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600 BOOKS - Witchcraft - Witches, Pagans, Magic, Demonology, Spiritism - USB FD

Description: Witchcraft Book Collection on 16 GB USB FLASH DRIVE The Ultimate Collection of 600 Books This is the most complete collection on USB for the best price on eBay. This item is delivered on a fully interactive 16 GB USB FLASH DRIVEreadable on all computers. The files are in PDF format to view, copy or print them easily. They are fully searchable. All our USBs are professionally produced, designed and packaged. This USB contains 600 interesting books about Witchcraft. You will discover information on many topics such as witchcraft, book of angels, catalogues, occult sciences, dissertations, modern spirtualism, witches, devils, handbook, historical account, pagans, personal magnetism, sermons, treatise, airy fairy, amulets and superstitions, magic, demonology, spiritism, mysticism and many more! This outstanding book collection serves as an excellent resource for anyone interested in Witchcraft! Contents: A brief history of witchcraft; with especial reference to the witches of Northamptonshire (1866) - n.a. - 22 pages Demonomania and witchcraft (1871) - Workman, J. - 26 pages Ritual Magic (1949) - Butler, E. - 358 pages The literature of witchcraft (1890) - Burr, G. L. - 36 pages Woman's witchcraft; or, The curse of coquetry. A dramatic romance. (1854) - Hartshorne, H. - 78 pages A Belief In Witchcraft Unsupported By Scriptures (1815) - Paterson, J. - 153 pages A Blow at Modern Sadducism in Some Philosophical Considerations About Witchcraft (1668) - Tilford, T. - 234 pages A book of angels (1906) - n.a. - 374 pages A Brief and True Narrative of Some Remarkable Passages Relating to Sundry Persons Afflicted by Witchcraft, at Salem Village; Which Happened from the Nineteenth of March, to the Fifth of April, 1692 (1936) - Lawson, D. - 64 pages A catalogue raisonné of works on the occult sciences Vol.1 (1903) - Gardner, F. L. - 106 pages A catalogue raisonné of works on the occult sciences Vol.2 (1903) - Gardner, F. L. - 194 pages A catalogue raisonné of works on the occult sciences Vol.3 (1903) - Gardner, F. L. - 56 pages A collection of modern relations of matter of fact, concerning witches & witchcraft upon the persons of people (1693) - Stephens, E. - 88 pages A collection of rare and curious tracts on witchcraft and the second sight; with an original essay on witchcraft (1820) - Webster, D. - 196 pages A Complete Illustration Of The Astrological And Occult Sciences (1879) - Sibley, E. - 571 pages A confirmation and discovery of witchcraft (1973) - Stearne, J. - 92 pages A contemporary narrative of the proceedings against Dame Alice Kyteler, prosecuted for sorcery in 1324 (1843) - Ledrede, R. - 162 pages A critical dissertation concerning the words daímon and daimónion : occasion'd by two late enquiries into the meaning of demoniacks in the New Testament (1738) - Swinton, J. - 486 pages A defence of modern spiritualism (1874) - Wallace, A.R. - 88 pages A detection of that sinnful, shamful, lying, and ridiculous discovrs, of Samuel Harshnet, entituled (1600) - Darrel, J. - 242 pages A Discourse of the Damned Art of Witchcraft (1631) - Tilford, T. - 68 pages A discourse of the subtill practises of deuilles by witches (n.a.) - n.a. - 52 pages A discourse on witchcraft (1736) - n.a. - 48 pages A dissertation on the gospel-daemoniacks (1760) - Young, A. - 44 pages A dweller on two planets or the dividing of the way (1905) - Oliver, F. S. - 454 pages A few words about the devil (1870) - Bradlaugh, C. - 8 pages A full and impartial account of the discovery of sorcery and witchcraft (1712) - Bragge, F. - 40 pages A Full Confutation of Witchcraft (1712) - Baker, J. - 40 pages A Guide to Mexican Witchcraft (1969) - Madsen, C. - 50 pages A handbook of Egyptian religion (1907) - Erman, A. - 296 pages A historical account of the belief in witchcraft in Scotland (1884) - Sharpe, C. K. - 275 pages A history of magic and experimental science Vol.1 (1923) - Thorndike, L. - 886 pages A history of magic and experimental science Vol.2 (1923) - Thorndike, L. - 1054 pages A history of the ridiculous extravagancies of Monsieur Oufle (1711) - Bordelon, L. - 322 pages A history of the witches of Renfrewshire (1809) - n.a. - 209 pages A history of witchcraft in England from 1558 to 1718 (1911) - Notestein, W. - 464 pages A Jerusalem Christian treatise on astrology (1909) - Nakli, Y. - 46 pages A Jesuit in the crucible; Friedrich Spee and the witchcraft hysteria in seventeenth-century Germany (2003) - Modras, R. E. - 64 pages A key to physic, and the occult sciences (1821) - Sibley, E. - 548 pages A lecture on the occult sciences; embracing some account of the New England witchcraft (1845) - Newhall, J. R. - 50 pages A letter to a physician in the country on animal-magnetism, with his answer (1786) - n.a. - 50 pages A manual of occultism (1914) - Sepharial - 402 pages A modern priestess of Isis (1895) - Leaf, W. - 420 pages A new and complete illustration of the occult sciences (1807) - Sibley, E. - 1190 pages A new method of Rosie Crucian physick (1658) - Heydon, J. - 78 pages A Pagan shrine (n.d.) - n.a. - 88 pages A phase of native life, witchcraft (n.d.) - n.a. - 20 pages A philosophical essay on credulity and superstition, and also on animal fascination, or charming (1849) - Blakeman, R. - 222 pages A Popular History of Witchcraft (1937) - Summers, M. - 310 pages A practical manual of animal magnetism; containing an exposition of the methods employed in producing the magnetic phenomena, with its application to the treatment and cure of diseases (1843) - Teste, A. - 436 pages A relation of the diabolical practices of above twenty wizards and witches of the Sheriffdom of Renfrew in the Kingdom of Scotland (1697) - n.a. - 48 pages A safe view of spiritism for Catholics (1920) - Sasia, J. C. - 40 pages A search in secret Egypt (1935) - Brunton, P. - 308 pages A series of lessons in personal magnetism, psychic influence, thought-force, concentration, will-power and practical mental science (1901) - Atkinson, W. W. - 108 pages A sermon against witchcraft, preached in the parish church of Great Paxton, in the county of Huntingdon, July 17, 1808 (1808) - Nicholson, I. - 60 pages A sermon on witchcraft, delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, Nov. 9th, 1845 (1845) - Wilson, J. L. - 28 pages A short history of the Inquistion, what it was and what it did (1907) - Macdonald, E. M. - 856 pages A Short History of the Salem Village Witchcraft Trials (1911) - Perley, M. - 105 pages A short history of the Salem village witchcraft trials, illustrated by a verbatim report of the trial of Mrs. Elizabeth Howe (1911) - Perley, M. - 94 pages A short treatise touching sheriffs accompts (1683) - Hale, M. - 200 pages A small treatise of sicknesses and diseases from witchcraft, and supernatural causes (1665) - Drage, W. - 70 pages A Strange Report Of Sixe Most Notorious Witches (1601) - n.a. - 71 pages A suggestive inquiry into the hermetic mystery (1850) - Atwood, M. A. - 568 pages A Summer Ride Through Western Tibet (1906) - Duncan, J. E. - 449 pages A survey of certaine dialogical discourses (1602) - Darrel, J.. - 108 pages A treatise of magic incantations (1886) - Pazig, C. - 58 pages A Treatise of Specters or Straunge sights visions and apparitions (1605) - n.a. - 235 pages A treatise of specters, or, Straunge sights, visions, and apparitions appearing sensibly unto men (1605) - Loyer, P. - 318 pages A Treatise of Witchcraft (1616) - Tilford, T. - 108 pages A Treatise on the Phenomena of Animal Magnetism (1822) - Loewe, M. - 151 pages A Treatise on white magic (1934) - Bailey, A. A. - 674 pages A Treatise Proving Spirits, Witches, and Supernatural Operation (1672) - n.a. - 230 pages A True And Exact Relation Of The Severall Informations, Examinations, And Confessions Of The Late Witches (1645) - n.a. - 31 pages A true and exact relation, of the severall informations, examinations, and confessions of the late witches, arraigned and executed in the county of Essex (1837) - Clark, C. - 80 pages A true relation of the araignment of thirty witches (n.d.) - n.a. - 5 pages A tryal of witches, at the Assizes held at Bury St. Edmonds for the County of Suffolk, on the tenth day of March, 1664, before Sir Matthew Hale Kt., then Lord Chief Baron of His Majesties Court of Exchequer (1838) - Cullender, R. - 60 pages A view of the Scripture revelations respecting good and evil angels (1856) - Whately, R. - 208 pages A vindication of the Surey demoniack as no impostor (1698) - Jollie, T. - 80 pages A Wiccan Bible; Exploring The Mysteries Of The Craft From Birth To Summerland (2003) - Drew, A. J. - 425 pages A world of wonders, or, Divers developments, showing the thorough triumph of animal magnetism in New England (1838) - Peabody, J. R. - 188 pages Account Of The Life Character & Ect Of The Rev Samuel Parris Of Salem Village and of His Connections with the Witchcraft Delusion of 1692 (1857) - Fowler, S. P. - 26 pages Airy fairy Lilian Vol.1 (1879) - Hungerford, M. W. - 329 pages Airy fairy Lilian Vol.2 (1879) - Hungerford, M. W. - 321 pages Airy fairy Lilian Vol.3 (1879) - Hungerford, M. W. - 337 pages All about devils (1890) - Hull, M. - 62 pages Allusions to witchcraft and other primitve beliefs in the Zoroastrian literature (1911) - Frachtenberg, L. J. - 66 pages Among my books (1873) - Lowell, J. R. - 396 pages Amulets and superstitions (1930) - Budge, E. A. - 590 pages An account of the trial, confession & condemnation of six witches, at Maidstone (1837) - n.a. - 42 pages An advertisement to the jury-men of England touching witches (1975) - Filmer, R. - 48 pages An Analysis Of Magic And Witchcraft (1928) - Olliver, C. W. - 274 pages An Encyclopaedia Of Occultism, Magic, Demonology, Spiritism And Mysticism (1920) - n.a. - 492 pages An Encyclopaedia of Occultism; A Compendium of Information on the Occult Sciences, Occult Personalities, Psychic Science, Magic, Demonology, Spiritism and Mysticism (1920) - Spence, L. - 500 pages An enquiry into the meaning of demoniacks in the New Testament (1737) - Sykes, A. A. - 84 pages An essay on demonology, ghosts and apparitions, and popular superstitions (1831) - Thacher, J. - 252 pages An essay on evil spirits (1827) - Carlisle, W. - 192 pages An essay on evil spirits; or, Reasons to prove their existence (1825) - Carlisle, W. - 194 pages An essay on the demoniacs of the New Testament (1775) - Farmer, H. - 440 pages An historical essay concerning witchcraft. With observations upon matters of fact (1720) - Hutchinson, F. - 372 pages An historical, physiological and theological treatise of spirits, apparitions, witchcrafts, and other magical practices (1705) - Beaumont, J. - 430 pages An history of magic, witchcraft, and animal magnetism Vol.1 (1851) - Colquhoun, J. C. - 435 pages An history of magic, witchcraft, and animal magnetism Vol.2 (1851) - Colquhoun, J. C. - 329 pages An impartial enquiry into the case of the gospel Demoniacks : with an appendix, consisting of an essay on Scripture Demonology (1777) - Worthington, W. - 364 pages An Occult View of Health and Disease (1925) - Hodson, G. - 70 pages An Outline Of Occult Science (1914) - Steiner, R. - 484 pages Ancient cures, charms, and usages of Ireland; contributions to Irish lore (1890) - Wilde, L. - 282 pages Ancient Egyptian legends (1913) - Murray, M. A. - 128 pages Angelology. Remarks & Reflections Touching the Agency & Ministration of Holy Angels (1851) - Clayton, G. - 267 pages Angels in art (1898) - Waters, C. E. C. - 279 pages Angels, and devils, and man (1904) - Graham, W. - 384 pages Animal magnetism and homoeopathy (1838) - Lee, E. - 110 pages Animal Magnetism and Magnetic Lucid Somnambulism (1866) - Lee, E. - 362 pages Animal magnetism, or, mesmerism and its phenomena (1877) - Gregory, W. - 272 pages Animal magnetism; a ballad with explanatory notes and observations; containing several curious anecdotes of animal magnetisers, ancient as well as modern (1791) - Absonus, V. - 58 pages Animal magnetism; or Psycodunamy (1846) - Leger, T. - 402 pages Annals of Witchcraft in New England, and Elsewhere in the United States (1869) - Drake, S. G. - 331 pages Annals of witchcraft in New England; and elsewhere in the United States, from their first settlement (n.d.) - Drake, S. G. - 322 pages Antike Fluchtafeln (1912) - Wünsch, R. - 46 pages Aramaic incantation texts from Nippur (1913) - Montgomery, J. A. - 416 pages Artificial somnambulism, hitherto called mesmerism, or animal magnetism (1869) - Fahnestock, W. B. - 300 pages As mouras encantadas e os encantamentos no Algarve (1898) - Oliveira, A. - 368 pages Assamese Demonology (1905) - Benudhar, R. - 63 pages Astrological and magical treatises (n.d.) - Abū, M. - 528 pages Authentic anecdotes of George Lukins, the Yatton doemoniac; with a view of the controversy, and a full refutation of the imposture (1788) - Norman, S. - 52 pages Babylonian magic and sorcery (1896) - King, L. W. - 398 pages Beasts and sevens of Revelations (1917) - Robinson, L. K. - 142 pages Beliefs and superstitions of the Pennsylvania Germans (1915) - Fogel, E. M. - 410 pages Biblia cabalistica; or, The cabalistic Bible (1903) - Begley, W. - 170 pages Bibliographical notes on the witchcraft literature of Scotland (1897) - Ferguson, J. - 94 pages Book of psychology. Pathetism, historical, philosophical, practical. (1853) - Sunderland, L. R. - 136 pages Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft (1997) - Buckland, R. - 270 pages Caroline Hargrave, the merchant's daughter; being the first series of the mysteries of Salem; or, Modern witchcraft (1900) - n.a. - 36 pages Certain astrological and astronomical figures (1410) - Honourius - 21 pages Christian astrology (1647) - William, L. - 894 pages Clothed with the sun (1889) - Kingsford, A. B. - 368 pages Collected fruits of occult teaching (1920) - Sinnett, A. P. - 316 pages Collection of prayers and charms (1750) - n.a. - 305 pages Compendium maleficarum in tres libros distinctum ex pluribus authoribus (1608) - Guazzo, F. M. - 266 pages Cotton Mather & witchcraft (1870) - Poole, W. F. - 36 pages Cotton Mather and Salem Witchcraft (1869) - Poole, W. F. - 83 pages Cotton Mather, keeper of the Puritan conscience (n.d.) - Boas, R. P. - 306 pages Credulities past and present (1898) - Jones, W. - 612 pages Cults Customs And Superstitions Of India (1908) - Campbell, O. J. - 399 pages Curiosités infernales (1886) - Jacob, P. L. - 412 pages Curious cases and amusing actions at law; including some trials of witches in the seventeenth century (1916) - Mather, C. - 255 pages Daemoniaci, hoc est, De obsessis a spiritibus daemoniorum hominibus liber unus (1603) - Thyraeus, P. - 334 pages Daemonologia sacra; or, A treatise of Satans temptations (1677) - Gilpin, R. - 650 pages Daimonologia, or, A treatise of spirits (1723) - Daillon, J. - 203 pages Daimonologia; or, a treatise of spirits (1723) - Daillon, J. - 204 pages Daimonomageia. A small treatise of sicknesses and diseases from witchcraft, and supernatural causes. (1665) - Drage, W. - 70 pages De idololatria magica, dissertatio, Ioannis Filesaci theologi Parisiensis (1609) - Filesac, J. - 180 pages De La Demonomanie Des Sorciers (1587) - Bodin, J. - 613 pages De praestigiis daemonum, et incantationibus ac ueneficijs, libri V (1563) - Weyer, J. - 488 pages De praestigiis et incantationibus daemonum et necromanticorum, liber singularis nunquam antè hac aeditus (1568) - Argentine, R. - 260 pages Deamoniacs an enquiry into the heathen and the scripture doctrine of daemons ; in which the hypotheses of the Rev. Mr. Farmer, and others on this subject, are particularly considered (1779) - Fell, J. - 456 pages Deamoniacs; an enquiry into the heathen and the scripture doctrine of daemons (1779) - Fell, J. - 456 pages Delusion, or, The witch of New England (1840) - Lee, E. B. - 174 pages Demon Possesion And Allied Themes (n.d.) - n.a. - 536 pages Demon possession and allied themes; being an inductive study of phenomena of our own times (1896) - Nevius, J. L. - 542 pages Demon worship and other superstitions in Ceylon (2003) - n.a. - 44 pages Demoniality or, Incubi and succubi (1879) - Sinistrari, L. M. - 292 pages Demoniality; or, Incubi and succubi (1879) - Sinistrari, L. M. - 292 pages Demonic possession in the New Testament : its relations historical, medical, and theological (1902) - Alexander, W. M. - 326 pages Demonic possession in the New Testament; its relations historical, medical, and theological (1902) - Alexander, W. M. - 326 pages Demonism verified and analyzed (1922) - White, H. W. - 193 pages Demonologia; or, natural knowledge revealed (1833) - F. J. S. - 468 pages Demonology and devil-lore Vol.1 (1879) - Conway, M. D. - 454 pages Demonology and devil-lore Vol.2 (1879) - Conway, M. D. - 492 pages Demonology and witchcraft; with especial reference to modern spiritualism, so-called, and the doctrines of demons (1889) - Brown, R. - 396 pages Demonology; or, The Scripture doctrine of devils (1856) - Young, J. - 472 pages Demons and tongues (1910) - White, A. - 96 pages Departed gods. The gods of our forefathers. (1891) - Fradenburgh, J. N. - 474 pages Des sorcières et des devineresses (1926) - Molitor, U. - 154 pages Devil stories; an anthology (1921) - Rudwin, M. J. - 358 pages Devil worship; the sacred books and traditions of the Yezidiz (1919) - Isya, J. - 232 pages Devil-dancers, witch-finders, rain-makers, and medicine-men (1896) - Lang, A. - 64 pages Devil's Bible (2007) - Diabolique, L. S. - 196 pages Devonshire witches (1874) - Karkeek, P. Q. - 34 pages Diabolology; the person and kingdom of Satan (1890) - Jewett, E. H. - 226 pages Diabolology. The person and kingdom of Satan (1889) - Jewett, E. H. - 228 pages Diabruras, santidades e prophecias (1894) - Teixeira, A. - 180 pages Dictionary Of Mythology, Folklore And Symbols (1962) - Gill, J. O. - 1129 pages Dictionnaire infernal; répertoire universel (1863) - Plancy, C. - 748 pages Die alchemie (1869) - Latz, G. - 291 pages Die Engel in der altchristlichen Kunst (1897) - Stuhlfauth, G. - 276 pages Disease-spirits and divine cures among the Greeks and Romans (1921) - Simboli, C. R. - 90 pages Dissertatio inauguralis medica, de panacea (1730) - Institoris, M. M. - 24 pages Dissertatio medica de consensu partium (1968) - Triller, J. M. - 28 pages Doctor Wilson's second sermon on witchcraft (1846) - Wilson, J. L. - 28 pages Elizabethan demonology; an essay in illustration of the belief in the existence of devils, and the powers possessed by them, as it was generally held during the period of the reformation, and the times immediately succeeding; with special reference to Shakspere and his works (1880) - Salding, T. A. - 172 pages Erreurs, superstitions, doctrines médicales (1879) - Perret, L. - 368 pages Essays in occultism, spiritism, and demonology (1919) - Harris, W. R. - 204 pages Exposition, or, A new theory of animal magnetism (1837) - Durant, C. F. - 232 pages Fact and fancy in spiritualism, theosophy, and psychical research (1901) - Hubbell, G. G. - 222 pages Facts in mesmerism or animal magnetism; with reasons for a dispassionate inquiry into it (1841) - Townshend, C. H. - 562 pages Fairy tales by the Countess D'Aulnoy (1856) - Aulnoy, M. - 692 pages Fairy tales every child should know; a selection of the best fairy tales of all times and of all authors (1905) - Wright, M. H. - 398 pages Faith-healing, Christian science and kindred phenomena (1892) - Buckley, J. M. - 328 pages Faith-healing; Christian science and kindred phenomena (1898) - Buckley, J. M. - 328 pages Faiths And Folklore Vol. 1 (1905) - Hazlitt, C. W. - 350 pages Faiths And Folklore Vol. 2 (1905) - Hazlitt, C. W. - 358 pages Farther observations on demoniac possession, and animadversions on some of the curious arts of superstition (1822) - Heaton, J. - 120 pages Favourite French fairy tales (1921) - Douglas, B. - 276 pages Finger-ring lore; historical, legendary, anecdotal (1877) - Jones, W. - 602 pages Folk tales from the Russian (1903) - Blumenthal, V. X. - 160 pages Folk-medicine; a chapter in the history of culture (1883) - Black, W. G. - 246 pages Four basic principles of numerology (1921) - Householder, F. - 160 pages From the caves and jungles of Hindostan (1908) - Blavatsky, H. P. - 318 pages Further Notes on the History of Witchcraft in Massachusetts (1884) - Goodell, A. C. - 71 pages Getting along without the devil (1919) - Steele, W. A. - 122 pages Ghosts, vampires, werewolves and witches; Selected fiction (1997) - Manson, A. - 8 pages Gods and devils of mankind (1897) - Dobbins, F. S. - 788 pages Greek medicine in its relation to religion and magic (1937) - Edelstein, L. - 50 pages Gypsy sorcery and fortune telling, illustrated by numerous incantations, specimens of medical magic, anecdotes, and tales (1891) - Leland, C. G. - 271 pages H. P. Blavatsky; a great betrayal (1922) - Cleather, A. L. - 96 pages H. P. Blavatsky; her life and work for humanity (1922) - Cleather, A. L. - 124 pages H.P. Blavatsky and the masters of the wisdom (1907) - Besant, A. W. - 68 pages Helena Petrovna Blavatsky; foundress of the original Theosophical Society in New York, 1875, the international headquarters of which are now at Point Loma, California (1921) - Tingley, K. A. W. - 106 pages Hindoo hypnotism; some startling information relative to a most marvellous course in hypnotism (1900) - n.a. - 4 pages Hours with the ghosts, or, Nineteenth century witchcraft (1897) - Evans, H. R. - 316 pages How to attain success through the strength of vibration (1917) - Balliett, L. D. - 82 pages Huchede History of Anti-Christ (n.d.) - n.a. - 60 pages Ideal metrology in nature, art, religion and history (1908) - Wood, H. G. - 292 pages Images and symbols (1952) - Eliade, M. - 177 pages Immortality and our employments hereafter (1907) - Peebles, J. M. - 342 pages Incomplete text on letter magic (1700) - n.a. - 16 pages Incubation, or, The cure of disease in pagan temples and Christian churches (1906) - Hamilton, M. - 240 pages Io. Francisci Pici Mirandulae Diologus in tres libros divisus. Titulus est Strix (1523) - Mirandola, P. - 106 pages Ioannes (1523) - Abiosi, G. - 64 pages Irish witchcraft and demonology (1913) - Seymour, J. D. - 272 pages Is It Medicine Or Witchcraft (n.d.) - n.a. - 31 pages Is the devil a myth (1913) - Wimberly, C. F. - 168 pages Jewish Fairy Tales (n.d.) - n.a. - 96 pages John Webster's demonology (1968) - Bohl, D. L. - 44 pages Journal för animal magnetism (1815) - Cederschjöld, P. G. - 428 pages Kerubim in semitic religion and art (1912) - Lindsay, F. N. - 48 pages King Babylonian Magic And Sorcery (1896) - King, L. W. - 307 pages King James, the First; Dæmonologie (1924) - n.a. - 136 pages King Philip's war, and Witchcraft in New England (1890) - Hutchinson, T. - 72 pages L'enfer des peuples anciens (1784) - Delandine, A. F. - 594 pages La Sorcière (1863) - Michelet, J. - 432 pages Lectures on the Scripture revelations respecting good & evil angels (1851) - Whately, R. - 224 pages Lectures on Witchcraft; Comprising a History of the Delusion in Salem, in 1692 (1832) - Upham, C. W. - 313 pages Legends of ancient Egypt; stories of Egyptian gods and heroes (1920) - Brooksbank, F. H. - 280 pages Les Farfadets, ou Tous les démons ne sont pas de l'autre monde Vol.1 (1821) - Berbiguier, T. - 474 pages Les Farfadets, ou Tous les démons ne sont pas de l'autre monde Vol.2 (1821) - Berbiguier, T. - 460 pages Les Farfadets, ou Tous les démons ne sont pas de l'autre monde Vol.3 (1821) - Berbiguier, T. - 462 pages Letters on demonology and witchcraft (1887) - Scott, W. - 320 pages Letters on demonology and witchcraft, addressed to J.G. Lockhart (1836) - Walter, S. - 348 pages Letters to the Rev. Dr. Worthington; in answer to his late publication, intitled An impartial enquiry into the case of the gospel demoniaks (1778) - Farmer, H. - 260 pages Litauische zaubersprüche (1929) - Mansikka, V. J. - 116 pages Lives Of The Necromancers (1876) - Godwin, W. - 346 pages Lucifer; a theological tragedy (1899) - Santayana, G. - 212 pages Luciferianism or Satanism In English Freemasony (1898) - Fouquet, L. - 136 pages Madame Blavatsky and her 'theosophy', a study (1895) - Lillie, A. B. - 248 pages Madame Blavatsky; her tricks and her dupes (1894) - n.a. - 52 pages Magic and healing (1947) - Thompson, C. J. S. - 194 pages Magic and mystery; a popular history (1894) - Thompson, A. - 136 pages Magic And Religion (1901) - Vetter, G. B. - 366 pages Magic and science in Yunnan (1943) - Hsu, F. L. K. - 66 pages Magic and witchcraft (1852) - Moir, G. - 130 pages Magic, Divination, And Witchcraft Among The Barotse Of Northern Rhodesia (1963) - Barrie, R. - 242 pages Magic, sorcery, astrology and kindred superstitions (1902) - MacDoland, K. S. - 41 pages Magic, white and black; or, The science of finite and infinite life (1910) - Hartmann, F. - 302 pages Magic, witchcraft, animal magnetism, hypnotism, and electro-biology (1852) - Braid, J. - 135 pages Magic' black and white charms and counter charms (1910) - Davies, T. W. - 154 pages Magiologia, das ist; Christlicher Bericht von dem Aberglauben und Zauberey (1675) - Anhorn, B. - 1208 pages Malleus maleficarum (1494) - Institoris, H. - 304 pages Malleus maleficarum (1948) - Institoris, H. - 310 pages Man; body, mind, and soul, Satan, hell, and heaven (1902) - Osborn, S. O. - 154 pages Manual Descriptive of a Collection of Talismans Engraved on Stones and Metals of various Countries and Epochs (1889) - Sommerville, M. - 55 pages Marbodei dei galli poetae vetustissimi De lapidibus pretiosis enchiridion (1531) - Marbode, B. - 110 pages Mary Schweidler, the amber witch. The most interesting trial for witchcraft ever known. (1903) - Meinhold, W. - 180 pages Masks And Demons (1923) - Macgowan, K. - 196 pages Materials toward a history of witchcraft, collected by Henry Charles Lea Vol.3 (1899) - Lea, H. C. - 520 pages Mathematical elements of natural philosophy confirmed by experiments, or, an introduction to Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy (1721) - Gravesande, W. J. - 404 pages Meaning of Witchcraft (1959) - Gardner, G. B. - 300 pages Medical and magical compendium (1533) - John, P. - 233 pages Medicina diastatica, or, Sympatheticall mumie (1653) - Tenzel, A. - 164 pages Memoirs of extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds Vol.1 (1869) - Mackay, C. - 320 pages Memoirs of extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds Vol.2 (1869) - Mackay, C. - 334 pages Modern magic (1873) - Schele de Vere, M. - 480 pages Modern Witchcraft (n.d.) - Riva, A. - 57 pages More wonders of the invisible world, or The wonders of the invisible world displayed (1823) - Calef, R. - 322 pages More wonders of the invisible world, or The wonders of the invisible world displayed iIn five parts (1823) - Calef, R. - 324 pages Mysteries, or, Glimpses of the supernatural (1852) - Elliott, C. W. - 305 pages Myths and legends of ancient Egypt (1930) - Spence, L. - 475 pages Myths Of Babylonia And Assyria (n.d.) - n.a. - 588 pages Names, dates, and numbers; what they mean to you (1914) - Walton, R. P. - 86 pages Narratives of sorcery and magic, from the most authentic sources (1852) - Wright, T. - 440 pages Narratives of sorcery and magic; from the most authentic sources (1851) - Wright, T. - 375 pages Narratives of sorcery and magic; from the most authentic sources Vol.1 (1851) - Wright, T. - 375 pages Narratives of sorcery and magic; from the most authentic sources Vol.2 (1851) - Wright, T. - 349 pages Narratives of the witchcraft cases, 1648-1706 (1914) - Burr, G. L. - 498 pages Nativity; its facts and fancies, legends and lore; an almanac and perpetual calendar of cabalistic texts, gems, talismans, guardians (1887) - Totten, C. A. L. - 164 pages Natural magick (1658) - Porta, G. - 436 pages Notebook of magical formulae (1924) - n.a. - 36 pages Notes on the history of witchcraft in Massachusettes (1883) - Moore, G. H. - 36 pages Notes on witchcraft (1907) - Kittredge, G. L. - 77 pages Novus malleus maleficarum sub quaestione de strigibus seu maleficis (1581) - n.a. - 426 pages Number in Scripture; its supernatural design and spiritual significance (1894) - Bullinger, E. W. - 311 pages Numbers; their occult power and mystic virtues (1911) - Westcott, W. W. - 127 pages Numerals of the Bible 888 (1879) - Upjohn, J. A. - 90 pages Obeah; witchcraft in the West Indies (1970) - Bell, H. - 233 pages Occult Japan; or, The way of the gods; an esoteric study of Japanese personality and possession (1895) - Lowell, P. - 408 pages Occult science in India and among the ancients; with an account of their mystic initiations and the history of spiritism (1919) - Jacolliot, L. - 284 pages Occult science in medicine (1893) - Hartmann, F. - 112 pages Occult theocrasy (1933) - Paget, E. S. M. - 789 pages Occultism and common-sense (1908) - Wilson, B. - 328 pages Occultism for beginners (1917) - Dower, W. H. - 99 pages Occultism Witchcraft And Cultural Fashions (1978) - n.a. - 160 pages Occultism, Semi-Occultism and Pseudo-Occultism (1912) - Annie, B. - 30 pages Occultism, spiritism, materialism (1879) - Kidd, A. - 168 pages Of credulity and incredulity, in things natural, civil, and divine (1668) - Casaubon, M. - 344 pages Old witch jail and dungeon; built 1684, witchcraft period 1692-93, discontinued as a jail 1813 (1952) - Goodell, A. P. - 16 pages On charms and talismans (1813) - n.a. - 170 pages On the prevalence of certain numbers in relation to events (1849) - n.a. - 100 pages Osiris & The Egyptian Resurrection Volume 1 (1811) - Wallis, E. A. - 462 pages Osiris & The Egyptian Resurrection Volume 2 (1811) - Wallis, E. A. - 460 pages Paganism In Education (1852) - Small, R. - 214 pages Palmoni; or, The numerals of scripture, a proof of inspiration. a free inquiry. (1863) - Mahan, M. - 192 pages Papyrus fragments from The book of the dead (300) - n.a. - 10 pages Pathetism; man considered in respect to his form, life, sensation, soul, mind, spirit (1847) - Sunderland, L. R. - 162 pages Pathetism; with practical instructions (1843) - Sunderland, L. R. - 274 pages Penal methods of the Middle Ages; criminals, witches, lunatics (1910) - Ives, G. - 192 pages Phantasms of the living Volume 1 (1886) - Gurney, E. - 668 pages Phantasms of the living Volume 2 (1886) - Gurney, E. - 772 pages Philip English's two cups, '1692.' (1869) - Condit, E. F. - 120 pages Philosophy of popular superstitions, and the effects of credulity and imagination upon the moral, social, and intellectual condition of the human race (1953) - Emmons, S. B. - 300 pages Philosophy reformed & improved, in four profound tractates (1657) - Pinnell, H. - 322 pages Philtres, charmes, poisons; antiquité, moyen âge, renaissance, temps modernes (1880) - Gilbert, E. - 100 pages Popery, superstition, ignorance, and knavery, very unjustly by a letter in the general pretended (1698) - Taylor, Z. - 28 pages Popular fairy tales; or, A liliputian library (1818) - Tabart, B. - 390 pages Popular home remedies and superstitions of the Pennsylvania Germans (1941) - Aurand, A. M. - 36 pages Pott's Discovery of witches in the county of Lancaster (1745) - Potts, T. - 348 pages Practical guide to the investigation of spiritualism, healing, and the occult sciences (1898) - Walrond, G. W. - 36 pages Practical occultism (1921) - Kenilworth, W. W. - 324 pages Prayers to expel the evil spirits (1945) - n.a. - 36 pages Precious stones; for curative wear; and other remedial uses; likewise the nobler metals (1907) - Fernie, W. T. - 516 pages Prince Darling and other stories; based on the tales in the 'Blue fairy book' (1930) - Lang, A. - 228 pages Prophetical observations occasion'd by the new comet (1723) - n.a. - 38 pages Realms of the living dead, a brief description of life after death (1917) - Curtiss, H. A. - 311 pages Records of Salem witchcraft, copied from the original documents. Vol.1 (1864) - Woodward, W. E. - 582 pages Records of Salem witchcraft, copied from the original documents. Vol.2 (1864) - Woodward, W. E. - 330 pages Remarkable trial of Jean Maxwell,the Galloway sorceress; which took plate at Kirkcudbright on the twenty-eighth day of June last, 1805 (1805) - Maxwell, J. - 32 pages Reminiscences of H. P. Blavatsky and 'The secret doctrine' (1893) - Wachtmeister, C. - 160 pages Russian fairy tales; a choice collection of Muscovite folk-lore (1887) - Ralston, W. R. S. - 396 pages Russian Folk-Tales (1873) - Ralston, W. R. S. - 408 pages Sacred and legendary art Vol.1 (1866) - Jameson, A. - 448 pages Sacred and legendary art Vol.2 (1866) - Jameson, A. - 454 pages Saducismus triumphatus, or, Full and plain evidence concerning witches and apparitions (1705) - Glanvill, J. - 362 pages Salem Witchcraft and Cotton Mather. A Reply. (1869) - Upham, C. W. - 110 pages Salem witchcraft in outline (1891) - Upham, C. E. - 202 pages Salem witchcraft; comprising More wonders of the invisible world (1861) - Fowler, S. P. - 468 pages Salem witchcraft; with an account of Salem village, and a history of opinions on witchcraft and kindred subjects (1867) - Upham, C. W. - 576 pages Salem; a tale of the seventeenth century (1874) - Derby, C. R. - 356 pages Satan as a Moral Philosopher; With Other Essays and Sketches (1877) - Henry, C. S. - 319 pages Satan in society (1890) - Starr, E. A. - 442 pages Satan Prince Of This World (n.d.) - Carr, W. G. - 92 pages Scottish fairy and folk tales (1900) - Douglas, G. B. - 392 pages Scottish ghost stories (1911) - O'Donnell, E. - 306 pages Scottish witchcraft trials (1890) - Brodie-Innes, J. W. - 76 pages Select Cases of Conscience touching Witches and Witchcraft by John Gaule (1646) - Thomas, C. - 230 pages Sermons by the devil (1904) - Harris, W. S. - 318 pages Seth, God Of Confusion (1967) - Velde, H. T. - 190 pages Shakespeare and the supernatural (1906) - Lucy, M. - 51 pages Sidonia the sorceress, the supposed destroyer of the whole reigning ducal house of Pomerania Vol.1 (1894) - Meinhold, W. - 444 pages Sidonia the sorceress, the supposed destroyer of the whole reigning ducal house of Pomerania Vol.2 (1894) - Meinhold, W. - 448 pages Some features of the supernatural as represented in plays of the reigns of Elizabeth and James (1903) - Schelling, F. E. - 28 pages Some observations on the study of the Secret doctrine (1922) - Wadia, B. P. - 21 pages Something about Obeah (1891) - Thomas, H. T. - 14 pages Sorcellerie, magnétisme, morphinisme, délire des grandeurs (1887) - Regnard, P. - 458 pages Sorciers de Savoie (1900) - Kerdaniel, E. L. - 52 pages Spiritualism (1898) - Edmonds, J. W. - 322 pages Spiritualism sustained (1886) - Kelso, J. R. - 268 pages Spiritualism tested, or, The facts of its history classified, and their cause in nature verified (1860) - Samson, G. W. - 202 pages Strange phenomena of New England in the seventeenth century; including the 'Salem witchcraft,' '1692' (1846) - Mather, C. - 68 pages Supernatural beings in the French medieval dramas; with special reference to the miracles of the Virgin (1923) - Axelsen, A. - 80 pages Supplementary notes on witchcraft in Massachusetts; a critical examination of the alleged law of 1711 for reversing the attainders of the witches of 1692 (1884) - Moore, G. H. - 34 pages Tales of terror; or, The mysteries of magic; a selection of wonderful and supernatural stories (1848) - Henry, C. - 292 pages Tentamen academicum graduale de magia daemonica (1729) - Dahlgren, J. - 24 pages The amber witch the most interesting trial for witchcraft ever known (1844) - Meinhold, W. - 282 pages The amber witch; a romance (1895) - Meinhold, W. - 282 pages The ancient science of number; the practical application of its principles in the attainment of health, success, and happines (1908) - Luo, C. - 140 pages The anti-universalist, or, History of the fallen angels of the Scriptures; proofs of the being of Satan and of evil spirits, and many other curious matters connected therewith (1839) - Priest, J. - 426 pages The Asuri-Kalpa; a witchcraft practice of the Atharva-Veda (1889) - Magoun, H. W. - 40 pages The attitude of the Catholic church towards withcraft and the allied practices of sorcery and magic (1915) - Pratt, A. M. - 141 pages The autobiography of Satan (1872) - Beard, J. R. - 442 pages The ban of the Bori; demons and demon-dancing in West and North Africa (1914) - Tremeanre, A. J. N. - 578 pages The Bible history of Satan (1858) - n.a. - 41 pages The Biography Of Satan (1924) - Gauvin, M. - 174 pages The Blue Fairy Book (1928) - Lang, A. - 405 pages The Book Of Black Magic And Of Pacts (1910) - n.a. - 346 pages The Book Of Forbidden Knowledge (n.d.) - n.a. - 20 pages The Book of Illustrations; or, Scripture truths exhibited by the aid of Similes, original and selected (1840) - Salter, H. G. - 577 pages The Book of Talismans, Amulets and Zodiacal Gems (1922) - Pavitt, W. - 342 pages The book of the magi (1896) - Barrett, F. - 312 pages The book of the sacred magic of Abra-Melin the mage (1932) - n.a. - 326 pages The book of witches (1909) - Hueffer, O. M. - 358 pages The brown fairy book (1904) - Lang, A. - 398 pages The case against spiritualism (1919) - Stoddart, J. T. - 152 pages The Case of the Hertfordshire Witchcraft Consider'd (1712) - Tilford, T. - 110 pages The ceremonies for the healing of them that be diseased with the King's Evil, used in the time of King Henry VII (1789) - n.a. - 8 pages The certainty of the world of spirits fully evinced (1834) - Baxter, R. - 200 pages The certainty of the worlds of spirits, and consequently, of the immortality of souls (1691) - Baxter, R. - 252 pages The compleat wizzard; being a collection of authentic and entertaining narratives of the real existence and appearance of ghosts, demons, and spectres (1770) - n.a. - 252 pages The Count de Gabalis; being a diverting history of the Rosicrucian doctrine of spirits (1714) - Villars, A. - 106 pages The crimson fairy book (1903) - Lang, A. - 400 pages The cross of the Magi; an unveiling of the greatest of all the ancient mysteries (1912) - Higgins, F. C. - 70 pages The Curious Lore of Precious Stones; being a Description of their Sentiments and Folk Lore, Superstitions, Symbolism, Mysticism, Use in Medicine, Proctection, Prevention, Religion and Divination, Crystal Gazing, Birthstones, Lucky Stones and Talismans, Astral, Zodical and Planetary (1913) - Kunz, G. F. - 522 pages The day of wisdom according to number vibration (1917) - Balliett, L. D. - 196 pages The demonism of the ages, spirit obsessions so common in spiritism, oriental and occidental occultism (1904) - Peebles, J. M. - 406 pages The demonism of the ages; spirit obsessions so common in spiritism, oriental and occidental occultism (1904) - Peebles, J. M. - 401 pages The devil cast out; being an authentic narrative of facts respecting George Lukins, who was wonderfully delivered from an evil spirit, in the vestry-room of Temple Church, Bristol, on Friday, June 13, 1788 (1814) - n.a. - 26 pages The Devil in Britain and America (1896) - Ashton, J. - 397 pages The devil turn'd casuist, or, The cheats of Rome laid open, in the exorcism of a despairing devil, at the house of Thomas Pennington in Orrel in the parish of Wigan and county of Lancaster (1696) - Taylor, Z. - 36 pages The devil unmasked (1900) - Cooksey, N. B. - 280 pages The devil worshipper (1908) - Ray, F. A. - 488 pages The Devil, his origin, greatness and decadence (1871) - Reville, A. - 97 pages The Devil's legacy to earth mortals (1880) - n.a. - 96 pages The Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia Vol.1 (1903) - Thompson, R. C. - 291 pages The Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia Vol.2 (1904) - Thompson, R. C. - 248 pages The discouerie of witchcraft (1584) - Scot, R. - 620 pages The discoverie of witchcraft (1886) - Reginald, S. - 692 pages The discovery of witchcraft (1665) - Scot, R. - 408 pages The discovery of witches; a study of Master Matthew Hopkins, commonly call'd Witch finder generall (1928) - Summers, M. - 74 pages The displaying of supposed witchcraft (1677) - Webster, J. - 386 pages The Divine Mysteries; The Divine Treatment of Sin and The Divine Mystery of Peace (1869) - Brown, J. B. - 407 pages The divine mystery (1910) - Clymer, R. S. - 194 pages The divine origin of the craft of the herbalist (1928) - Budge, E. A. W. - 116 pages The Encyclopedia Of Occult Sciences (n.d.) - Poinsot, M. C. - 490 pages The examination and confession of certain witches at Chelmsford in the county of Essex (1864) - Beigel, H. - 81 pages The existence of evil spirits proved; and their agency, particularly in relation to the human race (1845) - Scott, W. - 524 pages The extraordinary affliction, and gracious relief of a little boy supposed to be the effects of spiritual agency (1822) - Heaton, J. - 166 pages The fate of Dietrich Flade (1891) - Burr, G. L. - 66 pages The Folklore Of Bombay (1923) - Enthoven, R. B. - 358 pages The foot-prints of Satan, or, The Devil in history; the counterpart of God in history (1873) - Read, H. - 584 pages The fundamental principles of the Yi-king, Tao, and the Cabbalas of Egypt and the Hebrews (1920) - Boyile, Z. J. - 67 pages The geography of witchcraft (1927) - Summers, M. - 670 pages The God of the Witches (1931) - Murray, M. - 91 pages The Golden Bough; A Study in Magic and Religion (1900) - Frazer, J. G. - 508 pages The Great Book Of Magical Art, Hindu Magic And East Indian Occultism (1915) - Laurence, L. W. - 658 pages The green fairy book (1965) - Lang, A. - 385 pages The grey fairy book (1905) - Lang, A. - 412 pages The hand of destiny; the folk-lore and superstitions of everyday life (1932) - Thompson, C. J. S. - 324 pages The Hermetic and alchemical writings of Aureolus Philippus Theophrastus Bombast, of Hohenheim, called Paracelsus the Great Vol.1 (1894) - Waite, A. E. - 422 pages The Hermetic and alchemical writings of Aureolus Philippus Theophrastus Bombast, of Hohenheim, called Paracelsus the Great Vol.2 (1894) - Waite, A. E. - 420 pages The Hindu book of astrology (1902) - Seva, B. - 118 pages The History And Reality Of Apparitions (1973) - Defoe, D. - 419 pages The history of magic (1948) - Seligmann, K. - 513 pages The history of magic Vol.1 (1854) - Ennemoser, J. - 503 pages The history of magic Vol.2 (1854) - Ennemoser, J. - 547 pages The history of magick (1657) - Naudé, G. - 344 pages The history of the devil and the idea of evil; from the earliest times to the present day (1899) - Carus, P. - 520 pages The History of the Devil; Ancient and Modern (1822) - Defoe, D. - 373 pages The history of the devils of Loudun, or, an account of the possession of the Ursuline nuns (1705) - Boyer - 362 pages The History Of Witchcraft And Demonology (1926) - Summers, M. - 398 pages The Impossibility of Witchcraft (1712) - Baker, J. - 40 pages The Infallible True And Assured Witch (1624) - n.a. - 126 pages The Initiates Of The Flame (1922) - Hall, M. P. - 114 pages The key to the universe (1917) - Curtiss, H. A. - 412 pages The Kingdom Of Darkness (1688) - n.a. - 132 pages The Kybalion; a study of the hermetic philosophy of ancient Egypt and Greece (1908) - Initiates, T. - 232 pages The Lancashire Levite rebuk'd : or, a vindication of the dissenters from popery, superstition, ignorance, and knavery, unjustly charged on them by Mr. Zachary Taylor, in his book, entituled, The Surey impostor. In a letter to himself. (1698) - Carrington, J. - 36 pages The Lancashire witches; a romance of Pendle forest Vol.1 (1849) - Ainsworth, W. H. - 338 pages The Lancashire witches; a romance of Pendle forest Vol.2 (1849) - Ainsworth, W. H. - 334 pages The Lancashire witches; a romance of Pendle forest Vol.3 (1849) - Ainsworth, W. H. - 374 pages The life of the devil (1929) - Coulange, F. L. - 360 pages The lilac fairy book (1910) - Lang, A. - 406 pages The Magic legacy (1837) - Mozley, H. - 16 pages The magnet; devoted to the investigation of human physiology, embracing vitality, pathetism, psychology, phrenopathy, phrenology, neurology, physiognomy and magnetism. (1843) - Sunderland, L. R. - 300 pages The magus, or celestial intelligencer (1801) - Barrett, F. - 458 pages The magus, or, Celestial intelligencer; being a complete system of occult philosophy (1801) - Barrett, F. - 72 pages The making of religion (1898) - Lang, A. - 434 pages The marvellous in modern times (1860) - Steiner, L. H. - 44 pages The Miraculous prophecies, predictions, and strange visions of sundry eminent men, &c. (1794) - n.a. - 62 pages The mysteries and secrets of magic (1927) - Thompson, C. J. S. - 374 pages The mysteries of all nations (1880) - Grant, J. - 676 pages The mysteries of astrology, and the wonders of magic (1854) - Roback, C. W. - 250 pages The mystery and romance of alchemy and pharmacy (1897) - Thompson, C. J. S. - 360 pages The Occult Sciences (n.d.) - Waite, A. E. - 302 pages The occult sciences; a compendium of transcendental doctrine and experiment (1891) - Waite, A. E. - 312 pages The occult sciences; sketches of the traditions and superstitions of past times, and the marvels of the present day (1855) - Smedley, E. - 400 pages The occult sciences; The philosophy of magic, prodigies and apparent miracles Vol.1 (1846) - Salverte, E. - 806 pages The occult sciences; The philosophy of magic, prodigies and apparent miracles Vol.2 (1847) - Salverte, E. - 326 pages The Occult Word (1913) - Sinnett, A. P. - 212 pages The occult world (1885) - Sinnett, A. P. - 256 pages The Occultism of Ancient Egypt (1977) - Lancri, S. - 24 pages The olive fairy book (1907) - Lang, A. - 378 pages The orange fairy book (1906) - Lang, A. - 402 pages The passing of Satan, death and hell (1903) - Rogers, A. J. - 238 pages The pedigree of the devil (1883) - Hall, F. T. - 295 pages The phantom world, or, The philosophy of spirits, apparitions, &c. (1850) - Calmet, A. - 422 pages The Philosophy Of Natural Magic (1913) - Agrippa, H. C. - 320 pages The philosophy of numbers; their tone and colors (1917) - Balliett, L. D. - 166 pages The Philosophy Of Witchcraft (1839) - Mitchell, J. - 438 pages The physics of the secret doctrine (1910) - Kingsland, W. - 154 pages The pink fairy book (1967) - Lang, A. - 389 pages The place of magic in the intellectual history of Europe (1905) - Thorndike, L. - 124 pages The poetry of witchcraft illustrated by copies of the plays on the Lancashire witches (1853) – Halliwell, J. O. - 248 pages.pdf The political history of the devil (1840) - Defoe, D. - 394 pages The political history of the devil, as well ancient as modern (1726) - Defoe, D. - 430 pages The popular superstitions and festive amusements of the Highlanders of Scotland (1851) - Stewart, W. G. - 230 pages The possibility and reality of magick, sorcery, and witchcraft, demostrated (1722) - Boulton, R. - 214 pages The psychic and psychism (1901) - Halphide, A. C. - 232 pages The psychology of the Salem witchcraft excitement of 1692 (1882) - Beard, G. M. - 140 pages The Pythagorean Triangle, or, The Science of Numbers (1875) - Oliver, G. - 272 pages The Question Of Witchcraft Debated (1671) - n.a. - 73 pages The realness of witchcraft in America, with special references to the Pennsylvania Germans and the conflict of science vs. old time beliefs and customs (n.d.) - Aurand, A. M. - 38 pages The Rebirth Of Witchcraft (1989) - Valiente, D. - 241 pages The red fairy book (1901) - Lang, A. - 394 pages The Roman Index Of Forbidden Books (1912) - Betten, F. S. - 84 pages The Rosicrucians, their rites and mysteries; with chapters on the ancient fire- and serpent-worshipers, and explanations of the mystic symbols represented in the monuments and talismans of the primeval philosophers (1870) - Jennings, H. - 392 pages The Russian garland; being Russian folk tales (1916) - Steele, R. - 272 pages The Salem belle; a tale of love and witchcraft in the year 1692 (1847) - Whittemore, J. M. - 250 pages The Salem witch trials, a chapter of New England history (1924) - Gemmill, W. N. - 258 pages The Salem witchcraft trials (1938) - Richardson, K. W. - 32 pages The Salem witchcraft; The planchette mystery and Modern spiritualism (1886) - n.a. - 140 pages The Science Of Fairy Tales An; Inquiry Into Fairy Mythology (1890) - Hartland, E. S. - 404 pages The secret book of the black arts (1878) - Williams, H. T. - 227 pages The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies (n.d.) - Kirk, R. - 166 pages The secrets of black arts (1900) - Otteheimer, I. - 104 pages The sixth and seventh books of Moses, or, Moses' magical spirit-art (1880) - Scheible, J. J. - 197 pages The sorceress; a study in middle age superstition (1905) - Michelet, J. - 366 pages The supernatural in early Spanish literature (1923) - Callcott, F. - 178 pages The supernatural in modern English fiction (1917) - Scarborough, D. - 350 pages The supernatural in romantic fiction (1880) - Yardley, E. - 173 pages The supernatural in the tragedies of Euripides; as illustrated in prayers, curses, oaths, oracles, prophecies, dreams, and visions (1919) - Klotsche, E. H. - 124 pages The supernatural in tragedy (1971) - Whitmore, C. E. - 389 pages The superstitions of witchcraft (1865) - Williams, H. - 332 pages The tale of terror; a study of the Gothic romance (1921) - Birkhead, E. - 266 pages The tale of the basyn and the frere and the boy (1836) - Wright, T. - 84 pages The Three Archangels and the guardian angels in art (1899) - Starr, E. A. - 124 pages The Tipperary witch case (1917) - n.a. - 144 pages The tongue of time, and star of the states (1840) - Comstock, J. - 498 pages The Tree of Life; A Study in Magic (n.d.) - Regardie, I. - 282 pages The Triall of Witch Craft, Shewing the True and Right Methode of the Discouery (1616) - Tilford, T. - 152 pages The triall of witch-craft, shewing the true and right methode of the discouery (1616) - Cotta, J. - 152 pages The trials of John Lowes, Clerk (1937) - Ewen, C. - 12 pages The True Masonic Chart Or Hieroglyphic Monitor (1854) - Jeremy, R. W. - 414 pages The truth about spiritualism (1918) - Bryan, W. J. - 208 pages The tryal of Richard Hathaway (1702) - Hathaway, R. - 32 pages The twilight of the gods, and other tales (1926) - Garnett, R. - 381 pages The Vampyre Sanguinomicon (2010) - n.a. - 322 pages The violet fairy book (1906) - Lang, A. - 428 pages The whims of the ages; the moon the mother of all things; the day of doom and the flight of the gods (1916) - Woolsey, J. M. - 136 pages The Wiccan Spell Manual (2001) - Knight, S. - 207 pages The witch of New England; a romance (1824) - M'Call, J. C. - 232 pages The witch of Salem; or, Credulity run mad (1893) - Musick, J. R. - 418 pages The witch-cult in Western Europe; a study in anthropology (1921) - Murray, M. A. - 312 pages The witchcraft delusion in colonial Connecticut; 1647-1697 (1908) - Taylor, J. M. - 205 pages The witchcraft delusion in New England Vol.1 (1970) - Drake, S. G. - 364 pages The witchcraft delusion in New England Vol.2 (1866) - Drake, S. G. - 247 pages The witchcraft delusion in New England Vol.3 (1866) - Drake, S. G. - 258 pages The witches; a tale of New-England (1837) - Stone, W. L. - 72 pages The witches' pharmacopœia (1896) - Fletcher, R. - 43 pages The wonders of the invisible world (1862) - Mather, C. - 318 pages The wonders of the invisible world displayed. In five parts. (1828) - Calef, R. - 310 pages The words of the angels; or, their visits to the earth, and the messages they delivered (1879) - Stier, R. - 296 pages The works of Satan (1921) - Maher, R. A. - 395 pages Theomagia, or, The temple of wisdome (1663) - Heydon, J. - 992 pages Theosophical manuals (1907) - n.a. - 92 pages Theosophy and the theosophical society (1913) - Besant, A. W. - 108 pages Theurgia, or, The Egyptian mysteries (1911) - n.a. - 290 pages Three books of occult philosophy or magic (1898) - Heinrich, C. - 316 pages Topsfield and the witchcraft tragedy (1992) - n.a. - 16 pages Tractatus de confessionibus maleficorum et sagarum, secundò recognitus et auctior redditus (1596) - Binsfeld, P. - 842 pages Tractatus physico-medicus de incantamentis (1715) - Mercklin, G. A. - 322 pages Trail for Witchcraft of Dr. Dietrich Flade (1589) - n.a. - 458 pages Traités des sciences occultes et médicales (1601) - Roquetaillade, J. - 326 pages Transactions; discussions on the stanzas of the first volume of the Secret doctrine (1946) - n.a. - 125 pages Transvaal of To-Day; War, Witchcraft, Sport and Spoils in South Africa (1878) - Aylwad, A. - 433 pages Treasury of witchcraft (1961) - Wedeck, H. E. - 386 pages Trois livres des charmes, sorcelages, ov enchantemens (1583) - Vairo, L. - 658 pages True, Semi and Pseudo-Occultism (1941) - Annie, B. - 57 pages Vital magnetism; its power over disease (1877) - Parson, F. T. - 254 pages Voodoos and obeahs; phases of West India witchcraft (1932) - Williams, J. J. - 288 pages What is spiritualism, who are these spiritualists, and what has spiritualism done for the world? (1903) - Peebles, J. M. - 146 pages What say the Scriptures about spiritualism (1897) - Russell, C. T. - 134 pages What's in your name (1916) - Cheasley, C. W. - 122 pages Widow's Mite and Other Psychic Phenomena (1904) - Isaac, F. K. - 568 pages Winning with Witchcraft (1982) - Williams, J. - 97 pages Witch Hill; a history of Salem witchcraft, including illustrative sketches of persons and places (1870) - Mudge, Z. A. - 326 pages Witch Hypnotizer (1892) - Maher, Z. A. - 57 pages Witch stories (1861) - Linton, E. L. - 440 pages Witch, warlock, and magician; historical sketches of magic and witchcraft in England and Scotland (1889) - Adams, W. H. - 446 pages Witchcraft and black magic (1971) - Haining, P. - 139 pages Witchcraft And The Black Art; A Book Dealing With The Psychology And Folklore Of The Witches (1925) - Wickwar, J. W. - 314 pages Witchcraft in North Carolina (1919) - Cross, T. P. - 84 pages Witchcraft in old and New England (1828) - Kittredge, G. L. - 664 pages Witchcraft in Salem village in 1692 (1892) - Nevins, W. S. - 308 pages Witchcraft of New England explained by modern spiritualism (1881) - Putnam, A. - 486 pages Witchcraft scrap books No.1 (n.d.) - Nevins, W. S. - 266 pages Witchcraft scrap books No.2 (n.d.) - Nevins, W. S. - 250 pages Witchcraft scrap books No.3 (n.d.) - Nevins, W. S. - 362 pages Witchcraft scrap books No.4 (n.d.) - Nevins, W. S. - 262 pages Witchcraft to be understood (1892) - Kimball, H. D. - 104 pages Witchcraft; or The art of fortune-telling unveiled (1805) - Pinchbeck, W. F. - 112 pages Wonder tales from Scottish myth & legend (1917) - Mackenzie, D. A. - 240 pages You and the universe, a book of numbers (1922) - Wilson, E. C. - 208 pages Here are a few images from the collection: Attention eBay Staff: The books on this media were copyrighted prior to January 1, 1923 and/or are Government publications which are free of copyright restrictions. This media resides within the Public Domain as defined by the United States Copyright Office. This ad complies with all eBay rules and regulations.

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Topic: Witchcraft, Book of Angels, Pagans, Devils, Sermons, Superstitions, Magic, Demonology, Mysticism

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Author: sunshine-books

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Genre: History and Genealogy

Features: Magazines, Collector's Edition, Illustrated, Issues, Manuals, Publications, Collection, Library, Classic, Biographies, Catalogue, Books, Accounts

Book Title: Witchcraft


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