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Emergency food supply 30 days 25 years shelf life vanilla

Description: PRODUCT: The Survival TabsEmergency Food Supply.Non-GMOGluten-FreeVanilla flavor.360 food tablets.This combo will last a person for 30 days.25 year shelf life. (unopened)Made In USAContain 15 Essential 100% Vitamins and minerals needed when facing uncertainty. The compact design allows for easy storage and is perfect for individual emergency kits & emergency food supplies.Serving Size: 12 Chewable TabletsDimensions (inches): L 8.5 x W 5.5 x D 2.75Weight: 1.75 lbs. x 2Material: PlasticContains: 180 Tablets per bottle. x 2Ingredients: NON-FAT DRY MILK SOLIDS, SUCROSE, VEGETABLE OILS (INCLUDING SUNFLOWER AND/OR SAFFLOWER OIL), CALCIUM PHOSPHATE, ASCORBIC ACID, VITAMIN E ACETATE, NIACINAMIDE, FERROUS FUMARATE, ZINC GLUCONATE, NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL FLAVORS, CALCIUM PANTOTHENATE, POTASSIUM PYRIDOXINE HYDROCHLORIDE, RIBOFLAVIN, THIAMIN HUDROCHLORIDE, VITAMIN A PALMITATE, VITAMIN D3, FOLIC ACID, POTASSIUM IODIDE, CYANOCOBALAMIN.SHORT DESCRIPTION: The Survival Tabs contain 100% of the U.S. RDA of 15 Essential Vitamins & Minerals. Made with the highest quality protein which is essential in survival situations where your body needs to assimilate as much as possible from what you eat. With most the food we eat 30%-60% of the calorie content leaves the body unused. The Survival Tabs have highly concentrated formula that 99% of their calorie content is absorbed by the body with 97% of the protein content being available to repair or replacement of muscles, nerves, etc. SHELF LIFE AND SUSTAINABILITY We have samples of The Survival Tabs that were produced in 1974-75. They have been stored at room temperature. We test them periodically and have found little, if any, deterioration or loss of vitamin or food value. Our results showed negligible loss in these areas. Freezing temperatures will have no effect at all on these tablets. We would estimate the shelf-life is 25 years, but suggest rotating them to ensure maximum food value every 2-3 years. NUTRITIONTwelve 3.9 grams of The Survival Tabs contains: Fat 25%, Protein 9%, Carbohydrates 58%, Iron 18 mg. (as Ferrous Fumarate), other minerals, 2% (from milk solids), and the following vitamins in percentages shown of their USRDA adult allowance. There are approximately 20 calories in a 3.9 gram The Survival Tab. Vitamin A........ ..... 5,000 I.U...... ...100% Vitamin D........ ..... 400 I.U. ...........100% Vitamin E.......... ... 30 E.I.U. ..........100% Thiamine (B1). ..... 1.5 mg. .............100% Riboflavin ... ..........1.7 mg. ............100% Niacin ... ...............20.0 mg. ..........100% Pyridoxine (B6)..... 2.0 mg. ............100% Folic Acid ... .........0.4 mg. ............100% Vitamin B12 ... ......3.0 mg. ............100% Vitamin C ... ..........60.0 mg. .........100% TABS CONCEPT When the Survival Food Tabs were formulated, a host of factors were considered in order to adapt them to their purpose as a lightweight, emergency. Life-sustaining food ration: 1. The less intake of food, the more efficient the body becomes. Basically, when food intake is reduced, it remains in the digestive tract longer and assimilates more completely. 2. Generally, of the food we eat, a great deal of it is not digested and used up as calories. The Survival Food Tabs are 100% digestible as well as completely assimilated by the body. 3. The quality of the food we eat is more important than the quantity. Poor quality protein, carbohydrate and fat can put a strain on the digestive organ, especially the kidneys. In the Survival Tabs, we have used protein of a high biological value, which is 100% utilized. This helps protect the body from cannibalism of its own protective tissues. The fat is composed totally of fatty acids which provide the essential ingredients of fat. The carbohydrates are of the high quality and 100% utilized too. 4. In 90% of all survival situations, some additional food will be available. The Survival Food Tabs are designed to be the Margin of Survival. For example, if one were lost in a jungle area, one might have to find grubs, insects, berries, small animals or whatever to eat. One would have to adapt to the circumstances quickly until he found his way out or was rescued. The Survival Food Tabs would be that Margin of Survival, along with whatever one could gather, to sustain oneself as long as necessary. Another example, would be desert or sea survival. In these cases, little supplemental food may be available. The Survival Food Tabs would sustain one as long as he would expect to live normally, before being overcome by exposure, the elements, or lack of water. THE HISTORY OF THE SURVIVAL TABS Evolved from the Early Space Program the Survival Tabs have a long history. Back in the 1960’s the Federal Government was searching for a food source that could be used in specialty situations. The objective was to find a product that would provide...”The Best Possible Nutrition in the Smallest Possible Volume” The resulting research was extremely involved and intense, and the product that evolved was used in the early space program. Eventually, a tablet was perfected and used widely as an emergency food. It came to be known as The Survival Tabs. CONSUMPTION AND USE 12 Tabs provide 100% of the U.S. RDA of 15 Essential Vitamins & Minerals, and that’s not all. The reason The Survival Tabs are so effective, is that they are literally jam-packed with concentrated nutrition. The protein we use is of the highest quality only. That’s important because protein can be of varied quality. If it is poor quality, your body will not be able to assimilate it properly. With most food products, 30%-60% of the calorie content leaves the body unused. Survival Tabs are so completely digestible that 99% of their calorie content can be actually utilized for energy. 97% percent of the protein content is available for repair or replacement of essential body substances, such as blood, muscle and nerves. Average consumption of twelve tabs per day may be decreased when other foods are available in adequate amounts and quality, or increased in times of complete starvation or extreme physical exertion. By placing one Survival Tab in the mouth every hour or so and letting it dissolve slowly during a 15 minute period of time, assimilation of all nutrients will be maximized and appetite will be fully satisfied. SHELF LIFE AND SUSTAINABILITY 25+ Year Shelf Life. The Tabs have been produced and packaged to last at least 25 years. We’ve accomplished this in several ways. Number one, we have compressed the tablets with thousands of pounds of pressure with our specialized tablet presses. Oxygen and moisture, the arch-enemies of food, cannot penetrate the tablets to destroy the ingredients. Number two, we use a heavy-duty, opaque bottle to pack the Tabs. The bottle does not allow either light or outside oxygen to penetrate and deteriorate the product. Number three, the closure is a specially designed screw- type lid which, along with being screwed tight on the bottle, is sealed with tamper resistant tape. Survival Tabs are intended for those emergency conditions where a person must travel light and live on whatever food they can actually carry with them for weeks or even months at a time. Twelve tabs per day supply a considerable portion of the calorie requirements of an active adult. It may be assumed that if the person living on them is required to "hole up", their energy requirement will be considerable reduced. When traveling across country, it may be assumed that at least some other food will be found occasionally. Survival Tabs eliminate the risk or wasted time that might be required to actually hunt for food or go out of one's way to obtain it.THE CONTAINER The Survival Tabs container is of such size and shape as to fit and be carried within a regular G.I. canteen pouch. The small empty space under the lid of this container is filled with and extra plastic bag. If and extra water canteen is needed, the Survival Tabs can be poured out into the plastic bag and be carried in a pocket or backpack while the container is used a canteen. TESTIMONIALS There have been several individuals who have lived on a diet of Survival Food Tabs exclusively for 4-5 months. This was done out of necessity, because of their inability to eat or keep down any other foods. In controlled studies which we have conducted, we've found that when living on a diet of Survival Food Tabs exclusively, one loses from 5-8 lbs. the first week. This is mainly due to the emptying of the intestines of all food previously eaten. After the first week, there is a leveling off and a minimum weight loss of 0-2 lbs. per week. This is in consideration of a normal active daily routine. The Survival Food Tabs are presently used by pilots, yachtsmen and other outdoorsmen, who use them as emergency food rations, as well as an energy pick-up food supplement. They are also popular with long-distance truck drivers who don't want to stop to eat. BOTTOM LINE Survival Food Tabs are a perfect lightweight, emergency food ration for use in survival kits - and a vast improvement over candies and other quick-energy "fixes" that are currently used. This is a true "survival food" that will keep you alive and moving for months on the amount you can carry in your own pack. The Survival Tabs are a convenient, compact, lightweight, lifesaving food ration for any emergency. They are completely nutritious, have a 25+ year shelf life and are absolutely delicious. Just let them melt in your mouth...you’ll probably chew them up...they are so irresistibly good-tasting! Survival Tabs are the best choice because they are made in the U.S.A, FDA inspected, Gluten Free, and Non GMO. **Percent Daily Values are based on a 2.000 calories diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. ARE YOU PREPARED? FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What are The Survival Tabs? The Survival Tabs are the best possible food source in the smallest possible volume. They are designed for situations where an immediate need for nutrition must be met or as a meal replacement for on the go snacking. One bottle provides you with up to 15 days of nutrition. Are The Survival Food Tablets supposed to be considered as a sole daily food source or in combination with a daily food intake? The Survival Tabs can be used as a daily sole source food if necessary. However, they were designed with the idea that there would be other foods available either from one’s own stocks or from the land, i.e. wildlife or fruits and vegetables. With this in mind, the The Survival Tabs could be used to fill in when things were lean. Nonetheless, they can sustain a person for an extended period of time. How long, depends on many factors, including the person’s constitution, mentality and activities. What industry professionals use The Survival Tabs? The Survival Tabs are used by office workers, firemen, long distance truckers, professional athletes, cyclists, marathon runners, and military personnel as an emergency survival food or on the go meal replacement. They are many other industries that The Survival Tabs can be beneficial too as well. They are the perfect compact food source for anyone. What are some examples of everyday use for The Survival Tabs? The Survival Tabs are popular with busy moms who need a boost of energy without the crash caused by energy drinks. Students use them to keep their energy up and brains alert during study sessions and hectic class schedules. Office workers who often miss a meal rely on them for a sustainable energy snack. Hardcore (video) gamers also love the fast nutrition The Survival Tabs provide for them without having to pause or leave their games. What are some examples of outdoor use for The Survival Tabs? The Survival Tabs are used by food preppers, campers, scout masters, outdoors men, survivalist, and hunters when out in the wilderness. Their compact and lightweight design makes them ideal to have as a food supply when camping, exploring, or hiking. What is the main purpose of The Survival Tabs? The Survival Tabs are meant to keep you alive and going for months at a time. A person can survive 4-5 months by eating The Survival Tabs exclusively. In an emergency situation, one 180-tablet bottle of chewable tabs supplies a person with 15 days’ worth of survival food based on the recommended consumption of 12 tablets per day. This can be stretched to a 30-day supply under extreme conditions. What is The Survival Tabs concept? The Survival Tabs are designed to provide you with the best possible nutrition in the smallest possible volume. State of the art development has made it possible for The Survival Tabs to combine essential nutrients with important foods into a nutrient-dense food concentrate. How should I store The Survival Tabs when unopened; long-term? For long term storage when unopened, keep this bottle in a cool dry place at room temperature. How should I store The Survival Tabs once opened? Avoid extended periods of exposure to high temperatures, and keep the bottle closed. Also, avoid unnecessary exposure to air once opened. How do The Survival Tabs Work? The Survival Tabs provide you with high daily nutrition in a compact and lightweight form. The chewable tabs provide the body with 100% of the daily recommended vitamins and nutrients needed per serving. They are so completely and quickly digested they have a 99% absorption rate. Within five minutes of consuming the tabs, 97% of the protein is available to repair and replace essential body tissues and fluids. The Survival Tabs allow you to utilize 99% of their calorie content for energy. How safe are The Survival Tabs for your body? The Survival Tabs are the best possible source of nutrition for your body when a reliable food source is not available. They are made using everyday ingredients that are safe and essential for the body. How many calories are in The Survival Tabs? The Survival Tabs provide you with 240 calories per serving of 12 tabs. This amount can be increased to meet a higher calorie intake if you desire. How long are The Survival Tabs good for once they are opened? Once opened, The Survival Tabs will remain usable for up to 90 days before losing their efficacy. How much weight loss occurs exclusively using The Survival Tabs? When exclusively using The Survival Tabs as a food source, you can may experience 5-8 pounds of weight loss in the first week, then an average of 2 pounds a week, thereafter. This is in consideration of a normal, active daily routine. How many tabs per day can I eat? We recommend 12 tabs a day, but you may consume more or less based on your appetite or situation. What ages are these intended for? The Survival Tabs are intended for anyone who can consume the chewable tablets or allow them to dissolve in their mouth. What are the Nutritional Benefits of The Survival Tabs? The Survival Tabs provide you with 100% of the daily recommended Vitamins and minerals. For full nutrition facts please visit our nutrition page. What are Shelf Life and Sustainability? We have samples of The Survival Tabs that were produced in 1974-75. They have been stored at room temperature. We test them periodically and have found little, if any, deterioration or loss of vitamin or food value. We have also used accelerated storage testing at higher than normal temperatures to determine loss of food value and acceptability. Our results showed negligible loss in these areas. Freezing temperatures will have no effect at all on these tablets. We would estimate the shelf-life for The Survival Tabs to be 25 years. If one wants to use these tablets for long period of time, for example 4-8 weeks with no food, what would happen with the deficiency of other nutrients? You could survive and sustain yourself for 4-8 weeks with the tabs, but you are right, you’d be deficient in some nutrients which we normally get from regular foods. The Survival Tabs can’t replace all the nutrition that your body needs for an extended length of time. One tablet provides 100% of some nutrients such as Iron, Vitamin A or Vitamin C. Twelve tablets provide 12 times of RDA? Twelve Survival Tabs supply 100% of the USRDA for practically all the vitamins and minerals indicated on the label, with the exception of Calcium, which in order to have 100% of the RDA we’d have to make The Survival Tab as big as a golf ball. If one has access only to The Survival Tabs, but enough water and no food, how long could they survive maximum? What would be the medical consequences or complications for doing so? With just The Survival Tabs and water, depending on the circumstances of course, one could maintain oneself for 3-4 months without any major difficulties. When The Survival Tabs were first developed, there was a woman, deathly ill and expected to die soon, who could not keep anything down. Someone suggested the Survival Tabs. She went on them exclusively and lived 2 years. There was another man, who was given 2 months to live by his doctor. He could not eat or assimilate food to any extent. He took the Survival Tabs, and lived another 6 months. These were sick people and these were random situations, not scientific tests. We have had healthy people go on the Survival Tabs for 2 months, and the result was an initial loss of weight of 10- 15 lbs., then a leveling off of another 10 lbs. for the duration of the time. Froo www.froo.com | Froo Cross Sell, Free Cross Sell, Cross promote, eBay Marketing, eBay listing Apps, eBay Apps, eBay Application

Price: 79.95 USD

Location: Anaheim, California

End Time: 2023-11-14T20:54:58.000Z

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Emergency food supply 30 days 25 years shelf life vanillaEmergency food supply 30 days 25 years shelf life vanillaEmergency food supply 30 days 25 years shelf life vanillaEmergency food supply 30 days 25 years shelf life vanillaEmergency food supply 30 days 25 years shelf life vanilla

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Brand: The Survival Tabs

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