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Library of Occult 3000 Rare Old Books on USB- Witchcraft Wicca Pagan Alchemy 297

Description: The Largest Unique & Rare Collection 3,000+ Volumes & Images Library of Occult ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3,000 Vintage Books & Images Deluxe Edition on USB Flash Drive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fully Searchable - search for any name, place, date or phrase The most Complete Library available ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All 4 Volumes On The USB Flash Drive Volume 1 Alchemy (66volumes) Astrology Divination Earth Mysteries Egypt Emanuel Swedenborg Gnostisicm Grimoires, Ritual Magick & General Occultism Occult Periodicals I Rosicrucian Volume 2 Masonic The Faiths Of The World Theosophy Voodoo, African & West Indian Religion & Magick Volume 3 Kabbalah Mythology, Lore & Superstition Native American Religion & Mythology New Thought, Mind Body & Spirit Occult Fiction Occult Imagry Sacred Sexuality & Tantra The Golden Bough Volume 4 Occult Misc Spiritualism, Mediumship, Parapsychology Wicca, Witchcraft & Neo-Paganism Vol 1 Alchemy (66 Books) Alchemy is a philosophical and protoscientific tradition practiced throughout Europe, Egypt and Asia. It aimed to purify, mature, and perfect certain objects. Common aims were chrysopoeia, the transmutation of "base metals" (e.g., lead) into "noble" ones (particularly gold); the creation of an elixir of immortality; the creation of panaceas able to cure any disease; and the development of an alkahest, a universal solvent. The perfection of the human body and soul was thought to permit or result from the alchemical magnum opus and, in the Hellenistic and western tradition, the achievement of gnosis. In Europe, the creation of a philosopher's stone was variously connected with all of these projects Astrology (33 Books) Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial objects as a means for divining information about human affairs and terrestrial events. Astrology has been dated to at least the 2nd millennium BCE, and has its roots in calendrical systems used to predict seasonal shifts and to interpret celestial cycles as signs of divine communications.[5] Many cultures have attached importance to astronomical events, and some – such as the Indians, Chinese, and Maya – developed elaborate systems for predicting terrestrial events from celestial observations. Western astrology, one of the oldest astrological systems still in use, can trace its roots to 19th-17th century BCE Mesopotamia, from which it spread to Ancient Greece, Rome, the Arab world and eventually Central and Western Europe Divination (62 Books) Divination (from Latin divinare "to foresee, to be inspired by a god",[ related to divinus, divine) is the attempt to gain insight into a question or situation by way of an occultic, standardized process or ritual. Used in various forms throughout history, diviners ascertain their interpretations of how a querent should proceed by reading signs, events, or omens, or through alleged contact with a supernatural agency. Earth Mysteries (79 Books) Earth mysteries are a wide range of spiritual, quasi-religious and pseudoscientific ideas focusing on cultural and religious beliefs about the Earth, generally with regard to particular geographical locations of historical significance. Believers in Earth mysteries generally consider certain locations to be "sacred", or that certain spiritual "energies" may be active at those locations. The term "alternative archaeology" has also been used to describe the study of Earth mystery beliefs Egypt (55 Volumes) Ancient Egypt was a civilization of ancient Northeastern Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River in what is now the modern country of Egypt. It is one of six civilizations to arise independently. Egyptian civilization followed prehistoric Egypt and coalesced around 3150 BC (according to conventional Egyptian chronology)[1] with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under the first pharaoh Narmer (commonly referred to as Menes).[2] The history of ancient Egypt occurred in a series of stable Kingdoms, separated by periods of relative instability known as Intermediate Periods: the Old Kingdom of the Early Bronze Age, the Middle Kingdom of the Middle Bronze Age and the New Kingdom of the Late Bronze Age Emanuel Swedenborg (49 Volumes) Emanuel Swedenborg was a Swedish scientist, philosopher, theologian, revelator, and mystic. He is best known for his book on the afterlife, Heaven and Hell (1758). Swedenborg had a prolific career as an inventor and scientist. In 1741, at age 53, he entered into a spiritual phase in which he began to experience dreams and visions, beginning on Easter weekend of 6 April 1744. This culminated in a 'spiritual awakening', in which he received revelation that he was appointed by the Lord to write The Heavenly Doctrine to reform Christianity. According to The Heavenly Doctrine the Lord had opened Swedenborg's spiritual eyes, so that from then on he could freely visit heaven and hell and talk with angels, demons and other spirits; and the Last Judgment had already occurred, in 1757. Gnosticism (20 Volumes) Gnosticism (from Ancient Greek: ???st???? gnostikos, "having knowledge", from ???s?? gnosis, knowledge) is a modern term categorizing a collection of ancient religions whose adherents shunned the material world – which they viewed as created by the demiurge – and embraced the spiritual world. Gnostic ideas influenced many ancient religions that teach that gnosis (variously interpreted as knowledge, enlightenment, salvation, emancipation or 'oneness with God') may be reached by practicing philanthropy to the point of personal poverty, sexual abstinence (as far as possible for hearers, entirely for initiates) and diligently searching for wisdom by helping others.[page needed] However, practices varied among those who were Gnostic. Grimoires, Ritual Magick & General Occultism (92 Volumes) A grimoire is a textbook of magic, typically including instructions on how to create magical objects like talismans and amulets; how to perform magical spells; charms and divination; and how to summon or invoke supernatural entities such as angels, spirits, and demons. In many cases, the books themselves are believed to be imbued with magical powers, though in many cultures, other sacred texts that are not grimoires (such as the Bible) have been believed to have supernatural properties intrinsically. In this manner while all books on magic could be thought of as grimoires, not all magical books should. Occult Periodicals (26 Volumes) An amazing collection of rare and valubale Occult periodicals, the volumes include : Journal of the Society For Psychical Research, The International, The Message Of The East, The Path Vol 1 Apr 1886 Rosicrucian (88 Volumes) The Rosicrucian ordes ahve their roots in the ancient worlds. These truths found their way into medivael Europe through frnace and Germany. Today, the diverse groups who link themselves to a "Rosicrucian Tradition" can be divided into three categories: Esoteric Christian Rosicrucian groups, which profess Christ; Masonic Rosicrucian groups such as Societas Rosicruciana; and initiatory groups such as the Golden Dawn and the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis Vol 2 Masonic (349 Volumes) The Freemasons are oft referred to as a fraternal organization, but they are more than that and their histry goes deeper than that. Freemasonry is a society with secret initiations and rituals, it has it's roots in the rituals and beliefs of the Knights Templar. Faiths of the World (8 Volumes) The Faiths of the World, presents an A-Z of the world's faiths. It was complied by the Reverand James Gardner, it was intend to give "An account of all religions and religious sects, their doctrines, rites, ceremonies & customs". Theosophy (134 Volumes) Theosophy is a collection of mystical and occultist philosophies concerning, or seeking direct knowledge of, the presumed mysteries of life and nature, particularly of the nature of divinity and the origin and purpose of the universe. Theosophy is considered part of Western esotericism, which believes that hidden knowledge or wisdom from the Ancient past offers a path to enlightenment and salvation. Redolent with symbolism and shrouded in esoteric mystery. Voodoo, African & West Indian Religion & Magick (21 Volumes) The selection of books represents the various strands that might comprise this divers group; such diverse areas covered are Fetischism, New Orelans superstition, Voodoo, West Indies witchcraft etc Vol 3 Kabbalah (102 Volumes) Kabbalah is an esoteric method, discipline, and school of thought that originated in Judaism. A traditional Kabbalist in Judaism is called a Mekubbal. Kabbalah's definition varies according to the tradition and aims of those following it, from its religious origin as an integral part of Judaism, to its later Christian, New Age, and Occultist syncretic adaptations. Kabbalah is a set of esoteric teachings meant to explain the relationship between an unchanging, eternal, and mysterious Ein Sof (infinity) and the mortal and finite universe (God's creation). While it is heavily used by some denominations, it is not a religious denomination in itself. It forms the foundations of mystical religious interpretation Mythology, Lore, Superstition (88 Volumes) Mythology can refer to the collected myths of a group of people—their collection of stories they tell to explain nature, history, and customs—or to the study of such myths. Although the term is complicated by its implicit condescension, mythologizing is not just an ancient or primitive practice, as shown by contemporary mythopoeia such as urban legends and the expansive fictional mythoi created by fantasy novels and comics. A culture's collective mythology helps convey belonging, shared and religious experiences, behavioral models, and moral and practical lessons. Native American Religion and Mythology (61 Volumes) Native American religions are the spiritual practices of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. Traditional Native American ceremonial ways can vary widely, and are based on the differing histories and beliefs of individual tribes, clans and bands. Early European explorers describe individual Native American tribes and even small bands as each having their own religious practices. New Thought, Mind Body, Spirit (142 Volumes) The concept of New Thought (sometimes known as "Higher Thought") promotes the ideas that Infinite Intelligence, or God, is everywhere, spirit is the totality of real things, true human selfhood is divine, divine thought is a force for good, sickness originates in the mind, and "right thinking" has a healing effect. Occult Fiction (77 Volumes) Some of the great thinkers and philosophers of history hae expressed their ideas through novels, often the line between fact and fiction and belief becomes blurred. These novels are entertaining but also illuminating. Occult Images (900 Images) Intended as a resource for web sites, projects etc the images are mostly vintage illustrations of various formats (mainly JPEG). Scred Sexuality and Tantra (38 Volumes) Tantra, also called Tantrism and Tantric religion, is an ancient Indian tradition of beliefs and meditation and ritual practices that seeks to channel the divine energy of the macrocosm or godhead into the human microcosm, to attain siddhis and moksha. It arose no later than the 5th century AD, and it had a strong influence on both Hinduism and Buddhism The Golden Bough (13 Volumes) The Golden Bough: A Study in Comparative Religion (retitled The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion in its second edition) is a wide-ranging, comparative study of mythology and religion, written by the Scottish anthropologist Sir James George Frazer (1854–1941) Vol 4 Occult Misc. (280 Volumes) Included here is everything else that we didn't put into the above categories e.g. Bagobo Magic, Astronomy, Animism, Devil worship, Hypnotism, Faith Healing, Moon Lore, Shamanism, Malay Magic, Herbalism, Occult Japan etc Spiritualism, Mediumship, Parapsychology (121 Volumes) Spiritualism is a belief that spirits of the dead have both the ability and the inclination to communicate with the living. The afterlife, or "spirit world", is seen by spiritualists, not as a static place, but as one in which spirits continue to evolve. These two beliefs: that contact with spirits is possible, and that spirits are more advanced than humans, leads spiritualists to a third belief, that spirits are capable of providing useful knowledge about moral and ethical issues, as well as about the nature of God Wicca, Witchcraft (95 Volumes) Wicca , also termed Pagan Witchcraft, is a contemporary Pagan new religious movement. It was developed in England during the first half of the 20th century and was introduced to the public in 1954 by Gerald Gardner, a retired British civil servant. Wicca draws upon a diverse set of ancient pagan and 20th century hermetic motifs for its theological structure and ritual practice N.B there is NO BOX or physical books included in the purchase - you will receive a USB flash drive containing the books in PDF format for use on your Computer. The colour and style of the USB drive may vary from the picture, we will send whatever drive we currently have available, a particular colour or style cannot be pre-selected. On The Drive This unique drive is an opportunity to own these rare and collectible vintage books before they disappear forever. Some of the books are already unavailable and but for being scanned into digital format would never be seen again. Each page has been scanned in as a faithful reproduction of the original. This is a chance to be able to see books that would otherwise be lost to future generations. The drive contains rare out-of-print books relating to the History & Genealogy of London. Each book is individually named on the drive and thus is easily searchable by title, and each book is individually searchable itself. Be Aware - that other sellers may pad out their collection of books with foreign language titles or books that are not relevant to the topic. Compare items and you will see the quality and effort that goes into our disks. Other sellers also put security lock on the books which requires a password (which they wont give you) so it is restricted as to what you can do with the books - all our books are completely unrestricted. In addition all our books are fully named exactly as you see in the list below making them easy to find and easily searchable - other sellers may simply supply you a disk with books named randomly making it virtually impossible to find the book you want. IMPORTANT: These books come supplied on a USB Flash Drive - note that this is not a USB drive that will that will "play" on a home DVD player or TV, it contains no video whatsoever. It is a Data Drive and must be used on a Computer to view the PDF book files Detailed List of Books on USB Drive Volume 1 Alchemy 18th Century Chemical Terms A Chymicall Treatise of Arnoldus de Nova Villa A Lexicon of Alchemy - M Rulandus A Treatise On The Great Art - A J Pernety A Work Of Saturn - J I Hollandus A Work Of Saturn 1670 - J I Hollandus Alchemy - Ancient and Modern Alchemy & the Beginnings of Chemistry - M Pattison Muir Alchemy Its Science & Romance - J E Mercer Alchemy Rediscovered Restored - A Cockren An Alchemical Mass An Open Entrance to the Closed Palace of the King Aphorisms of Urbigerus Appologia Alchymiae - R W Councell Aula Lucis - T Vaughan Cabala Mineralis Coelum Philosophorum - Paracelsus Collectanea Chemica - Ed. A E Waite Donum Dei - G Aurach Epistle to the Son of the Wolf Freher's Process in the Philosophical Work Glory Of The World Hermetic Philosophy & Alchemy - M A Atwood Hortulanus' Commentary on the Emerald Tablet Kitab-i-Iqan (Book of Certitude) Mary the Prophetess Monas Hieroglyphica - J Dee Mutus Liber Of Natural & Supernatural Things - B Valentinus On The Philadelphian Gold Paracelsus & the Substance of His Teaching - F Hartmann Philosophy of the Alchymical Cabalistical Vision Preface of Signatures - O Croll Rosa Alchemica - W B Yeats Slendor Solis The Alchemical Catechism The Arcane Formulas or Mental Alchemy The Art Of Distillation - J French The Aurora of the Philosophers - Paracelsus The Book Of Lambspring 1607 (original scan) The Book of Lambspring The Emerald Tablet of Hermes The Golden Chain of Homer The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus The Hermetic Arcanum The Hermetic Museum Vols I & II - A E Waite The Key Of The Mysteries - Eliphas Levi The Kitab-I-Aqdas The Mirror of Alchemy - Roger Bacon The New Pearl Of Great Price The Philosophers Stone - Israel Regardie The Pictorial Symbols of Alchemy - A E Waite The Secret Book of Artephius The Six Keys Of Eudoxus The Stone of the Philosophers - Edward Kelly The Theatre of Terrestrial Astrononmy - E Kelly The Tincture of the Philosophers - Paracelsus The Tomb of Semiramis The Treasure of Treasures For Alchemists - Paracelsus The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine The Virgin of the World of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus The Vision of the Universal Mercury Tract On the Tincture & Oil of Antimony - R Bacon Triumphal Chariot of Antimony - B Valentine Turba Philosophorum Parts I & II What Is Alchemy - A E Waite Astrology A Description of the Faces & Degrees of the Zodiac - Raphael A Jerusalem Christian Treatise On Adtrology - G Dickson A Manual Of Astrology - Raphael An Introduction To Astrology - W Lilly Anima Astrologiae - W Lilly Astrology & Religion Among The Greeks & Romans - F Cumont Astrology & The Ductless Glands - A F Heindel Astrology In A Nutshell - C H Webber Astrology In Medicine C A Mercier Astrology Its Tecnics & Ethics - C Libra Astrology Theologised - V Weigelius Astrology Your Place Among The Stars - E Adams Concerning The Certain Fundamentals Of Astrology - J Kepler Earthology Humanity Characterized - A Raphael Everybody's Astrology - M Jensen Light Of Egypt The Science Of The Soul & Stars - H Wagner Mysteries Of Astrology & The Wonders Of Magic - C Roback Occultism Simplified - W Whitehead Primary Directions in Astrology Made Easy - Sepharial Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos - J M Ashmand Simplified Scientific Astrology Solar Biology A Scientific Method - H Butler The Book Of Talismans Amulets & Zodiacal Gems - W Thomas The Brihat Jataka - V Mihava The Familiar Astrologer - Raphael The Guide To Astrology - Raphael The Handbook of Astrology - Zaqdkiel Tao Sze (1861) The Hindu Book Of Astrology - Bhakti Sheva The Influence Of The Zodiac On Human Life - E Kirk The Message Of The Stars - M Heindel The Stars in Song & Legend - J G Porter The Tree Of Life - G W Carey Were You Born Under A Lucky Star - A Alpheus Divination A Course On Tarot Divination - P Foster Case A French Method of Fortune Telling by Cards - A E Waite A Manual Of Cheirosophy - E Heron-Allen A Method Of Cheirognomy - I R Bacon Adventurings In The Psychical - H Addington Bruce An Introduction To the Study of the Tarot - P. Foster Case Astronomical Geomancy - G Cremonensis Book T - The Tarot Card Fortune Telling - C Platt Clairvoyance - C Leadbeater Clairvoyance & Occult Powers - Swami Panchadasi Clairvoyance A System Of Philosophy - C F Grumbine Crystal Gazing - N W Thomas Crystal Gazing - Spritual Clairvoyance - L. W. de Lawrence Crystal Vision Through Crystal Gazing - Frater Achad Cupology - Clara Elements of Hand Reading - Phanos Fingers & Fortune - E M Farwell Fortune Telling By Cards - P R S Foli Fortune Telling By Tea Leaves - A Highland Seer General Book Of The Tarot - A E Thierens Greek Divination - W R Halliday Gypsy Fortune Telling and Sorcery - C. G. Leland How to Control Fate Through Suggestion - H Harrison Brown How to Read the Crystal - Sepharial HowTo Know People By Their Hands - J Ranald Hypnotism Mesmerism & Clairvoyance Illustrated Palmistry - E J LaSeer Indian Palmistry - J B Dale Jacobs Rod - T Welton Liber Gaias - A Handbook Of Geomancy Lives Of The Necromancers - W Godwin Magic Divination & Demonology Among The Hebrews - T Davies Manual of Psychometry - J Buchanan Names Dates & Numbers - R Page Walton Names Dates & Numbers What They Mean To You - R Walton Natural & Mesmeric Clairvoyance - J Esdaile Numbers Their Occult Powers & Mystic Virtues - WW Westcott Of Geomancy - H Agrippa Oracle of the Tarot - P Foster Case Palmistry For All - Cheiro Palmistry For Professional Purposes [2] - C de Saint Germain Seership & The Magic Mirror - P. Beverley Randolph Tarot of the Bohemians - Papus Telling Fortunes by Cards - M Ali Telling Fortunes By Tea Leaves - C Kent The Ancient Science Of Numbers - O Clement The Book of the Secret Word - A E Waite The Book Of Thoth - A Crowley The Divining Rod - A J Ellis The Ever Coming Son In The Light Of The Tarot - Frater Achad The Handbook of Palmistry - R Baughan The Illustrated Key To The Tarot - L W De Lawrence The Isiac Tablet Of Cardinal Bembo - W Wynn Westcott The Language Of The Hand - H Frith The Law Of Scientific Hand Reading - W G Benham The Magical Ritual Of The Sanctum Regnum - E Levi The Pictorial Key To The Tarot - A E Waite The Square of Sevens - E I Stevenson The Symbolism of the Tarot - P D Ouspensky The Tarot - S L MacGregor Mathers What Handwriting Indicates - J Rexford Earth Mysteries A Bit Of Atlantis - D Erskine A Miracle In Stone - J A Seiss Anacalypsis - G Higgins Ancient America - J D Baldwin Ancient Stone Crosses of England - A Rimmer Archaic England - H Bayley Architectvre Mysticism & Myth - W R Lethaby Atlantis The Antediluvian World - I Donelly Bird Gods - C de Kay British Goblins - W Sikes British Werewolves - E O'Donnell Byways in British Archaeology - W Johnson Chips From Old Stones - C Maclagan Cosmic Memory - R Steiner - Curious Myths of the Middle Ages - S Baring Gould Early British Trackways - A Watkins Facing the Sphinx - M L Farrington Fairies - G M Faulding Feng Sui - E Eitel Fians, Fairies & Picts - D MacGregor Ficticious & Symbolic Creatures in Art - J Vinycomb Foundation Rites - L Dayton Burdick Glimpses Of Vanished Civilizations - M Mulhall Human Animals - F Hamel Legendary Islands Of The Atlantic - W H Babcock Legends & Superstitions of the Sea & Sailors - F S Basset Loke In Younger Tradition - A Olkirk Man Whence How & Whither - A Besant & C Leadbeater Modern Vampirism - A Osbourne Eaves Mythical Monsters - C Gould Myth-Land - F E Hulme Natural History Lore & Legend - F E Hulme Our Story of Atlantis - W P Phelon Paradise Found - W Warren Pre-Historic Nations - J D Baldwin Rosicrucian Digest - Atlantis Rough Stone Monuments & Their Builders - T Peet Rude Stone Monuments - W C Lukis Rude Stone Monuments in All Countries - J Fergusson Sea Monsters Unmasked - H Lee Selestor's Men of Atlantis - C I Von Ravn Stone Monuments of Aniquity - R Weaver Stonehenge & Its Barrows - W Long Stonehenge & Its Earthworks - E Barclay Stonehenge A Temple Restor'd - W Stuckel Stonehenge Astronomically Considered - N Lockyear Stonehenge Today & Yesterday - F Stevens The Amazons in Antiquity & Modern Times - G Rothery The Book Of The Damned - C Fort The Book Of Werewolves - S Baring-Gould The Celtic Dragon Myth - J F Campbell The Chinese Dragon - L Newton Hayes The Earliest Cosmologies - W Fairfield Warren The Evolution Of The Dragon - G E Smith The Great Pyramid Its Spiritual Symbolism - M Edgar The Great Pyramid Jeezeh - L P McCarty The Great Sea Serpent - A C Oudemans The History Of Atlantis - L Spence The Hollow Globe - W F Lyon The Lore of the Unicorn - O Shepard The Lost Atlantis - S Wilson The Lost Atlantis & Other Ethnographoc Studies - D Wilson The Lost Lemuria - W Scott-Elliot The Lupercalia - A M Franklin The Magic Of The Horse Shoe - R Lawrence The Megalithic Culture Of Indonesia - W Perry The Origin Of Werewolf Superstition - C Taylor Stewart The Phantom of the Poles - W Reed The Piasa Or the Devil Among the Indians - W Armstrong The Power of Gems & Charms - G H Bratley The Pyramids & Temples Of Gizeh - M Flanders Petrie The Solution Of The Pyramid Problem - R Ballard The Story of Atlantis - W Scott-Elliot The True Key To Ancient Cosmology - A F Warren The Unicorn A Mythological Investigation - R Brown The Vampire - H S Olcott The Vampire His Kith & Kin - M Summers Unnatural History - E Goldsmid Werwolves - E O'Donell Egypt A Comparison of Egyptian & Hebrew Symbols - F Portal A Short History of the Egyptian Obelisks - W Cooper Ancient Egypt The Light of the World Vol 1 - G Massey Ancient Egypt The Light of the World Vol 2 - G Massey Ancient Egyptian Legends - M A Murray British Museum - The Book Of The Dead Demotic Magical Papyrus of London & Leiden V1 - F Griffith Demotic Magical Papyrus of London & Leiden V2 - F Griffith Demotic Magical Papyrus of London & Leiden V3 - F Griffith Development Of ReligionIn Ancient Egypt - J Breasted Egyptian Belief & Modern Thought - J Bonwick Egyptian Ideas Of The Future Life - E A Wallis Budge Egyptian Literature - E Wilson Egyptian Magic - E A Wallis Budge Egyptian Myth & Legend - D Mackenzie Egyptian Mythology & Egyptian Christianity - S Sharpe Egyptian Myths & Mysteries - R Steiner Egyptian Religion - J Lieblein Hieroglyphics Of Horapollo Nilous - A T Cory History Of The Egyptian Religion - C Tiele Horus In The Pyramid Texts - G Allen Key to the Hebrew-Egyptian Mystery - K Ralston Skinner Legends Of Ancient Egypt - F H Brooksbank Legends Of The Gods - E A Wallis Budge Notes for the Nile - H D Rawnsley Personal Religion in Egypt Before Chrisianity - W F Pertrie Religion & Conscience in Ancient Egypt - W F Petrie Scarabs - I Myer The Book of The Dead pt.I - EA Wallis Budge The Book of The Dead pt.II - EA Wallis Budge The Burden Of Isis - J Dennis The Calendar & Zodiac in Ancient Egypt - W Mure The Dawn Of Astronomy - N Lockyer The Egyptian Concept Of Immortality - G Reisner The Egyptian Heaven & Hell Vol I - E A Wallis Budge The Egyptian Heaven & Hell Vol II - E A Wallis Budge The Egyptian Revival The House Of Hidden Places - W Marsham Adams The Myth of Ra Supreme Sun God of Egypt - W Cooper The Old Egyptian Faith - E Naville The Pyramid Texts - S A B Mercer The Realms Of The Egyptian Dead - A Wiedemann The Religion of Ancient Egypt - W Flinders Petrie The Religion Of The Ancient Egyptians - G Steindorff The Religions of Ancient Egypt & Babylonia - A H Sayce The Rosetta Stone - E A Wallis Budge The Rosetta Stone Vol 1 - E A Wallis Budge The Rosetta Stone Vol 2 - E A Wallis Budge The Rosetta Stone Vol 3 - E A Wallis Budge The Sacred Beetle - J Ward The Serpent Myths of Ancient Egypt - W R Cooper The Treasury Of Ancient Egypt - A Weigall The Wisdom Of The Egyptians - B Brown Theurgia Or The Egyptian Mysteries - A Wilder (tr) Thoth The Hermes Of Egypt - P Boylan Emanuel Swedenberg English Translation Commissioned by Swedenborg of Latin Work Latin Versions A Swedenborg Perpetual Calendar - J Kellog Angelic Wisdom - E Swedenborg Arcana Coelestia the Heavenly Arcana Vol XII Arcana Coelestia The Heavenly Arcana which are Contained in the Holy Scriptures Vol IX[microfilm]. (1857) Conjugal Love - E Swedenborg Doctrine_of_Life_For_the_New_Jerusalem_from_the_Precepts_of_the_Decalogue_Swendenborg Emanuel Swedenborg - L B de Beaumont Emanuel Swedenborg A Biography - J Wilkinson Emanuel Swedenborgs Journal Of Dreams - C Odhner (Tr) Heaven & Hell - E Swedenborg Intercourse Between Soul & Body - E Swedenborg Life After Dearh - E Swedenborg Miscellaneous Theological Works - E Swedenborg Outlines of Swedenborgs Cosmology - L G Beekman Posthumous Theological Works - Volume 1 Posthumous Theological Works - Volume 2 Psychological Transactions - E Swedenborg Swedenborg A Hermetic Philosopher - E Hitchcock The Apocalypse Explained Vol I - E Swedenborg The Apocalypse Explained Vol II - E Swedenborg The Apocalypse Explained Vol III - E Swedenborg The Apocalypse Explained Vol IV - E Swedenborg The Apocalypse Explained Vol V - E Swedenborg The Apocalypse Explained Vol VI - E Swedenborg The Apocalypse Revealed Vol I - E Swedenborg The Apocalypse Revealed Vol II - E Swedenborg The Athanasian Creed - E Swedenborg The Divine Providence - E Swedenborg The Four Doctrines With The Nine Questions - E Swedenborg The Gist Of Swedenborg - J K Smyth The Heavenly Arcana Vol I - E Swedenborg The Heavenly Arcana Vol II - E Swedenborg The Heavenly Arcana Vol III - E Swedenborg The Heavenly Arcana Vol IV - E Swedenborg The Heavenly Arcana Vol IX - E Swedenborg The Heavenly Arcana Vol V - E Swedenborg The Heavenly Arcana Vol VI - E Swedenborg The Heavenly Arcana Vol VII - E Swedenborg The Heavenly Arcana Vol VIII - E Swedenborg The Heavenly Arcana Vol X - E Swedenborg The Heavenly Arcana Vol XI - E Swedenborg The Soul Or Rational Psychology - E Swedenborg The_White_Horse_in_Apocalypse__Meaning-Of_Swedenborg True Christian Religion - Volume 2 True Christian Religion Gnosticism Apollonius Of Tyana - G R S Mead Did Jesus Live 100 Years BC - G R S Mead Early Christianity - S B Slack Echoes From The Gnosis Vol I - G R S Mead Echoes From The Gnosis Vol II - G R S Mead Echoes From The Gnosis Vol III - G R S Mead Echoes From The Gnosis Vol IV - G R S Mead Echoes From The Gnosis Vol V - G R S Mead Echoes From The Gnosis Vol VI - G R S Mead Echoes From The Gnosis Vol VII - G R S Mead Echoes From The Gnosis Vol VIII - G R S Mead Echoes From The Gnosis Vol X - G R S Mead Fragments Of A Faith Forgotton - G R S Mead Pistis Sophia The Corpus Hermeticum The Gnostic Heresies of the 1st & 2nd Centuries - H Mansel The Gnostics & Their Remains - C W King Thrice Greatest Hermes Vol I - G R S Mead Thrice Greatest Hermes Vol II - G R S Mead Thrice Greatest Hermes Vol III - G R S Mead Grimoires, itual, Magick, General Occultism A Compleat System Of Magic - D Defoe A Manual Of Occultism - Sephariel A Treatise Of Magickal Incantations - C Pazig Ancient Mysteries & Modern Revelations - W Colville Ars Notoria - The Notory Art of Solomon Babylonian Magic & Sorcery - L W King Ceremonial Magic Unveiled - D Fortune Demoniality or Incubi & Succubi - Rev Sinistari Demonic Possession in the New Testament - W Alexander Dogma Et Rituel De La Magie - Pt I - E Levi Dogma Et Rituel De La Magie - Pt II - E Levi Earth Inferno - A O Spare Ghost Land - E Britten Grimoire Of Honorius Grimoirium Imperium Heptameron - P de Abaro Hints to Young Students of Occultism - L Rogers Huna - M Freedom Long Konx Om Pax - A Crowley Lectures On The Early History Of The Kingship - J Frazer Libellus Magicus Liber [Chanokh] - J Dee Liber Aleph vel CXI - A Crowley Liber DCCCLX_ John St. John Liber LXII - Hp Blavatsky & A Crowley Liber Mysteriorum Quartus - J Dee Liber Mysteriorum Quintus - J Dee Liber Thirty One - Frater Achad Magic & Fetishism - A C Haddon Magic White & Black - F Hartmann My Occult Experiences - J van Manen Occult Essays - A P Sinnett Occultism & Common Sense - B Willson Occultism & Modern Science - T Oesterreich Occultism For Beginners - W Dower Occultists & Mystic of all Ages - R Shirley Occultists & Mystics Of All Ages - R Shirley Possesion Demoniacal & Other - T K Oesterreich Scientific Occultism - D P Hatch The Ancient Book of Formulas- L De Claremont The Arbatel of Magick The Beauties of Occult Science Investigated - T White The Black Pullett The Black Raven - J Faust The Book Of Ceremonial Magic - A E Waite The Book of Formulas - J Hazelrigg The Book Of Pleasure - A O Spare The Book Of Power - I Shah (Tr) The Book Of The Black Serpent The Calls Of Enoch The Enochian Calls (Alternative) The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy - H Agrippa (spurious) The Grand Lodge Grimoire The Great Book Of Magical Art - L W de Lawrence The Greater Key of Solomon - Books I & II The Grimoire Of Armadel The Hieroglyphic Monad - Dr J Dee The History Of Magic Vol I - J Ennemoser The History Of Magic Vol II - J Ennemoser The Inner Life & The Tao-Teh-King - C Bjerregaard The Lesser Key of Solomon (Legemeton I Goetia) The Lesser Key of Solomon (Legemeton II Theurgia Goetia) The Lesser Key of Solomon (Legemeton III Ars Paulina) The Lesser Key of Solomon (Legemeton IV Ars Almadel) The Lesser Key of Solomon (Legemeton V Ars Nova) The Logomachy of Zos - A O Spare The Magic of the Middle Ages - V Rydberg The Magical Writings Of Thomas Vaughan - A E Waite The Magus Part I - F Barrett The Magus Part II - F Barrett The New Black Magic..- J Raupert The Oera Linda Book - W Sandbach (Trans) The Philosophy of Magic Vol I - E Salverte The Philosophy Of Magic Vol II - E Salverte The Sacred Book of Death - L W De Lawrence The Sacred Books & Traditions of The Yezidiz - I Joseph The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage - Book I The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage - Book II The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage - Book III The Secret Grimoire of Turiel The Seventh Book of Moses - J Scheibel The Sixth Book of Moses - J Scheibel The Sword Of Moses - M Gaster (trans) The Sword of Song - A Crowley The Way of Power - L Adams Beck The Zoetic Grimoire of Zos - A O Spare Three Books of Occult Philosophy - Book I - H Agrippa Three Books of Occult Philosophy - Book II - H Agrippa Three Books of Occult Philosophy - Book III - H Agrippa White Magic - J Maskelyne William Lilly's History of His Life and Times - W Lilly XXXI Hymns To The Star Goddess - Frater Achad Occult Periodicals I Journal of the Society For Psychical Research Vol XI 1903-4 Mind Vol II Apr-Sep 1898 The International[8 Volumes] The Message Of The East Vol IX The Message Of The East Vol V The Message Of The East Vol XI The Metaphysical Magazine Vol V Jan-May 1897 The Metaphysical Magazine Vol XI & XII Jan-Jun 1900 The Path Vol 1 Apr 1886 - Mar 1887 The Path Vol 2 Apr 1887 - Mar 1888 The Path Vol 3 Apr 1888 - Mar 1889 The Path Vol 4 Apr 1889 - Mar 1890 The Path Vol 5 Apr 1890 - Mar 1891 The Path Vol 6 Apr 1891 - Mar 1892 The Path Vol 7 Apr 1892 - Mar 1893 The Path Vol 8 Apr 1893 - Mar 1894 The Path Vol 9 Apr 1894 - Mar 1895 The Path Vol 10 Apr 1895 - Mar 1896 The Word Vol XV Rosicrucian Ancient & Modern Initiation - M Heindel Ara Foederis Theraphici Astro-Diagnosis A Guide To Healing - M Heindel Bacon Shakespeare & The Rosicrucians - W Wigston Comte de Gabalis Echoes From Mt. Ecclesia - Gleanings Of A Mystic - M Heindel In the Pronaos of the Temple of Wisdom - Franz Hartmann INRI- De Mysteriis Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis - F Achad Laws of the Fraternity of the Rosy Cross - M Maier Letters To Students - M Heindel Mysteris Of The Rosie Cross - Unknown Nature Spirits & Nature Forces - M Heindel Regeneration - F B Dowd Report of the 68th Covocation Order of the Rose Cross 1916 Rituals of the Societas Rosicrucianis in Anglia Rosicrucian Aphorisms and Process Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians - F Hartmann The Comte de St. Germain - I Cooper Oakley The Consideratio Brevis - P à Gabella The Ever-Burning Lamps of the Ancients - W W Westcott The Hermetic & Rosicrucian Mystery - A E Waite The Masters Word - G W Plummer The Most Holy Trinosophia - Comte de St. Germain The New Atlantis - F Bacon The Passing & Life Afterward - M Heindel The Philosophy of Fire - R Swinburne Clymer The Real History of The Rosicrucians - A E Waite The Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures - M Heindel The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception - M Heindel The Rosicrucian Manifestos The Rosicrucian Mysteries - M Heindel The Rosicrucian Philosophy - M Heindel The Rosicrucian Principles of Child Training - M Heindel The Rosicrucians Their Rites & Mysteries - H Jennings The Rosie-Crucian Secrets - J Dee The Secret Doctrine Of The Rosicrucians - Magus Incognito The Secret Symbols of The Rosicrucians (Book I) The Web Of Destiny - M Heindel With The Adepts - Franz Hartmann Zanoni - E Bulwer Lytton Rays from the Rose Cross [39 Volumes] Volume 2 Masonic 1864 Statutes of the Knights Templar A Bunch of Keys - G. R. Long A Collection of Letters on Freemasonry - J C Spencer A Compendium of Freemasonry in Illinois - G Warvelle A Defence Of Freemasonry - A F A Woodford A History of Freemasonry in Lincolnshire - W Dixon A History Of Lodge No. 61 F & A M - O J Harvey A Lexicon of Freemasonry - A G Mackey A Program For Peace In An Industrial Age - G P Ellis A Short Masonic History - F Armitage A Short View Of The History Of Freemasonry - W Sandys A Speculative Philosophy - T O Todd A Statement by 1st G.M. of Women Freemasons 1908 A Study in American Masonry - A Preuss A System of Speculative Masonry - S Town A Text Book Of Masonic Jurisprudence - A G Mackey A Tramps Own Ritual Abraham Lincoln - Freemason, An Address Acacian Lyrics - L A H Munday Address To The Veterans Of Pennsylvania - I Register Akin's Lodge Manual - J W Akin American Indian Freemasonry - A C Parker An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry - A G Mackey An Essay On The Mysteries Of Free Masons - W H Reece (Trans) An Explanation of the 3rd Degree Tracing Board - G R Oswell An Interesting Companion For A Leisure Hour - D Fraser Ancient Craft Masonry In Vermont - L S Tillotson Ancient Mysteries & Modern Masonry - C H Vail Ancient Religious Traditions & Symbols - H Sykes Anderson's Constitutions Of 1723 - L Vibert Anderson's Constitutions Annual Addresses of M.E. Charles Dana Burrage Arcana Saitica - H Giles Bacon's Secret Disclosed - G Cunningham Bogus Freemasonry Among Colored Masons - C Mitchell Book Of The A & A Scottish Rite - C T McClenachan Brief History Of The A A S Rite Freemasonry - E Sherman Brother Of The Third Degree - W Garver Brotherly Love Recommended In A Sermon - C Brockwell Brothers & Builders - J F Newton By Laws Of Corinthian Lodge - L A Surette By Laws Of Mary Commandery - Masonic Knights Templar Bye Laws & Regulations Of The Defence Lodge 1221 Leeds Cagliostro's Secret Ritual Of Egyptian Rite Freemasonry Celebration 125th Anniversary Masschusets Lodge 1770-1895 Centenial Anniversary Adoniram R A Chapter Centenial, The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Connecticut 1889 Centennial Celebration Harmony Chapter No52 Ceremonies - Scottish Rite Association, Oakland (1909) Chips From A Rough Ashlar - J Stevens Code Index & Digest Of The Laws Of Freemasonry - J Morrison Commemorating The 75th Anniversary - Urbana Lodge Compiled Law Of The Grand Lodge F & A M Michigan 1886 Confusion Is Upon Us - H. B. Macdonald Constitution & Laws Of The Grand Lodge Virginia 1791 Constitution By-Laws Manual of the AF & AM Oregon Constitution Of The M W Grand Lodge - California Constitutions of The Ancient Fraternity Of F & AM - J Hervey Constitutions Of The Free & Accepted Masons - W H White Constitutions Of The United Grand Lodge Of England (1908) Crusading With Knights Templar - D W Semple Cryptic Masonry A Manual Of The Council - A G Mackey Danger Signals - Secret Societies Illuminated Desaguliers and the March of Militant Masonry - G. E. Maine Determining Recognition - H. W. Bundy Discourses On Freemasonry - T Harris Duncan's Masonic Ritual & Monitor - M C Duncan Fiftieth Anniversary - Oakland Lodge Francis Bacon & His Secret Society - H Pott Free Masonry - Its Pretensions Exposed - H Ward Free Masonry in North America - H Whittemore Freemasonry & Catholicism - M Heindel Freemasonry & Its Jurisprudence - C L Patton Freemasonry and the Druids - W Winwood Reade Freemasonry and the War 1862 Freemasonry British, Continental Etc. - M Di Gargano Freemasonry Explained - G Oliver Freemasonry From AD 1600 To The Grand Lodge Era - W Hughan Freemasonry In America Prior To 1750 - M Maynard Jonson Freemasonry In Pennsylvania Vol III 1813-55 - N Barratt Freemasonry in the Holy Land - R Morris Freemasonry Its Secrecy..- T Russel Freemasonry Its Symbolism, Religious Nature...- C Paton Freemasons Monitor (Illustr's of Masonry) - Webb & Morris Fundamental Philosophic Secrets Within Masonry - W Wilmhurst Funeral Services Of Masonic Lodges Further Light - Poems for Masonic Occassions - H Bromwell General History Cyclopedia & Dictionary- R Macoy General Regulations For The Royal Arch Masons Of England Grand Encampment of Knghts Templar 16th Triennial 1865 Growth and Service of the Fellowcraft Degree - N Haydon Harrington's Desideratu for the Age- A Masonic Work Harry Watson Or The Secrets Of Freemasonry - H Henderson Hidden Tradition In Masonry & Medieval Mysticism - I Oakley Highlights Of The Mexican Revolution - J Lewin McCleish Hiram Abif Morris Marks & The Rev Morris Rosenbaum Historical Landmarks of Freemasonry Explained V1 - G Oliver Historical Landmarks of Freemasonry Explained V2 - G Oliver Historical Notes Concerning the York Grand Lodge - C Scott Historical Sketch Of Manchester Lodge - B P Owen History & By Laws Of Richmond Royal Arch Chapter - M Moore History Of Ancient Fraternity F & A Masons - H Stillson History Of Freemasonry - District Of Columbia - K Harper History of Freemasonry 1829 to the Present Time - G Oliver History Of Freemasonry In Hyderabad - J D B Gribble History of Freemasonry in Illinois - J Corson Smith History Of Freemasonry In The City Of Calena - J C Smith History Of Freemasonry In The Province Of Sussex - T Francis History of Freemasonry Throughout the World Vol 1 - R Gould History of Freemasonry Throughout the World Vol 2 - R Gould History of Freemasonry Throughout the World Vol 3 - R Gould History of Freemasonry Throughout the World Vol 4 - R Gould History of Freemasonry Throughout the World Vol 5 - R Gould History of Freemasonry Throughout the World Vol 6 - R Gould History Of Joseph Webb Lodge - J Waldo Denny History Of Lodge No 43 F & AM - G R Welchans History Of Macon Lodge No 8 - Unknown History Of Masonic Persecutions - G Oliver History Of Masonry In Wigan - J Brown History Of Scottish Rite Masonry Detroit - J Corliss History Of Scottish Rite Masonry In Chicago - G Warvelle History of Scottish Rite Masonry in Texas - C Hotchkiss History Of St Andrews Lodge - H Smith History Of The Knights Templar Of Pennsylvania - A Creigh History Of The Knights Templars Of Canada - J R Robertson History Of Washington Lodge Lubec, Maine - J McGregor Ignorant Learned - H Melville Illustrations of Masonry - Grand Lodge Of Kentucky - J Moore Illustrations of Masonry - W Preston Illustrations of Masonry by 1 of the Fraternity - W Morgan Ionic Lodge AF & AM 1847-1897 Items For Masonic Lodge Bulletins - G Goodwin & F Russel Jewels of Masonic Oratory - L S Myler Key to the First Chart of the Masonic Mirror - H. 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Goodwin Mysteries of Religion and Science - Valerius Negro Masonry - A Comittee Report 1897 Northumbrian Masonry - J Strachan Official Souvenier 27th Triennial Conclave, Pittsburgh On Freemasonry - The Dean Of York On the Ancient & Primitive Rite of Masonry - J. How One Hundred Years of Aurora Grata - C Brockaway Opinions on Speculative Masonry - J C. Odiorne Ordo RR et AC - A. E. Waite Origin of Freemasonry - G. T. Schultz 1912 Original & Complete Ritual 1st Supreme Council 33° Vol I Original & Complete Ritual 1st Supreme Council 33° Vol II Our Ritual Origin Of Freemasonry - E Schultz Outlines Of The History Of Freemasonry In Quebec - J Graham Philosophic Lodge of the Knights of the Eagle - Francken Principles & Practice of Masonic Jurisprudence - J Simons Proceedings Of The AF & Am Of Canada 1899 Proceedings Of The Grand Lodge Pennsylvania - 1896 Proofs Of A Conspiracy - J Robison Readings XXXII Records Of Freemasonry In The State Of Connecticut - Vol I Records Of Freemasonry In The State Of Connecticut Vol II Religious Dogmas & Customs - J Fellows Richardson's Monitor of Freemasonry Ritual of Fratres Lucis Rosicrucian and Masonic Origins - Manly P Hall Royal Freemasons - G W Speth Rudyard Kipling & Freemasonry - S Thompson Sacred Mysteries Among The Mayas & Quiches - A Le Plongeon Scientific & Religious Mysteries Of Antiquity - J Yarker Secret High Degree Rituals, Masonic Rite Memphis - J Yarker Secret Sects Of Syria & The Lebanon - B H Springett Sermons & Addresses On Secret Societies Sermons On Freemasonry - Rev J Inwood Shaver's Masonic Monitor - W M Shaver Shibboleth - A Templar Monitor - G Cooper Connor Sketches Of Eminent Freemasons - C Moore Some Deeper Aspects of Masonic Symbolism - A.E. Waite Some of the Beauties of Freemasonry - J Bradley Speculative Masonry - A S Macbride Standard Ahimon Rezon & Blue Lodge Guide - M Redding Standard History Of Freemasonry State Of N.Y. - P Ross Symbolism of the 3 Degrees Vol 1 - O. D. Street Symbolism of the 3 Degrees Vol 2 - O. D. Street Symbolism of the 3 Degrees Vol 3 - O. D. Street Symbolism, Hiramic Legend, & the Master's Word - J Ball Tactics & Manual For Knights Templars - H B Grant Tales Poems & Masonic Papers - E Holmes Textbook of Cryptic Masonry - J Chase The Accepted Ceremonies Of Craft Freemasonry - A Mason The Ahiman Rezon (Pennsylvania Grand Lodge) The Albury MS - 1875 The Antiquities of Freemasonry - G Oliver The Apocalypse of Freemasonry - Castells The Apron The Golden Bowl & The Silver Cord - H L Haywood The Arcana Of Freemasonry - A Churchward The Arcane Schools - J Yarker The Beginning Of Masonry - F Higgins The Book Of The Chapter - A G Mackey The Book of the Lodge or Officers' Manual - G Oliver The Book of the Words - A Pike The Builders A Story and Study of Masonry - J F Newton The California Digest Of Masonic Law L Yates The Caveac - J P Simpson The Ceremony Of Initiation - W L Wilmshurst The Ceremony Of Passing - W L Wilmshurst The Compass & Square For Women Only - H L M Henderson The Constitution of the Society of Ancient Masons-Virginia The Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts - 1857 The Cooke Manuscript 1450 The Craftsman & Freemason's Guide - C Moore The Cryptic Rite In Canada - J R Robertson The Dionysian Artificers - Hippolyto J Da Costa The Dream Of The Ages - T E Green The Dundee Manuscript The Duty of the Master - J Fitzhenry Townsend The Early History Of Freemasonry In England - T L Fox The Entered Apprentice's Handbook - J S M Ward The Fellowcraft's Handbook - J S M Ward The Female Freemasons The Four Old Lodges - R Gould The Freemasons - What They Are - Mge De Segur The Freemasons Hymnal - W Malmene The Freemasons Manual or Illustrations of Masonry - J How The Freemasons Monitor..1808 - T Webb The Freemasons Treasury - G Oliver The General Ahiman Rezon & Freemasons Guide - D Sickels The Genius of Freemasonry & 20th C. 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Swinburne Clymer The Mysticism of Masonry - Unknown The New Masonic Music Manual - W Janes The Official Monitor of the Grand Lodge of Texas The Old Charges - Brother H L Haywood The Old Charges Of British Freemasons - W Hughan The Old Guilds Of England - F Armitage The Origin & History of Bogus Freemasonry - C Mitchell The Origin Of Freemasonry - R Longfield The Origin of Freemasonry - T Paine 1818 The Origin Of Freemasonry & Knights Templar - J Bennett The Origin Of Freemasonry,1717 Theory Exploded - C Paton The Origin Of Masonic Ritual & Tradition - W Rowbottom The Origin Of The Royal Arch - G Oliver The Origin, History & Puport of Freemasonry - J Fellows The Perfect Ceremonies Of Craft Masonry - Unknown The Perfect Ceremonies Of The Masonic Knights Templar The Principles of Masonic Law - A. G. Mackey The Quatuor Coronati Lodge - R Baxter The Regius Manuscript - A Poem of Moral Duties 1390 The Revelations of a Square - G. Oliver The Rise & Progress Of Freemasonry In Illinois- E Turnbull The Ritual Of The Commandery - Knights Of Malta 1878 The Ritual of the Operative Freemasons - T Carr The Romance Of Freemasonry - J F Newton The Roots Of Ritualism In Church & Masonry - H P Blavatsky The Round Towers Of Ireland - H O'Brien The Royal Order Of Scotland (1844) The Sanctuary Of Memphis Or Hermes - E J Marconis The Scarlet Book Of Freemasonry - M W Redding The Secret Tradition In Freemasonry Vol I - A E Waite The Secret Tradition In Freemasonry Vol II - A E Waite The Secret Warfare Of Freemasonry - G Pachtler The Signet Of King Solomon - C Arnold The Spirit of Masonry - J F Newton The Star In The East - G Oliver The State of Rhode Island - Report to Investigate the Charge The Story of Freemasonry - W G Sibley The Story Of The Royal Arch - W Harvey The Symbol of Glory - G Oliver The Symbolism of Freemasonry - A G Mackey The Templar Orders in Freemasonry - A. E. 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Hyneman 1860 The Faiths of the World The Faiths of the World Vol I - J Gardner The Faiths of the World Vol II - J Gardner The Faiths of the World Vol III - J Gardner The Faiths of the World Vol IV - J Gardner The Faiths of the World Vol V - J Gardner The Faiths of the World Vol VI - J Gardner The Faiths of the World Vol VII - J Gardner The Faiths of the World Vol VIII - J Gardner Theosophy A Buddhist Catechism - H S Olcott A Guardian Wall of Will - G S Arundale A Modern Panarion - H P Blavatsky A Modern Priestess of Isis - W Leaf A Modern Revival Of Ancient Wisdom - A Boyd Kuhn A Study in Karma - A Besant A Textbook of Theosophy - C Leadbeater An Epitome of Theosophy - W Q Judge An Introduction to Yoga - A Besant An Outline of Theosophy - C Leadbeater Aspects of the Christ - A Besant Astral Plane - C Leadbeater Avataras - A Besant Clothed With the Sun - A (Bonus) Kingsford Collected Fruits of Occult Teaching - A P Sinnett Creating Character - A Beasant & C Leadbeater Culture of Concentration - W Q Judge Echoes From the Orient - W C Judge Echoes From the Orient - W Q Judge Elementry Theosophy - L W Rogers Esoteric Buddhism - A P Sinnet Esoteric Christianity - A Besant Essays On Theosophy - I E Taylor Etheric Vision & What It Reveals Five Messages - H P Blavatsky Five Years of Theosophy - Articles 1879-1884 In The Outer Court - A Besant Initiation & Its Results - R Steiner Introduction to the Mantra Sastra - S Gopalacharlu Invisible Helpers - C Leadbeater Isis Unveiled Vol I - H P Blavatsky Isis Unveiled Vol II - H P Blavatsky Jacob Boehme - Studies In Theosophy - H L Martensen Letters That Have Helped Me - J Niemand Letters to A P Sinnet - H P Blavatsky Life After Death & How Theosophy Unveils It - C Leadbeater London Lectures of 1907 - A Besant Man & His Bodies - A Besant Man Visible & Invisible - C Leadbeater Man's Waking Consciousness - G S Arundale Masters & the Path - C Leadbeater Memory & Its Nature - A Besant & H P Blavatsky Mysticism - A Besant Nirvana - G S Arundale Popular Lectures on Theosophy - A Besant Practical Occultism - H P Blavatsky Reincarnation - A Besant Reincarnation A Sudy Of Forgotten Truth - E D Walker Riddle of Life - A Besant Six Theosophic Points - J Bohme Students Theosophical Glossary - W Q Judge Superhuman Men - A Besant The Ancient Wisdom - A Besant The Astral Plane - C Leadbeater The Beautiful Necessity - C Bragdon The Building Of The Kosmos - A Besant The Common Foundation of All Religions - H S Olcott The Devachanic Plane - C Leadbeater The Esoteric Basis Of Christianity - W M Kingsland The Eternal Verities For Teachers Of Children The Gates of Knowledge - R Steiner The Growth Of The Soul - A P Sinnett The Hidden Side Of Things - C Leadbeater The Ideals of Theosophy - A Besant The Inner Life Vol I & II - C Leadbeater The Key to Theosophy - H P Blavatsky The Mahatma Letters To A P Sinnet - A Barker The Masters - A Besant The Monad - C Leadbeater The Mysteries Of The Heart Doctrine - K Tingley The Occult World - A P Sinnet The Ocean of Theosophy - W Q Judge The Path of Discipleship - A Besant The Reality of Matter - H Hensoldt The Science of the Sacraments - C.W. Leadbeater The Secret Doctrine Vol I - H P Blavatsky The Secret Doctrine Vol II - H P Blavatsky The Secret Doctrine Vol III - H P Blavatsky The Seven Principles of Man - A Besant The Souls Growth Through Reincarnation - C Leadbeater The Supersensual Life - J Boheme The Theosophist Vol XII Oct 1890 - Sep 1891 The Theosophist Vol XXX Pt I The Voice of the Silence - H P Blavatsky The Way To Christ - J Boheme The White Lodge & Its Messengers - A Besant The World Mystery - G R S Read Theosophical Manuals I Elementary Theosophy Theosophical Manuals III Karma Theosophical Manuals IV Reincarnation Theosophical Manuals V Man After Death Theosophical Manuals VI Kamaloka & Devachan Theosophical Manuals VII Teachers & Their Disciples Theosophical Manuals VIII The Doctrine Of Cycles Theosophical Manuals XI Psychometry Clairvoyance.. Theosophical Manuals XIII The Flame & the Clay Theosophical Manuals XIV On God & Prayer Theosophical Manuals XV Theosophy the Mother of Religions Theosophical Manuals XVII Earth Theosophical Manuals XVIII Sons of the Firemist Theosophy - A Besant Theosophy - The Path Of The Mystic - K Tingley Theosophy & New Thought - H C Sheldon Theosophy Or Psychological Religion - F Max Muller Theosophy Simplified - I S Cooper Theosophy, Religion & Occult Science - H S Olcott Thought Power - A Besant Thoughts On 'At the Feet of the Master' - G S Arundale Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge - H P Blavatsky Varieties of Psychism - J I Wedgwood Vernal Blooms - W Q Judge The Theosophical Path Vol 1 Jul-Dec The Theosophical Path Vol 2 Jan-Jun The Theosophical Path Vol 3 Jul-Dec The Theosophical Path Vol 4 Jan-Jun The Theosophical Path Vol 5 Jul-Dec The Theosophical Path Vol 6 Jan-Jun The Theosophical Path Vol 7 Jul-Dec The Theosophical Path Vol 8 Jan-Jun The Theosophical Path Vol 9 Jul-Dec The Theosophical Path Vol 10 Jan-Jun The Theosophical Path Vol 11 Jul-Dec The Theosophical Path Vol 12 Jan-Jun The Theosophical Path Vol 13 Jul-Dec The Theosophical Path Vol 14 Jan-Jun The Theosophical Path Vol 15 Jul-Dec The Theosophical Path Vol 16 Jan-Jun The Theosophical Path Vol 17 Jul-Dec The Theosophical Path Vol 18 Jan-Jun The Theosophical Path Vol 19 Jul-Dec The Theosophical Path Vol 20 Jan-Jun The Theosophical Path Vol 21 Jul-Dec The Theosophical Path Vol 22 Jan-Jun The Theosophical Path Vol 23 Jul-Dec Voodoo, African, West Indian Religion, Magick At The Back Of The Black Mans Mind - R Dennett Drums & Shadows - M Granger Fetichism & Fetich Worshipers - P Baudin Fetichism In West Africa - R H Nassau Hausa Superstitions & Customs - A Tremearne Human Leopards - K J Beatty Kebra Nagast New Orleans Superstitions - L Hearn Obeah Witchcraft in the West Indies - H J Bell Psychic Phenomena Of Jamaica - J J Williams Religion & Myth - J Macdonald Serpent Worship in Africa - W Hambly The Bawenda of the Spelomken - R Wessman The Holy Piby - R Athlyi Rogers The Last Of The Voudoos - L Hearn The Promised Key - G G Maragh The Royal Parchment Scroll.. - F B Pettersburg The Tshi Speaking Peoples Of W Africa - A Ellis The Yoruba Speaking Peoples Of W Africa - A Ellis Voodoos & Obeahs - J J Williams Womans Mysteries Of A Primitive People - A Talbot Volume 3 Kabbalah 32 Paths Of Wisdom - W W Westcott (trans) A short survey of the literature of rabbinical and medieval Judasim - W. Oesterley A sketch of the Talmud - the world renowned collection of Jewish traditions Vol. 1 - I. Kalisch (1877) A sketch of the Talmud - the world renowned collection of Jewish traditions Vol. 2 - I. Kalisch (1877) A Talmudic miscellany ... or, A thousand and one extracts from the Talmud, the Midrashim and the Kabbalah - P. I. Hershon (1880) Aesch Mezareph (The Purifying Fire) An Introduction To The Study Of The Kabbalah - W W Westcott Anatomy of the Body of God - Frater Achad Aramaic Language (Hebrew Dialect) of the Babylonian Talmud - M. Margolis (1910) Babylonian Oil Magic - S Daiches Babylonisch-astrales im Weltbilde des Thalmud un Midrasch - E. Bischoff (1907) Biblia Cabalistica - W Begley Blue Equinox Christianity in Talmud and Midrash - R Herford 1903 Crowley - The Law of Liberty Crowley - The Message of the Master Therion Crystal vision Through Crystal Gazing Did Jesus live 100 B.C. An enquiry into the Talmud Jesus stories - G. Mead (1903) Elements Of The Qabalah - E Levi Gematria A Preliminary Investigation Of The Cabala - F Bond Hebraic Literature - M H Harris Hebrew Literature - E Wilson Hebrew literature; comprising Talmudic treatises, Hebrew melodies and the Kabbalah unveiled - J. Barclay (1901) Hidden Treasures Of The Ancient Qabalah - G Gewurz Introduction to the Talmud. Historical and literary introduction - M. Mielziner (1894) Jesus Christ in the Talmud, Midrash, Zohar, and the liturgy of the synagogue - G. Dalman (1893) Jesus in the Talmud; his personality, his disciples and his sayings - B. Pick Jewish Magic & Superstition - J Trachtenberg Jewish Mysticism - J Abelson Jewish mysticism - J. Abelson Jewish mystics, an appreciation - S. Hirsch (1907) Kabbalah, the harmony of opposites - a treatise elucidating Bible allegories and the significance of numbers - W. J. Colville Liber 777 - A Crowley New edition of the Babylonian Talmud Vol 1 - M. L. Rodkinson (1918) New edition of the Babylonian Talmud Vol 2 - M. L. Rodkinson (1918) New edition of the Babylonian Talmud Vol 3 - M. L. Rodkinson (1918) Q.B.L. Or The Bride's Reception - Frater Achad Qabbalah - The Philosophical Writings - I Myer Schem ha Mephoresh Sefer Maftea Shelomoh = Sepher Maphteah Shelomo (Book of the Key of Solomon) an exact facsimile of an original book of magic in Hebrew with illustrations Sefer Okre harim = The rabbinical dialectics, a history of the dialecticians and dialectics of the Mishnah and Talmud - A. Hahn (1879) Sefer Raziel HaMalakh - The Book Of The Great Angel Rezial (unknown author and date) Semitic Magic Origins & Development - R Thompson (1908) Sepher Ha Bahir - A Kaplan (tr) Sepher Maphteah Shelomo - H Gollancz (Hebrew) Sepher Yetzirah - W W Westcott (tr.) Sepher Yetzirah The Bok of Formation, and the Thirty Two Paths of Wisdom 1893 Sh'ir Qoma Study of the Talmud - B. Spiers (1899) Tales & Maxims From The Midrash - S Rapaport Talmudic sayings, selected and arranged under appropriate heads - H. Cohen (1894) Talmudic sayings, selected and arranged under appropriate heads - H. Cohen (1910) The Anatomy Of The Body Of God - Frater Achad The Babylonian Talmud Tractate Berakot - A Cohen The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King by A. Crowley (1904) The Book of the Great Raziel Part 1 The Cabal Of The Twelve Houses - G Wharton The Cabala - B Pick The cabbalists and other essays - S. A. Hirsch The Canon - W Stirling The Chalice Of Ecstacy - F Achad The Doctrine & Literature Of The Kabalah - A E Waite The Equinox of the Gods Book 4 Part IV EotG The Golden Fleece A Book Of Jewish Cabalism - T F Page The greater Key of Solomon - including a clear and precise exposition of King Solomon's secret procedure, its mysteries and magic rites - L. De Laurence The Guide for the Perplexed - M Maimondes The Heart of Jewish Meditation Abraham Abulafia’s Path of the Divine Names (1291) translated by Avi Solomon The Hidden Treasures of Ancient Qabalah II - E Gerwuz The history and the future of the Talmudic text - M. Jastrow (1897) The history of the Talmud - from the time of its formation, about 200 B.C., up to the present time - M. L. Rodkinson (1903) The history of the ten lost tribes - Anglo-Israelism examined - D. Baron The Kabala of numbers - Sepharial The Kabalah Of Numbers - Sepharial The Kabbala the true science of light; an introduction to the philosophy and theosophy of the ancient sages by S. Pancoast (1877) The Kabbalah - A Franck The Kabbalah - its doctrines, development, and literature - C. Ginsburg The Kabbalah Unveiled - S L Mac Gregor Mathers The most noted Jewish book in the world - H. Einspruch The Mysteries Of The Qabbalah - Vol II - E Gewurz The Mystical Qabalah - D Fortune The Old Paths or The Talmud tested by Scripture - A McCaul 1880 The origin of letters and numerals according to the Sefer Yetzirah - P. Mordell The poetry of the Talmud - S. Sekles (1880) The reports of the magicians and astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum Vol. 1 - R. C. Thompson (1900) The reports of the magicians and astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum Vol. 2 - R. C. Thompson (1900) The School System of the Talmud, with a Sketch of the Talmudical Treatise ?Baba Kama - Baer Spiers 1898 The science of the Talmud - C. M. Boerman (1894) The Secret Doctrine in Israel - A E Waite The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians - J Pranaitis 1892 The Secret Wisdom Of The Qabalah - J F C Fuller The sixth and seventh books of Moses ... the wonderful magical and spirit arts of Moses and Aaron - L. W. de Laurence (1910) The study of the Talmud in Spain - S. Daiches The Talmud - A. Darmesteter (1897) The Talmud - E. Deutsch (1874) The Talmud - what it is and what it knows about Jesus and his followers - B. Pick (1887) The Talmud Unmasked - I. Pranaitis (1892) The Talmud; selections from the contents of that ancient book, its commentaries, teachings, poetry, and legends - H Polano 1894 The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, with illustrations from the Talmud - C. Taylor (1886) The wisdom of Israel - being extracts from the Babylonian Talmud and Midrash Rabboth - E. Collins (1910) Wisdom and wit of the Talmud compiled by Harry Albro' Woodworth Wit and wisdom of the Talmud - M. Peters (1900) Woman in the Talmud a sketch of the position held by women in the old Jewish days - A t Story 1880 Mythology, Lore, Superstition A Guide to Mythology - H A Clarke A Handbook of Norse Mythology - K Mortensen A Manual of Scandanavian Mythology - G Pigott Ancient Legends.. & Superstitions Of Ireland - F Wilde Animal & Plant Lore - F D Bergen Anthology of Mysticism & Mystical Philosophy - W Kingsland Babylonian-Assyrian Birth Omens - M Jastrow Bygone Beliefs - H S Redgrove Cambrian Superstitions - W Howells Compendium of Heathen Mythology - E A Gilbert Contributions to the Science of Mythology V1 - F Max Muller Contributions to the Science of Mythology V2 - F Max Muller Cults Myths & Religions - S Reinach Curiosities of Indo-European Tradition & Folklore - W Kelly Curiosities of Popular Customs - W Walsh Custom & Myth - A Lang Essay on Superstition - W Newnham Essays on Language Mythology & Religion V 1 - F Max Muller Essays on Language Mythology & Religion V 2 - F Max Muller Finger Ring Lore - W Jones Flower Lore & Legend - K Beals Gods & Godesses of the Northland Vol 1 - V Rydberg Gods & Godesses of the Northland Vol 2 - V Rydberg Gods & Godesses of the Northland Vol 3 - V Rydberg Greek & Roman Mythology - J M Tatlock Greek & Roman Mythology & Heroic Legend - H Steuding Heathen Mythology - Unknown Highland Superstitions - A Macgregor Historic Oddities & Strange Events - S Baring Gould Introduction to a Scientific System of Mythology - C Muller Kentucky Superstitions - D & L Thomas Kwaidan - L Hearn Legends Of Gods & Ghosts - W Westervelt Manual Of Mythology - A S Murray Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions Vol 1 - C Mackay Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions Vol 2 - C Mackay Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions Vol 3 - C Mackay Modern Mythology - A Lang Mother Bunch's Closet - G L Gomme Myth Ritual & Religion Vol I - A Lang Myth Ritual & Religion Vol II - A Lang Myths & Dreams - E Clodd Myths & Myth Makers - J Fiske Myths of Babylonia & Assyria - D A Mackenzie Myths Scenes & Worthies of Somerset - 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P Mulford Your Forces & How to Use Them Vol 6 - P Mulford Your Invisible Power - G Behrend Your Mind & How to Use It - W W Atkinson Occult Fiction A Book of Ghosts - S Baring Gould A Dweller on Two Planets - F S Oliver A Thin Ghost - M Rhodes James Alice Or The Mysteries - E B Lytton All Men Are Ghosts - L P Jacks Ancient Sorceries - A Blackwood Atlantis - G Hauptmann Auriol Or the Elixr of Life - W Ainsworth Ayesha The Return Of She - H Rider Haggard Best Psychic Stories - J L French Beyond the Gates - E S Phelps Beyond The Great South Wall - E Savile Black Spirits & White - R Adams Cram Border Ghost Stories - H Pease Brood of the Witch Queed - S Rohmer Devil Stories An Anthology - M Rudwin Down There - J K Huysmans Dracula - B Stoker Draculas Guest - B Stoker Edward Burton - H Wood Etidorpha - J Uri Lloyd Frankenstein Or the Modern Prometheus - M Shelley From the Caves & Jungles of Hindostan - H P Blavatsky Ghost Stories & Phantom Fancies - H Friswell Hauntings - V Lee In The Land Of The Living Dead - 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