cause in Kentucky, 1860-1865 (1907) - Speed, T. - 355 pages The Wilderness road to Kentucky, its location and features (1921) - Pusey, W. A. - 131 pages To the people of Kentucky (1825) - Sneed, A. - 22 pages Warren County, Kentucky deeds, books A-C, 1797-1807 (1900) - n.a. - 124 pages Western cavaliers : embracing the history of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Kentucky from 1832 to 1844 / By A. H. Redford (1876) - Redford, A. H. - 552 pages Year book, the Society of Colonial Wars in the commonwealth of Kentucky, 1917 : to which is added a calendar of the warrants for land in Kentucky, granted for services in the French and Indian war (1917) - Taylor, P. F. - 154 pages Here are a few images from the collection: Attention eBay Staff: The books on this media were copyrighted prior to January 1, 1923 and/or are Government publications which are free of copyright restrictions. This media resides within the Public Domain as defined by the United States Copyright Office. This ad complies with all eBay rules and regulations.

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141 BOOKS - Kentucky History & Genealogy KY - Rare Ancestors Old County - CD/DVD

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Subjects: History & Military

Format: DVD

Special Attributes: DVD, eBook

Subject: History

Topic: Kentucky

Language: English

Book Title: History & Genealogy of Kentucky

Author: Historybooks24

Topic Synonym: Kentucky Books

State: Kentucky

Subject Else: Genealogy

Type: County, State History


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