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1902 F.Vernon/CH.Beylard Art Nouveau medal/Évian Conference for Europe Jews 1938

Description: Shipping from Europe with tracking number / French medal silver plated bronze 65mm-44mm,Paris mint ,naked beauty by very famous medalists ,1902 William Shakespeare-“To be, or not to be, that is the question”Évian ConferenceJump to navigationJump to searchMyron Taylor addresses the Évian ConferenceThe Évian Conference was convened 6–15 July 1938 at Évian-les-Bains, France, to address the problem of German and Austrian Jewish refugees wishing to flee persecution by Nazi Germany. It was the initiative of United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt who perhaps hoped to obtain commitments from some of the invited nations to accept more refugees, although he took pains to avoid stating that objective expressly. Historians have suggested that Roosevelt desired to deflect attention and criticism from American policy that severely limited the quota of Jewish refugees admitted to the United States.[1]The conference was attended by representatives from 32 countries, and 24 voluntary organizations also attended as observers, presenting plans either orally or in writing.[2] Golda Meir, the attendee from British Mandate Palestine, was not permitted to speak or to participate in the proceedings except as an observer. Some 200 international journalists gathered at Évian to observe and report on the meeting.Adolf Hitler responded to the news of the conference by saying essentially that if the other nations would agree to take the Jews, he would help them leave:I can only hope and expect that the other world, which has such deep sympathy for these criminals [Jews], will at least be generous enough to convert this sympathy into practical aid. We, on our part, are ready to put all these criminals at the disposal of these countries, for all I care, even on luxury ships.[3]The conference was ultimately doomed, as aside from the Dominican Republic, delegations from the 32 participating nations failed to come to any agreement about accepting the Jewish refugees fleeing the Third Reich. The conference thus inadvertently proved to be a useful propaganda tool for the Nazis.[4]Contents1Background2Proceedings3Consequences4Reaction5Participants5.1National delegations5.2Other delegations5.3Private organizations5.4Press6See also7References8External linksBackgroundRoyal Hotel [fr] in Évian-les-Bains, where the conference took place[5] (pictured 2012)The Nuremberg Laws stripped German Jews, who were already persecuted by the Hitler regime, of their German citizenship. They were classified as "subjects" and became stateless in their own country. By 1938, some 450,000 of about 900,000 German Jews were expelled or fled Germany, mostly to France and British Mandate Palestine, where the massive wave of migrants led to an Arab uprising. When Hitler annexed Austria in March 1938, and applied German racial laws, the 200,000 Jews of Austria became stateless.[citation needed]Hitler's expansion was accompanied by a rise in antisemitism and fascism across Europe and the Middle East. Antisemitic governments came to power in Poland, Hungary and Romania, where Jews had always been second-class citizens. The result was millions of Jews attempting to flee Europe, while they were perceived as an undesirable and socially damaging population with popular academic theories arguing that Jews damaged the "racial hygiene" or "eugenics" of nations where they were resident and engaged in conspirative behaviour. In 1936, Chaim Weizmann (who decided not to attend the conference)[6] declared that "the world seemed to be divided into two parts – those places where the Jews could not live and those where they could not enter."[7][8]Before the Conference the United States and Britain made a critical agreement: the British promised not to bring up the fact that the United States was not filling its immigration quotas, and any mention of Palestine as a possible destination for Jewish refugees was excluded from the agenda.[9] Britain administered Palestine under the terms of the Mandate for Palestine.[citation needed]ProceedingsConference delegates expressed sympathy for Jews under Nazism but made no immediate joint resolution or commitment, portraying the conference as a mere beginning, to the frustration of some commentators. Noting "that the involuntary emigration of people in large numbers has become so great that it renders racial and religious problems more acute, increases international unrest, and may hinder seriously the processes of appeasement in international relations", the Évian Conference established the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees (ICR) with the purpose to "approach the governments of the countries of refuge with a view to developing opportunities for permanent settlement." The ICR received little authority or support from its member nations and fell into inaction.Jewish refugees work in the fields in Sosúa, Dominican RepublicThe United States sent no government official to the conference. Instead Roosevelt's friend, the American businessman Myron C. Taylor, represented the U.S. with James G. McDonald as his advisor. The U.S. agreed that the German and Austrian immigration quota of 30,000 a year would be made available to Jewish refugees. In the three years 1938 to 1940 the US actually exceeded this quota by 10,000. During the same period Britain accepted almost the same number of German Jews. Australia agreed to take 15,000 over three years, with South Africa taking only those with close relatives already resident; Canada refused to make any commitment and only accepted a few refugees over this period.[10] The Australian delegate T. W. White noted: "as we have no real racial problem, we are not desirous of importing one".[11] The French delegate stated that France had reached "the extreme point of saturation as regards admission of refugees", a sentiment repeated by most other representatives. The only countries willing to accept a large number of Jews were the Dominican Republic, which offered to accept up to 100,000 refugees on generous terms, and later Costa Rica.[4][12] In 1940 an agreement was signed and Rafael Trujillo donated 26,000 acres (110 km2) of his properties near the town of Sosúa for settlements. The first settlers arrived in May 1940: only about 800 settlers came to Sosúa, and most later moved on to the United States.[12] The settlement is commemorated in a website, the Sosúa Virtual Museum.Disagreements among the numerous Jewish organisations on how to handle the refugee crisis added to the confusion.[13][14] Concerned that Jewish organisations would be seen trying to promote greater immigration into the United States, executive secretary to the American Jewish Committee, Morris Waldman, privately warned against Jewish representatives highlighting the problems Jewish refugees faced.[15] Samuel Rosenman sent President Franklin D. Roosevelt a memorandum stating that an "increase of quotas is wholly inadvisable as it would merely produce a 'Jewish problem' in the countries increasing the quota."[16] According to the JTA, during the discussions, five leading Jewish organisations sent a joint memorandum discouraging mass Jewish emigration from central Europe.[16] Reacting to the conferences' failure, the AJC declined to directly criticise American policy,[17] while Jonah Wise blamed the British government and praised "American generosity".[15] Zionist leaders Chaim Weizmann and David Ben-Gurion of the Jewish Agency were both firmly opposed to Jews being allowed entry into Western countries, hoping that the pressure of hundreds of thousands of refugees having nowhere to go would force Britain to open Palestine to Jewish immigration. In a similar vein, Abba Hillel Silver of the United Jewish Appeal refused to assist the resettlement of Jews in the United States saying he saw "no particular good" in what the conference was trying to achieve.[18] The guiding principle of Zionist leaders was to press only for immigration to Palestine. Yoav Gelber concluded that “if the conference were to lead to a mass emigration to places other than Palestine, the Zionist leaders were not particularly interested in its work.”[19] The impression the Zionist leadership gave was that of indifference to the plight of hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees left without anywhere to escape.[20] Years later, while noting that American and British Jewish leaders were "very helpful to our work behind the scenes, [but] were not notably enthusiastic about it in public", Edward Turnour who led the British delegation recalled the "stubbornly unrealistic approach" of some leading Zionists who insisted on Palestine as the only option for the refugees.[21]ConsequencesJewish refugees in Sosúa, Dominican Republic work in a straw factory making handbags for export to the United States.The result of the failure of the conference was that many of the Jews had no escape and so were ultimately subject to what was known as Hitler's "Final Solution to the Jewish Question". Two months after Évian, in September 1938, Britain and France granted Hitler the right to occupy the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia, which made a further 120,000 Jews stateless. In November 1938, on Kristallnacht, a massive pogrom across the Third Reich was accompanied by the destruction of over 1,000 synagogues, massacres and the arbitrary arrest of tens of thousands of Jews. In March 1939, Hitler occupied more of Czechoslovakia, causing a further 180,000 Jews to fall under Axis control, while in May 1939 the British issued the White Paper which barred Jews from entering Palestine or buying land there. Following their occupation of Poland in late 1939 and invasion of Soviet Union in 1941, the Germans embarked on a program of systematically killing all Jews in Europe.ReactionIn her autobiography My Life (1975), Golda Meir described her outrage being in "the ludicrous capacity of the [Jewish] observer from Palestine, not even seated with the delegates, although the refugees under discussion were my own people...." After the conference Meir told the press: "There is only one thing I hope to see before I die and that is that my people should not need expressions of sympathy anymore."[22]In July 1979, Walter Mondale described the hope represented by the Evian conference:"At stake at Evian were both human lives – and the decency and self-respect of the civilized world. If each nation at Evian had agreed on that day to take in 17,000 Jews at once, every Jew in the Reich could have been saved. As one American observer wrote, 'It is heartbreaking to think of the ...desperate human beings ... waiting in suspense for what happens at Evian. But the question they underline is not simply humanitarian ... it is a test of civilization.'"[23]ParticipantsNational delegationsCountryDelegation ArgentinaDr Tomas A. Le Breton, Ambassador in France[24]Carlos A. Pardo, Secretary-General of the Permanent Delegation to the League of Nations AustraliaLieutenant-Colonel Thomas W. White, DFC, VD, MP, Minister for Trade and CustomsAlfred Thorpe Stirling, Australian liaison officer in the Foreign Office, LondonA. W. Stuart-Smith, Australia House, London BelgiumRobert de Foy, Chief of the Belgian State Security ServiceJ. Schneider, Director in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade BoliviaSimón Iturri Patiño, Minister in France, the Bolivian "Tin King"Adolfo Costa du Rels, Permanent Delegate to the League of Nations[25] BrazilHélio Lobo, Minister first class, Member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters[26]Expert:Jorge Olinto de Oliveira, Permanent Delegate, First Secretary of the Brazilian Legation CanadaHumphrey Hume Wrong, Permanent Delegate to the League of NationsExpert:W. R. Little, Commissioner for European Emigration in London ChileFernando García Oldini, Minister in Switzerland and Representative at the International Labour Organization, with the rank of Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary ColombiaLuis Cano, Permanent Delegate to the League of Nations, with the rank of Envoy Extraordinary and Minister PlenipotentiaryProf. J. M. Yepes, Legal Adviser to the Permanent Delegation to the League of Nations, with the rank of Envoy Extraordinary and Minister PlenipotentiaryAbelardo Forero Benavides, Secretary to the Permanent Delegation to the League of Nations[27] Costa RicaProf. Luís Dobles Segreda, Chargé d'Affaires in Paris[28] CubaDr. Juan Antiga Escobar, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in Switzerland, permanent Delegate to the League of Nations[29] DenmarkGustav Rasmussen, of the Ministry of Foreign AffairsTroels Hoff, of the Ministry of Justice Dominican RepublicVirgilio Trujillo Molina, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in France and Belgium, brother of the dictator Rafael Leónidas TrujilloDr. Salvador E. Paradas, Chargé d'Affaires, representing the Permanent Delegation to the League of Nations EcuadorAlejandro Gastelu Concha, Secretary of the Permanent Delegation to the League of Nations, Consul-General in Geneva FranceHenry Bérenger, AmbassadorBressy, Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Director of the International Unions at the Ministry of Foreign AffairsCombes, Director in the Ministry of the InteriorGeorges Coulon, of the Foreign MinistryFourcade, Head of Department in the Ministry of the InteriorFrançois Seydoux, official of the Bureau for European Affairs in the Foreign MinistryBaron Brincard, official of the Bureau for League of Nations Affairs in the Foreign Ministry GuatemalaJosé Gregorio Diaz, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in France HaitiLéon R. Thébaud, Commercial Attaché in Paris, with the rank of Minister HondurasMauricio Rosal, Consul in Paris, with the rank of Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary HungaryImre Békessy, father of János Békessy, news agentJános Békessy, news agent of the Prager Tagblatt, he wrote down the event in his book Die MissionEndre Sós, Jewish community functionary as Miklós Horthy's unofficial observer[30] IrelandFrancis Thomas Cremins, Permanent Delegate to the League of NationsJohn Duff, Assistant Secretary in the Ministry of JusticeWilliam Maguire, Second Assistant Secretary in the Ministry of Industry and Commerce MexicoPrimo Villa Michel, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in the NetherlandsManuel Tello Barraud, Chargé d'Affaires representing the Permanent Delegation to the League of Nations NetherlandsW. C. Beucker Andreae, Head of the Legal Department in the Ministry of Foreign AffairsR. A. Verwey, Director of the State Insurance Office for the Unemployed in the Ministry of Social WelfareI. P. Hooykaas, Adviser in the Ministry of Justice New ZealandC. B. Burdekin, OBE, from the New Zealand High Commissioner's Office in London[31] NicaraguaConstantino Herdocia, minister in Great Britain and France, with the rank of Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary NorwayMichael Hansson, President of the Nansen International Office for Refugees, which received the Nobel Peace Prize later the same yearCarl Platou, Director-General in the Ministry of JusticeFinn Moe, journalist, representative of the private organizations for refugees in NorwayAdviser:R. Konstad, Director of the Norwegian Central Passport Office PanamaDr. Ernesto Hoffmann, Consul-General in Geneva and Permanent Delegate to the League of Nations, with the rank of Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary ParaguayGustavo A. Wiengreen, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in Hungary PeruFrancisco García Calderón Rey, Minister in France, with the rank of Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary SwedenGösta Engzell, Head of the Legal Department in the Ministry of Foreign AffairsC. A. M. de Hallenborg, Head of Section in the Ministry of Foreign AffairsSecretary of the DelegationE. G. Drougge, Secretary at the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance SwitzerlandDr. Heinrich Rothmund, Head of the Police Division of the Federal Department of Justice and PoliceHenri Werner, Lawyer, Police Division of the Federal Department of Justice and Police United KingdomEdward Turnour, 6th Earl Winterton, MP, Chancellor of the Duchy of LancasterSir Michael Palairet, KCMG, Minister PlenipotentiaryAdvisers:Sir John Shuckburgh, KCMG, CB, Under-Secretary of State at the Colonial OfficeJ. G. Hibbert, MC, Director at the Colonial OfficeE. N. Cooper, OBE, Director at the Home OfficeR. M. Makins, Assistant Adviser on League of Nations Questions in the Foreign Office, secretary of the delegationSecretaries to Earl Winterton:Captain Victor Cazalet, MPT. B. Williamson, Home Office United StatesMyron Charles Taylor, Ambassador on Special MissionAdviser:James Grover McDonald, President of the "President Roosevelt Consultative Committee for Political Refugees", formerly League of Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Coming from Germany (1933–1935)Technical Advisers:Robert T. Pell, Division of European Affairs, State DepartmentGeorge L. Brandt, formerly head of the Visa Division in the State DepartmentSecretary of the Delegation:Hayward G. Hill, Consul in GenevaAssistant to James McDonald:George L. Warren, Executive Secretary of the "President Roosevelt Consultive Committee for Political Refugees" UruguayDr. Alfredo Carbonell Debali, Delegate Plenipotentiary VenezuelaCarlos Aristimuño Coll, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in FranceOther delegationsOrganizationRepresentativesHigh Commission for Refugees from GermanySir Neill Malcolm, KCB, DSOFrederick Ponsonby, Viscount Duncannon, secretary to Sir Neill MalcolmTevfik Erim, member of the Political Section of the Secretariat of the League of Nations, father of Kenan ErimGeneral Secretariat of the Intergovernmental CommitteeJean Paul-Boncour, Secretary-GeneralGabrielle Boisseau, Assistant to the Secretary-GeneralJ. Herbert, interpreterEdward Archibald Lloyd, interpreterLouis Constant E. Muller, translatorWilliam David McAfee, translatorMézières, treasurerPrivate organizationsAgudas Israel World Organization, LondonAlliance Israélite Universelle, ParisAmerican, British, Belgian, French, Dutch, and Swiss Catholic Committees for Aid to RefugeesAmerican Joint Distribution Committee, ParisAssociation de colonisation juive, ParisAssociation of German Scholars in Distress Abroad, LondonBureau international pour le respect du droit d'asyle et l'aide aux réfugiés politiques, ParisCentral Bureau for the Settlement of German Jews, LondonCentral Committee for Refugees from Germany, PragueCentre de recherches de solutions au problème juif, ParisComité d'aide et d'assistance aux victimes de l'anti-semitisme en Allemagne, BrusselsComite for Bijzondere Joodsche Belangen, AmsterdamComité international pour le placement des intellectuels réfugiés, GenevaComité pour la défense des droits des Israélites en Europe centrale et orientale, ParisCommittee of Aid for German Jews, LondonCouncil for German Jewry, LondonEmigration Advisory Committee, LondonFédération des émigrés d'Autriche, ParisFédération internationale des émigrés d'Allemagne, ParisFreeland Association, LondonGerman Committee of the Quaker Society of Friends, LondonHICEM, Paris[32]International Christian Committee for Non-Aryans, LondonInternationale ouvrière et socialiste, Paris and BrusselsJewish Agency for Palestine, LondonThe Joint Foreign Committee of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Anglo-Jewish Association, LondonKomitee für die Entwicklung der grossen jüdischen Kolonisation, ZürichLeague of Nations Union, LondonNew Zionist Organization, LondonORT, ParisRoyal Institute of International Affairs, LondonSchweizer Hilfszentrum für Flüchtlinge, BaselService international de migration, GenevaService universitaire international, GenevaSociété d'émigration et de colonisation juive Emcol, ParisSociety for the Protection of Sciences and Studies, LondonUnion des Sociétés OSE, ParisWorld Jewish Congress, ParisPress[The international press was represented by about two hundred journalists, chiefly the League of Nations correspondents of the leading daily and weekly newspapers and news agencies.[33]

Price: 495 USD

Location: Petach Tikva

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1902 F.Vernon/CH.Beylard Art Nouveau medal/Évian Conference for Europe Jews 19381902 F.Vernon/CH.Beylard Art Nouveau medal/Évian Conference for Europe Jews 19381902 F.Vernon/CH.Beylard Art Nouveau medal/Évian Conference for Europe Jews 19381902 F.Vernon/CH.Beylard Art Nouveau medal/Évian Conference for Europe Jews 19381902 F.Vernon/CH.Beylard Art Nouveau medal/Évian Conference for Europe Jews 19381902 F.Vernon/CH.Beylard Art Nouveau medal/Évian Conference for Europe Jews 19381902 F.Vernon/CH.Beylard Art Nouveau medal/Évian Conference for Europe Jews 1938

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