Wish Pearl

Pokemon Sale GO level 40 - Mystic - 11 Shiny - INSTANT DELIVERY 24/7

Description: **Make sure to check out our other accounts, we have many for sale** Account Overview: Level: 40 Team: Mystic Stardust 5,364,611 Experience: 24,159,643 PokeCoins 8 Login: PTC Shinies: 11 Legendaries 1 Mythicals 2 100% IV's 5 Pokemon Bag: 280/300 Item Bag: 592/350 Start Date: 2016-11-10 Pokemon Overview: Pokemon CP IV Move 1 Move 2 Reshiram 2803 78 Dragon Breath Draco Meteor Kingler 2317 60 Mud Shot X-Scissor Gengar 2174 84 Shadow Claw Sludge Bomb Scyther 2096 53 Air Slash Aerial Ace Darkrai * 2072 76 Feint Attack Shadow Ball Darkrai 2053 69 Snarl Focus Blast Nidoqueen 1855 58 Bite Earthquake Slowbro 1842 84 Water Gun Ice Beam Nidoking 1820 96 Poison Jab Sludge Wave Slowbro 1809 76 Confusion Psychic Slowbro 1800 27 Water Gun Water Pulse Poliwrath 1751 51 Bubble Ice Punch Kangaskhan 1720 76 Mud Slap Stomp Mr. Mime 1673 62 Confusion Shadow Ball Primeape 1648 80 Karate Chop Low Sweep Arbok 1645 89 Acid Dark Pulse Seaking 1613 78 Poison Jab Drill Run Slowbro 1599 62 Confusion Water Pulse Clefable 1597 64 Pound Dazzling Gleam Seadra 1582 87 Dragon Breath Blizzard Venomoth 1545 53 Bug Bite Bug Buzz Sandslash 1543 40 Metal Claw Bulldoze Weezing 1518 56 Tackle Shadow Ball Fearow 1512 73 Steel Wing Drill Run Seviper 1505 42 Iron Tail Crunch Parasect 1449 84 Fury Cutter Solar Beam Arcanine 1405 67 Thunder Fang Flamethrower Magmar 1402 82 Ember Fire Punch Golbat 1400 96 Bite Ominous Wind Raticate 1317 49 Quick Attack Dig Machoke 1291 31 Karate Chop Brick Break Kadabra 1256 58 Confusion Shadow Ball Hariyama 1196 89 Bullet Punch Close Combat Solrock 1157 76 Confusion Solar Beam Hitmonlee 1155 56 Rock Smash Low Sweep Hypno 1150 80 Confusion Psychic Marowak 1130 42 Mud Slap Earthquake Blastoise 1127 40 Bite Flash Cannon Gloom 1111 24 Acid Petal Blizzard Poliwhirl 1093 76 Bubble Bubble Beam Tangela 1054 42 Vine Whip Sludge Bomb Munchlax 1024 69 Lick Gunk Shot Wigglytuff 1021 40 Pound Play Rough Aron 1019 60 Tackle Body Slam Tentacruel 1001 71 Acid Sludge Wave Slowpoke * 996 49 Confusion Water Pulse Magnemite 989 56 Thunder Shock Thunderbolt Manectric 988 91 Charge Beam Wild Charge Pinsir 985 76 Fury Cutter Superpower Growlithe 984 51 Ember Flamethrower Growlithe 968 76 Bite Flame Wheel Umbreon 962 42 Feint Attack Dark Pulse Persian 958 56 Scratch Night Slash Pidgeotto 929 64 Steel Wing Air Cutter Litleo * 925 36 Incinerate Crunch Ponyta 906 58 Ember Fire Blast Lairon 869 91 Metal Claw Rock Slide Doduo * 859 24 Peck Brave Bird Bastiodon 858 82 Iron Tail Flamethrower Staryu 856 51 Water Gun Power Gem Dugtrio 856 82 Mud Slap Stone Edge Abra 840 60 Charge Beam Signal Beam Pidgeot 833 89 Steel Wing Hurricane Goldeen 823 58 Peck Water Pulse Omanyte 809 80 Mud Shot Rock Tomb Grimer 789 56 Poison Jab Sludge Drowzee 789 89 Pound Psybeam Trapinch 782 51 Struggle Bug Dig Rhyhorn 754 67 Rock Smash Horn Attack Psyduck 747 36 Zen Headbutt Aqua Tail Oddish 717 67 Acid Moonblast Chansey 713 89 Pound Hyper Beam Tentacool 710 24 Bubble Water Pulse Eevee 710 44 Tackle Swift Mantyke 702 89 Bubble Ice Beam Kabuto 697 51 Scratch Rock Tomb Koffing 694 47 Tackle Dark Pulse Drowzee 686 87 Pound Psychic Slowpoke 684 42 Water Gun Water Pulse Goldeen 683 60 Peck Horn Attack Dunsparce 682 71 Bite Drill Run Piplup 681 89 Pound Drill Peck Turtwig 676 33 Razor Leaf Body Slam Glameow 676 40 Quick Attack Play Rough Psyduck 674 82 Water Gun Psybeam Cranidos 671 96 Take Down Frustration Doduo 668 89 Quick Attack Drill Peck Venonat 668 67 Confusion Signal Beam Murkrow 659 93 Feint Attack Dark Pulse Psyduck 655 91 Water Gun Aqua Tail Sableye 651 27 Feint Attack Shadow Sneak Shellder 645 98 Ice Shard Icy Wind Aron 645 76 Metal Claw Rock Tomb Psyduck 631 27 Water Gun Psybeam Pidgeotto 625 87 Wing Attack Air Cutter Pikachu 625 44 Thunder Shock Discharge Wailmer 617 87 Water Gun Heavy Slam Sableye 615 82 Shadow Claw Shadow Sneak Exeggcute 612 64 Bullet Seed Seed Bomb Rhyhorn 610 96 Rock Smash Frustration Arbok 609 58 Dragon Tail Gunk Shot Scyther 605 96 Air Slash Frustration Jolteon 604 49 Thunder Shock Thunder Machop 595 36 Karate Chop Cross Chop Paras 592 42 Scratch Cross Poison Exeggcute 586 58 Confusion Ancient Power Chansey 578 58 Pound Psychic Oddish 569 64 Acid Sludge Bomb Taillow 564 60 Peck Aerial Ace Voltorb 560 73 Spark Discharge Lickitung 559 58 Lick Power Whip Aron 549 44 Metal Claw Body Slam Chimchar 546 64 Scratch Flamethrower Nidorina 544 64 Poison Sting Dig Chingling 543 78 Astonish Wrap Shellder 541 51 Tackle Water Pulse Jigglypuff 537 100 Feint Attack Gyro Ball Snover 531 53 Ice Shard Stomp Vulpix 526 47 Ember Flamethrower Poliwag 524 27 Mud Shot Mud Bomb Shellder 524 36 Tackle Water Pulse Glameow 513 89 Scratch Play Rough Shellder 513 27 Tackle Bubble Beam Seviper 512 71 Iron Tail Poison Fang Grimer 510 100 Mud Slap Sludge Bomb Pikachu 509 56 Quick Attack Wild Charge Abra 508 44 Charge Beam Signal Beam Seel 504 60 Ice Shard Aqua Tail Spheal 502 11 Water Gun Aurora Beam Solosis 502 96 Zen Headbutt Frustration Bagon 485 89 Ember Crunch Stantler 484 96 Tackle Frustration Goldeen 481 91 Mud Shot Aqua Tail Makuhita 480 53 Tackle Cross Chop Shieldon 478 78 Iron Tail Heavy Slam Numel 474 44 Tackle Stomp Meowth 462 20 Bite Dark Pulse Horsea 459 49 Bubble Bubble Beam Paras * 458 78 Scratch X-Scissor Dwebble 454 100 Smack Down Frustration Eevee 453 36 Quick Attack Swift Dwebble 449 96 Smack Down Frustration Venonat 448 44 Confusion Psybeam Staryu 448 53 Water Gun Bubble Beam Onix 445 78 Tackle Heavy Slam Vulpix 442 64 Quick Attack Flame Charge Seviper 438 56 Iron Tail Wrap Vulpix * 436 78 Quick Attack Weather Ball Pidgey 435 40 Quick Attack Air Cutter Jigglypuff 429 47 Pound Dazzling Gleam Squirtle 427 93 Tackle Aqua Jet Abra 425 64 Zen Headbutt Shadow Ball Squirtle 419 53 Bubble Aqua Tail Totodile 418 98 Water Gun Frustration Pikachu 416 29 Quick Attack Thunderbolt Sentret 414 56 Scratch Grass Knot Tauros 409 53 Zen Headbutt Iron Head Pikachu 404 47 Thunder Shock Thunder Mareep 403 76 Thunder Shock Body Slam Meditite 400 80 Confusion Psyshock Koffing 398 38 Tackle Sludge Bomb Piplup 398 98 Pound Frustration Eevee 396 80 Tackle Swift Poliwag 394 64 Mud Shot Body Slam Hoppip 394 100 Tackle Seed Bomb Ralts 394 67 Confusion Shadow Sneak Sandshrew * 394 53 Scratch Sand Tomb Shellder 392 31 Tackle Icy Wind Nosepass 392 69 Rock Throw Rock Blast Mudkip 387 58 Tackle Stomp Zubat 387 49 Bite Poison Fang Gligar * 384 69 Fury Cutter Frustration Shroomish 369 69 Bullet Seed Seed Bomb Onix 365 47 Rock Throw Iron Head Shellder 364 58 Tackle Water Pulse Shellder 361 91 Ice Shard Water Pulse Foongus 360 98 Astonish Frustration Shellder 359 62 Ice Shard Water Pulse Shellder 358 56 Ice Shard Water Pulse Venonat 351 20 Confusion Signal Beam Rattata 351 93 Quick Attack Hyper Fang Eevee 350 62 Quick Attack Swift Venonat 349 51 Bug Bite Psybeam Ferroseed 347 96 Tackle Frustration Numel 338 67 Tackle Stomp Burmy 336 64 Bug Bite Struggle Glameow 336 53 Quick Attack Play Rough Metapod 331 93 Bug Bite Struggle Shellder 330 40 Tackle Icy Wind Wurmple 330 62 Tackle Struggle Pidgey 329 60 Tackle Aerial Ace Bellsprout 329 36 Acid Sludge Bomb Shellder 321 76 Tackle Bubble Beam Weedle 321 62 Bug Bite Struggle Kabuto 317 44 Scratch Aqua Jet Taillow 314 89 Peck Aerial Ace Shellder 313 64 Tackle Icy Wind Skitty 307 69 Feint Attack Disarming Voice Snover 302 64 Powder Snow Stomp Treecko 301 64 Bullet Seed Energy Ball Kakuna 300 60 Bug Bite Struggle Bellsprout 299 64 Acid Sludge Bomb Nidorino 298 73 Poison Sting Horn Attack Makuhita 298 96 Tackle Frustration Piplup 296 58 Bubble Bubble Beam Teddiursa 295 96 Scratch Frustration Treecko 291 53 Pound Aerial Ace Treecko 285 80 Pound Grass Knot Sudowoodo * 277 64 Counter Earthquake Golett 264 96 Astonish Frustration Shellder 264 42 Ice Shard Water Pulse Starly 263 96 Quick Attack Frustration Koffing 263 84 Tackle Sludge Bomb Pidgey 262 29 Tackle Aerial Ace Skitty 261 62 Tackle Disarming Voice Ralts 260 24 Confusion Shadow Sneak Snover 258 96 Leafage Frustration Starly 254 18 Tackle Brave Bird Ponyta 251 42 Ember Flame Charge Spearow 251 62 Quick Attack Aerial Ace Kakuna 247 89 Bug Bite Struggle Exeggcute 245 60 Bullet Seed Psychic Shellder 237 87 Ice Shard Water Pulse Spoink 233 47 Zen Headbutt Shadow Ball Staryu 227 38 Water Gun Bubble Beam Zubat 220 62 Quick Attack Swift Chimchar 214 98 Ember Frustration Beedrill 212 16 Bug Bite Sludge Bomb Glameow 210 56 Scratch Aerial Ace Glameow 209 98 Quick Attack Frustration Glameow 209 96 Quick Attack Frustration Paras * 206 60 Bug Bite X-Scissor Blitzle 199 100 Spark Frustration Snorunt 198 96 Powder Snow Frustration Vulpix 197 96 Zen Headbutt Frustration Psyduck 190 51 Water Gun Psybeam Goldeen 187 29 Mud Shot Water Pulse Happiny 186 78 Pound Psychic Caterpie 179 47 Bug Bite Struggle Houndour 178 40 Ember Dark Pulse Shellder 175 91 Ice Shard Bubble Beam Cubone 175 49 Rock Smash Dig Horsea 174 33 Water Gun Bubble Beam Venonat 172 51 Confusion Poison Fang Tentacool 169 91 Bubble Water Pulse Swinub 165 96 Tackle Frustration Numel 163 69 Ember Stomp Poliwag 161 56 Bubble Mud Bomb Poliwag 159 91 Bubble Bubble Beam Diglett 151 96 Metal Claw Frustration Murkrow 149 60 Feint Attack Foul Play Pikachu 144 11 Thunder Shock Wild Charge Turtwig 143 60 Razor Leaf Energy Ball Zubat 141 80 Quick Attack Sludge Bomb Poliwag 141 44 Mud Shot Body Slam Magikarp 135 76 Splash Struggle Croagunk 124 82 Poison Sting Brick Break Abra 121 38 Zen Headbutt Signal Beam Magikarp 116 71 Splash Struggle Pikachu 110 58 Thunder Shock Thunderbolt Smeargle 106 36 Iron Tail Flamethrower Venonat 86 29 Confusion Psybeam Shellder 77 87 Ice Shard Bubble Beam Psyduck 72 51 Water Gun Cross Chop Shellder 70 58 Tackle Icy Wind Minun 66 47 Spark Swift Duskull 55 13 Astonish Ominous Wind Diglett * 42 49 Mud Shot Mud Bomb Tauros 33 27 Zen Headbutt Earthquake Wurmple 32 18 Tackle Struggle Poliwag 30 40 Mud Shot Bubble Beam Weedle 30 71 Poison Sting Struggle Taillow 28 42 Quick Attack Aerial Ace Feebas 21 18 Tackle Mirror Coat Goldeen 15 76 Peck Water Pulse Eevee 14 78 Tackle Dig Eevee 13 49 Tackle Dig Shellder 13 42 Ice Shard Icy Wind Pikachu 11 56 Thunder Shock Discharge Caterpie 10 22 Bug Bite Struggle

Price: 39.99 USD

Location: Schipluiden

End Time: 2024-10-12T13:29:47.000Z

Shipping Cost: 0 USD

Product Images

Pokemon Sale GO level 40 - Mystic - 11 Shiny - INSTANT DELIVERY 24/7Pokemon Sale GO level 40 - Mystic - 11 Shiny - INSTANT DELIVERY 24/7

Item Specifics

All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted

Brand: Pokémon

Model: Android

Game Name: Pokémon

Platform: ios

Rating: E-Everyone

Region Code: Region Free

Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

Release Year: 2016

Genre: Action & Adventure

Video Game Series: pokemon go

Features: pokemon go account

Publisher: Pokemon GO

Sub-Genre: gaming


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