Wish Pearl

Regeneration ANTI-AGING Moisturizer for Acne Prone Skin

Description: First of all Regeneration Anti-aging Moisturizer For Acne-Prone Skin Here I am, in my early 60's and my skin still looks very good. I've been asked if I had a face lift by people I haven't seen in a while. And many have asked why my wife and I aren't aging? Did we make some sort of evil pact? No way! What's our secret? First you must know, I have a long time ago stopped using over the counter products on my skin. All are made by the same few manufacturers world wide. Just different names on the jars. And unpronounceable ingredients. I avoid all animal derived products on my skin. Nothing acidic touches my skin either. I have acne prone skin so I use Clear & Smooth daily. So that gives me good exfoliation. I use only unscented natural soap to cleanse twice daily. I'm always looking for another edge to hold off father time. I was a life-guard in college, my skin got 4 summers of all day sun. If you look at my skin closely there has been some damage caused by those early years of sun. Since my company doesn't test on animals, I am the first guinea pig. Then if I like a product it starts to go through our employees and my family. We have testers who also evaluate everything too. But like I said if I don't like it, it goes nowhere. There has been a lot of interest lately in an oil called Sea Buckthorn oil. At about $1000 a gallon for the good, not watered down, stuff. It's not what I would call inexpensive. So I decided to test it as a moisturizer. We noticed initially at full strength it doesn't absorb deep enough to do the skin a whole lot of good. I directed our people to add some absorbent oils in a moisturizer with it, to see if we could come up with something workable. You can't believe how tedious this is. Add one thing, subtract a bit of another. Test it and then try different versions. The combinations and percentages are infinite. As the first tester I can tell immediately if it has potential. We've found though if you work with the finest ingredients you tend to get lucky faster. AND WE DID GET LUCKY! Mom always told me to eat my broccoli. What you eat is important, but what you apply to your skin we believe is also very important. We have a new extract I have been studying. Most extracts you see on product labels are just label candy garbage. In such tiny percentages to be useless. We call them 'label candy' because they look good on the label and help sell the product. We don't care much about looks and we especially don't care to include an ingredient that doesn't do anything. Lately I have been interested in Broccoli Sprouts. They contain something called sulforaphane, which has been shown to have some terrific anti-cancer and regenerative properties. If harvested at the right moment, as sprouts, they contain a very high concentration of sulforaphane. Much higher than the broccoli we typically eat. Sulforaphane has been shown in independent lab tests to counteract sun damage when applied to the skin. Ok, it's early, a lot of testing is still going on. Most of the testing though is as a nutritional supplement you consume. But the problem I've always had with vitamins and nutrients in the form of a supplement is getting them past the acids in the stomach to do the body much good. But if you apply these nutrients directly to the skin, to me, it makes more sense. No one knows for sure, but in my personal tests I noticed this extract has some remarkable topical properties. Again the same issues, how do we get it to absorb? And then I hit on an idea. Why not combine both the Sea Buckthorn Oil and the Broccoli extract in one product for people like me with acne-prone skin? And use the finest (and expensive) carrier oils to carry these two healing ingredients to where they can do the skin the most good. And make it friendly for people with acne prone skin. I knew it wouldn't be cheap to make, but I felt we could make it concentrated, so only a tiny amount would do a great deal of good. I don't get excited with new products very often, but after the first time I tried it, I just knew. This was something special. In fact, the next morning I knew this was different. My skin felt a bit flushed. Like more blood was moving around the skin's surface. I don't know. Over the years with all the testing I've done, my skin has become so sensitive, that I liken myself to the 'nose' of a perfume manufacturer who chooses perfume ingredients. Believe me this is as much a personal curse as it is a blessing for our business. I have become so sensitive to so many products that I must avoid all contact with many products most people take for granted. Sulfur is absolute poison to me. And sulfur is in almost everything. Sulfur is that black smoke you see come out of Semi-Trucks. And it's used in so many products. I can eat Kelp or seaweed without a problem. But when they concentrate it down to a powder to use as a thickener manufacturers use sulfur in this process. Often called Carrageenans. And I'm not alone here. Millions also share this allergy and don't even know it. It's often why they have bad skin since it's used in moisturizers. Sulfur can even make me physically sick. I can't understand why this 'pollutant' is so universally used in products today. It's even used often in medicines. We also don't use silicones, paraben preservatives, animal by-products. In fact we make moisturizers totally different than anyone. Sort of like an old world way, except with precision scales and exacting temperatures. We have a master moisturizer maker. Rather than using thickeners, we make true moisturizers. So anyway, at this moment we have fine tuned this spectacular moisturizer and are now introducing it to our customers. Like I said it is expensive to make. 1 ounce for $19.00. A tiny bit seems to go a long way. Personally it has erased much of the sun damage and even made my skin smoother. Some tiny tiny fine lines are now gone. And seems to be great for both acne prone skin and normal skin types too. As we get comments as time permits we will add them to this listing. This stuff is awesome! Nobody believes I'm 46!!! Buyer: tc6542 (87Feedback is 50 to 99) Sea buckthorn Oil has an interesting history. The good stuff costs about $1,000 a gallon and is almost unheard of here in the USA. This plant grows in Russia and China. We get an occasional request for a moisturizer with Sea Buckthorn oil in it. But always from one of our overseas customers. The version we are using now in this product is made from the berries and is of the highest concentration of Carotenoids. There are so many skin regenerating properties of this oil it would be hard for me to relate all of them here. Some are probably speculation. If you just put it on your skin raw, it temporarily stains the skin's surface orange. And pretty much doesn't do a whole lot of good. We think the problem is it doesn't seem to absorb real well. At least it doesn't get down to where it can really do the skin some good. So in this moisturizer we are combining two of the most absorbent and precious oils we know of. Olive Oil Squalane and Golden Jojoba. Squalane is an extract of Olive oil. It's also very pricy (about $200 a gallon) and is a very absorbent oil. Jojoba closely matches the oils in the skin and at $50 a gallon, good stuff too. Keep in mind regardless of the selling price, most companies who make moisturizers buy the cheapest ingredients they can buy. You don't HAVE to believe a word we say! BUT, you might want to believe what 35,000 people have to say ***SPECIAL OFFER*** Buy and pay for any three of our products and you get to pick one single item free. Just tell us what to include. The only catch: The free single item cannot be more than the most expensive item you have bought. USA shipping is now free! (To SAVE on international shipping, see below) Love, love, love your products! Especially the Anti-aging moisturizer for acne prone skin. It's magic in a bottle and my skin never breaks out from it. Thank you! Nicole Dear clearandsmooth, I just want to say that this is the absolute best moisturiser I have ever found for my oily, sensitive, acne-prone skin. I bought it for the ingrediants I know, but I took a chance that seabuckthorn oil was something that would not irritate. Well, not only was it a gentle & effective moisturiser, but it actually helped clear up existing acne AND started healing acne scars I have had since I was a teen!(I'm 32) Now I am seeing articles about how great seabuckthorn (Women's World,July 14,08) is for acne because it combats both the symptoms and the causes of acne! Seabuckthorn oil has bacteria-killing disinfectants, antioxidants and essential fatty acids that soothe & heal, it balances oil production, and even reduces & inflamation that comes with CYSTIC acne! Anyone who is too oily for heavier moisture, but too dry for teen formulas, should absolutely buy this ASAP! I guess my only question/request is, never stop making this formula! I love it! Thanks, Kimberly ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! Just 2 days use made a huge difference to my skin!! Thanks! Buyer: ingrid-the-gardener ( 493Feedback score is 100 to 499) this is *fabulous* on my adult acne skin ~don't even hesitate to buy it~ THANKS Buyer: delightfully*vintage ( 57Feedback score is 50 to 99) Positive feedback ratingWonderful stuff...worth every penny! A+Buyer: kukaburra07 ( 221Feedback score is 100 to 499) Positive Feedback Received One of My Favorite Sellers! This New Anti-Aging Moisturizer is Wonderful- Thanks Buyer: jdb585 (105Feedback is 100 to 499) Positive feedback ratingHonestly -this product took 5 years off my face! Would love a 4 or 8 oz Jar : )Buyer: busterboybooks ( 360Feedback score is 100 to 499) Positive Feedback Received Honest seller, Rebated my too much shipping costs! Anti-aging cream decadant! Buyer: susan1102 ( 15Feedback score is 10 to 49) Positive Feedback Received love this - has done wonders for my skin - the best I have used - will buy again Buyer: candypowder (491Feedback is 100 to 499) Ingredients Water: (Reverse Osmosis Purified, makes for a virtually pure water) Olive Oil Squalane; This is a precious extract of olive oil. At about $200 a gallon, this is not the olive oil you ever could afford to cook with. Squalane is a remarkable extract found in olive oil. It is a non-irritating, protein rich, moisturizing agent with exceptional skin softening properties. In fact, it is one of the most effective moisturizers available. Because of its "light as water" consistency, it is absorbed quickly and deeply in to the skin with no oily film. Golden Jojoba Oil. although we call this an oil, it is technically closer to a wax. It matches very closely the natural lipids in your skin. Absorbs extremely fast. We use this oil and the Squalane to carry the important nutrients (Broccoli sprout extract and Sea Buckthorn oil) deep into the skin. Emulsifying wax is a vegetable wax. Used to combine the water and oils in True moisturizers. Most moisturizers today aren't made like ours. They are mostly oils (usually not very good oils) and thickeners like Sea Weed and Xanthan gums. Which means technically they aren't moisturizers. An additional problem is Sea Weed derived thickeners have Sulfurs in it. Broccoli Sprout Extract. What the heck is a food product doing in a moisturizer? Broccoli Sprouts are probably one of, if not the most healthy foods to consume. But there has been some interesting lab research showing Broccoli sprout Extracts when applied to the skin help the skin avoid cancer from excess UV exposure. This isn't a sunscreen, but seems to help the skin recover from too much sun exposure. So what's in it? Sulforaphane Vitamins A, B, C, E and K Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc Carotene, Chlorophyll, Amino Acids, Trace Elements, Antioxidants, Protein Sea Buckthorn Oil. This is now the most expensive oil we work with. The highest quality Sea Buckthorn oil costs about $1000 a gallon. We use Russian oil derived from the berries. This version has the highest concentrations of palmitoleic acid, carotinoids (including a high level of beta-carotine), tocopherols, alcohols, (vitamins A, C and E). Provitamine A. It has remarkable healing properties. Great for fine lines, wrinkles, scars (of course deep pitted scars usually are usually permanent), discolorations. Stearic Acid. This is also a vegetable wax, used to not only combine oils and water into a moisturizer, but also makes this moisturizer creamy. Germal Plus, Vegetable derived preservative. Green Tea. Also great skin regenerative properties. Rose Otto. This gives a slight Rose smell. So powerful only a tiny amount is needed. Real Rose petals steam distilled. It takes a great deal of roses to make one ounce. SUGGESTIONS If you are new to Clear & Smooth, let your skin adjust first to the new routine. I suggest you wait a couple of weeks to start this anti-aging moisturizer. When to use? After you use Clear & Smooth according to directions, then use a small amount after you have patted your skin dry. It's also nice right before bed. This moisturizer does absorb very fast. What's the difference between our Rose Hip Anti-Aging Moisturizer and Regeneration? Both are very good, but the Rose Hip moisturizer often can't be used by people with acne prone skin. The Sea Buckthorn oil has some similar properties to the Rose Hip oil. Both are a golden color due to the high concentration of carotinoids. Neither use any fillers. GREEN STATEMENT Since it is so important to talk about being green now, in the past we have always avoided mentioning what we do in this arena. Seemed like bragging to me. it seems as though, just about all products must have a green statement today. Here we go. As you can imagine, we use a lot of very hot water. Not only for production, but also for cleaning our stainless steel equipment, since we don't use any dangerous cleaning compounds. We have a solar hot water system to heat our water. This is free hot water! We're in Florida. The sun shines all the time. It's a no-brainer. I mentioned we don't use any dangerous cleaning compounds to clean our equipment. We use our natural soaps and high pressure very high temperature water to insure no bacteria remains. This is very important. Many companies use dangerous cleansers. Which not only pollute the water runoff, but remain on the equipment, poisoning the next batch of products they make. We only make our products in our equipment. We do not farm out our production facilities to companies who use inferior or animal derived ingredients. I know this may seem like a small issue, but the artificial soaps and other poisons as cleansers seem to have a life of their own. They are extremely difficult to remove. They are not allowed in the production area. EVER! We use recycled peanuts and foam for shipping. We don't print out or even send out paper invoices (unless you request one). You get an email invoice when you order (you can easily print it out) I see no purpose in mailing a separate sheet of paper. We have just about gone paperless here. We also encourage our suppliers to email us, rather than mail, invoices. We use Florescent light bulbs everywhere. Again this can save a good bit of energy over the years. Our A/C unit is one of the new High SEER 'Freon free' units. We do live in Florida, but whenever possible the A/C is off, we utilize attic fans that bring in fresh air and cool the attic. We buy environmentally responsible ingredients, even when sometimes they cost more. No Palm oils. No long named unpronounceable ingredients. We haven't gone PV yet. The ROI are such that I believe it's still a few years away. I am excited about the new technology in this area that is coming fast. When it does make sense for us we will do it. We recycle. We limit our water usage. I have an eagle eye for saving energy (and that is money), so we can keep our products affordable. Results? Well we continue to grow our business, our energy bills have not risen but actually dropped a bit. Want to solve the energy crisis? Invest in these measures and you will also reduce your footprint. If every new home and business just merely added a solar water heater, the energy saved would be enormous. I realize some of this stuff is just a no-brainer. But if all of us did more of more no-brainer stuff like this, I sincerely doubt we would be in this energy fix were in right now. Steve Wills How much? $23.99 for a 1 ounce (29.57 mL) jar. Keep in mind, a tiny amount goes a long way. This is incredibly concentrated. You can spot treat your most troublesome areas. We also include a free bar of our Natural soap with each jar. ***SPECIAL OFFER*** Buy and pay for any three of our products and you get to pick one single item free. Just tell us what to include. The only catch: The free single item cannot be more than the most expensive item you have bought. USA shipping is now free! MONEY BACK GUARANTEED. NO QUESTIONS ASKED NO RESTOCKING FEE NO TIME LIMIT FOR YOU TO TRY IT (Why rush, take your time to decide if this is for you. Don't you just hate those 30 day guarantees?) We do recommend you use our moisturizers within 1 year of receipt. JUST RETURN JAR FOR A REFUND NO NEED TO GET A 'RETURN AUTHORIZATION' EITHER. (What is that all about anyway?) WE PROCESS THE REFUND IMMEDIATELY INTERNATIONAL REFUNDS BY PAYPAL OR CREDIT CARD CREDIT ONLY WE ALSO SUPPORT YOU, WE ANSWER YOUR EMAILS PERSONALLY (one question or 100, we're trying to earn your repeat business). These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Distributed exclusively by: Steve Wills Ent. ©Copyright 2000 Steve Wills Ent. This listing is protected intellectual content. No portion may be copied or used without our permission. We will spare no expense to protect our legal rights through the courts

Price: 21.99 USD

Location: Orlando, Florida

End Time: 2024-01-29T04:28:11.000Z

Shipping Cost: 0 USD

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Regeneration ANTI-AGING Moisturizer for Acne Prone Skin

Item Specifics

Restocking Fee: No

Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 60 Days

Refund will be given as: Money Back

Main Purpose: Acne

Type: Moisturizer

Product Type: Anti-Aging Products

Skin Solvers: Wrinkles

Ingredients: Sea Buckthorn Oil

Brand: Carley's


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