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Ulysses S. Grant 1885 Memoirs 1st Edition Originals (w/ RE Lee 4 vol. Books)

Description: Civil War Originals.......U.S. Grant's authorized biography, with a Near MINT 4 volume set of Robert E. Lee's bio. First, for Sale is this Original Set of Two Volumes of Ulysses S. Grant's Personal Memoirs, (copyright 1885 by U.S. Grant). These rare cloth covered set includes both Volume I and II.....the complete collection as intended from the author, former President Hiram Ulysses Grant (see story below). These rare books are Vol 1: Excellent shape, pages Excellent Plus.Vol 2: Excellent form, lower spine cover worn away. Book I covers the early years of Grants life, including genealogy, and early military career. Then it gets into his California and Mexico campaigns, before settling into the Civil War campaign. The 39 various chapters are:Preface, Ancestry, West Point, Army Life, Corpus Christi, Trip To Austin, Advance of the Army, Mexican War, Advance on Monterey, Political Intrigue, March to Jalapa, Advance on the City of Mexico, Promotion to 1st Lt., Treaty of Peace, Return of the Army, San Francisco, Resignation, Outbreak of the Rebellion, Appointed Colonel of the 21st Illinois, Commissioned Brig General, General Fremont in Command, General Halleck in Command, Investment of Ft. Donelson, Promoted Maj. General of Volunteers, Army of Pittsburg Landing, Struck By a Bullet, Halleck Assumes Command in the Field, HQ's Moved to Memphis, Advance of Van Dorn, Van Dorn's Movements, Campaign Against Vicksburg, HQ's Moved to Holly Springs, Bayous West of the Miss., Attack on Grand Gulf, Capture of Port Gibson, Movement Against Jackson, Battle of Black River Bridge, Siege of Vicksburg, Johnstons Movements, Retrospect of The Campaign. ________________________________________________________ Volume II continues in earnest regarding the War of the Rebellion. Chapters 40 thru 70 conclude Grants Memoirs as such: XL. First Meeting with Secretary Stanton - General Rosecrans - Commanding Military Division of Mississippi - Andrew Johnson's Address - Arrival at Chattanooga. CHAPTER XLI. Assuming the Command at Chattanooga - Opening a Line of Supplies - Battle of Wauhatchie - On the Picket Line. CHAPTER XLII. Condition of the Army - Rebuilding the Railroad - General Burnside's Situation - Orders for Battle - Plans for the Attack - Hooker's Position - Sherman's Movements. CHAPTER XLIII. Preparations for Battle - Thomas Carries the First Line of the Enemy - Sherman Carries Missionary Ridge - Battle of Lookout Mountain - General Hooker's Fight. CHAPTER XLIV. Battle of Chattanooga - A Gallant Charge - Complete Rout of the Enemy - Pursuit of the Confederates - General Bragg - Remarks on Chattanooga. CHAPTER XLV. The Relief of Knoxville - Headquarters moved to Nashville - Visiting Knoxville - Cipher Dispatches - Withholding Orders. CHAPTER XLVI. Operations in Mississippi - Longstreet in East Tennessee - Commissioned Lieutenant-General - Commanding the Armies of the United States - First Interview with President Lincoln. CHAPTER XLVII. The Military Situation - Plans for the Campaign - Sheridan Assigned to Command of the Cavalry - Flank Movements - Forrest at Fort Pillow - General Banks's Expedition - Colonel Mosby - An Incident of the Wilderness Campaign. CHAPTER XLVIII. Commencement of the Grand Campaign - General Butler's Position - Sheridan's First Raid. CHAPTER XLIX. Sherman's Campaign in Georgia - Siege of Atlanta - Death of General McPherson - Attempt to Capture Andersonville - Capture of Atlanta. CHAPTER L. Grand Movement of the Army of the Potomac - Crossing the Rapidan - Entering the Wilderness - Battle of the Wilderness. CHAPTER LI. After the Battle - Telegraph and Signal Service - Movement by the Left Flank. CHAPTER LII. Battle of Spottsylvania - Hancock's Position - Assault of Warren's and Wright's Corps - Upton Promoted on the Field - Good News from Butler and Sheridan. CHAPTER LIII. Hancock's Assoult - Losses of the Confederates - Promotions Recommended - Discomfiture of the Enemy - Ewell's Attack - Reducing the Artillery. CHAPTER LIV. Movement by the Left Flank - Battle of North Anna - An Incident of the March - Moving on Richmond - South of the Pamunkey - Position of the National Army. CHAPTER LV. Advance on Cold Harbor - An Anecdote of the War - Battle of Cold Harbor - Correspondence with Lee - Retrospective. CHAPTER LVI. Left Flank Movement across the Chickahominy and James - General Lee - Visit to Butler - The Movement on Petersburg - The Investment of Petersburg. CHAPTER LVII. Raid on the Virginia Central Railroad - Raid on the Weldon Railroad - Early's Movement upon Washington - Mining the Works before Petersburg - Explosion of the Mine before Petersburg - Campaign in the Shenandoah Valley - Capture of the Weldon Railroad CHAPTER LVIII. Sheridan's Advance - Visit to Sheridan - Sheridan's Victory in the Shenandoah - Sheridan's Ride to Winchester - Close of the Campaign for the Winter. CHAPTER LIX. The Campaign in Georgia - Sherman's March to the Sea - War Anecdotes - The March on Savannah - Investment of Savannah - Capture of Savannah. CHAPTER LX. The Battle of Franklin - The Battle of Nashville. CHAPTER LXI. Expedition Against Fort Fisher - Attack on the Fort - Failure of the Expedition - Second Expedition against the Fort - Capture of Fort Fisher. CHAPTER LXII. Sherman's March North - Sheridan Ordered to Lynchburg - Canby Ordered to Move against Mobile - Movements of Shofield and Thomas - Capture of Columbia, South Carolina - Sherman in the Carolinas. CHAPTER LXIII. Arrival of the Peace Commissioners - Lincoln and the Peace Commissioners - An Anecdote of Lincoln - The Winter before Petersburg - Sheridan Destroys the Railroad - Gordon Carries the Picket Line - Parke Recaptures the Line - The Battle of White Oak Road. CHAPTER LXIV. Interview with Sheridan - Grand Movement of the Army of the Potomac - Sheridan's Advance on Five Forks - Battle of Five Forks - Parke and Wright Storm the Enemy's Line - Battles before Petersburg. CHAPTER LXV. The Capture of Petersburg - Meeting President Lincoln in Petersburg - The Capture of Richmond - Pursuing the Enemy - Visit to Sheridan and Meade. CHAPTER LXVI. Battle of Sailor's Creek - Engagement at Farmville - Correspondence with General Lee - Sheridan Intercepts the Enemy. CHAPTER LXVII. Negotiations at Appomattox - Interview with Lee at McLean's House - The Terms of Surrender - Lee's Surrender - Interview with Lee after the Surrender. CHAPTER LXVIII. Morale of the Two Armies - Relative Conditions of the North and South - President Lincoln Visits Richmond - Arrival at Washington - President Lincoln's Assassination - President Johnson's Policy. CHAPTER LXIX. Sherman and Johnston - Johnston's Surrender to Sherman - Capture of Mobile - Wilson's Expedition - Capture of Jefferson Davis - General Thomas's Qualities - Estimate of General Canby. CHAPTER LXX. The End of the War - The March to Washington - One of Lincoln's Anecdotes - Grand Review at Washington - Characteristic of Lincoln and Stanton - Estimate of the Different Corps Commanders. and CONCLUSION Don't be mistaken by other auctions stating they have the 1885 Memoirs of Grant, when in fact they may be reprinted editions, I.E. 1892, 1933, 1981, etc. This set is THE 1885 edition.....1st Edition, and Original Tomes. __________________________________________________________________________ Last, is this Original Set of 4 Volumes of Douglas Southall Freeman's Robert E. Lee - A Biography, 1st editions (copyright 1935 published by Charles Scribner's and Sons). The set includes ...the complete collection as intended from the author, (see story below). These rare books come in Near MINT condition. Book One covers Lees early years, from a brief genealogy of the Generals ancestors. This almost 700 page tome goes into his youth and young man stage. With 36 chapters, this 1st volume really gets you started in knowing the real Lee. The volume does go into the start of the civil war, but ends in the early months of 1862, thereby encouraging the reader to delve into volume 2 thru 4. A sample of the 36 various chapters are: A Carriage Road to Alexandria, The Education of the Cadet, Marriage, Lee is Close to Frustration, A Campaign without a Cannon Shot, Laurels in the Lava Fields, Education by Court Martial, Virginia Looks to Lee, The War Opens on 3 Virginia Fronts, An Early Lesson in Combating Sea Power, and much more. Volume II continues in earnest regarding the war of the Rebellion. Up to at least May of 1863. The heart of the war is where you find Lee and his men. This approx. 600 pager has a multitude of pictures (as does Volume 1), and includes 35 chapters. It's sample of 35 Chapters include:Lee and the Conscription Act. Lee as the King of Spades, Lee's 1st Victory, Federal Artillery Proves Too Strong (Malvern Hill), A Domestic Interlude, "My Maryland...or His", The First Warning of Coming Ruins, Lee Loses his "Right Arm". Volume III, another well written book of almost 600 pages, has 29 chapters and continues with the South's struggles to win valuable territory over the North's forces. This tome takes us to the winter of 1864, where the troops are war weary and Lee finds the desertion rate approaches 10 percent. Although the General has used his exemplary battle skills to survive the vast onslaught of the Union Army, one can tell that his beloved south may be fighting a lost cause. But Volume 4 will tell the tale..... A smattering of the 29 Chapters include:The Army Starts Northward Again, Why was Gettysburg Lost?, A Sacrificed Christmas, Preparing for the Campaign of 1864, A Vain Invitation to Attack, Rapidan to Petersburg, The Loss of the Welden RR, and many more. Volume Four, with its 600 plus pages, brings us to the end of war and life for Lee and his wife in retirement. The story ends with 28 chapters of Lee's military career coming to a sad conclusion, along with the South's hope and dreams. Here we see the epilogue of General Lee's life as he pursues an academic route in starting the famed University "Washington and Lee" (formerly Washington College). The next to last Chapter details the end of life for the proud General. A sample of the 28 Chapters include:Lee makes His Last Desperate Plan, A Letter Comes to HQs, The Final Bivouacs, First Fruits of Washington College, The Return to Petersburg, Salvaging the Wrecked Family Fortunes, Farwell to Northern Virginia, The Pattern of a Life, and more...... Again, these rare books come in Near MINT condition.......... I will ship these media mail, unless you would like it faster, and insurance is your option. Please Pay within 7 days of close of auction. Paypal is preferred, and in accordance with Ebay policy, please email me about payment options. Douglas Southall Freeman (1886-1953), Douglas Southall Freeman (1886-1953), was an American historian, biographer, newspaper editor, radio commentator, and author. He is best known for his multi-volume biographies of R.E Lee and George Washington, for both of which he was awarded Pulitzer Prizes. Following the immediate critical success of Lee's Dispatches, Freeman was approached by New York publisher Charles Scribner's Sons and invited to write a biography of Robert E. Lee. Freeman accepted, but chose to retain his position at The Richmond News Leader and work longer days to work on the biography. Freeman' research of Lee was exhaustive. He evaluated and cataloged every item about Lee, and reviewed records at West Point, the War Department, and material in private collections. In narrating the general's Civil War years, he used what came to be known as the "fog of war" technique—providing readers only the limited information that Lee himself had at a given moment. This helped convey the confusion of war that Lee experienced, as well as the processes by which Lee grappled with problems and made decisions. R. E. Lee: A Biography was published in four volumes in 1934 and 1935. In its book review, The New York Times declared it "Lee complete for all time." Historian Dumas Malone wrote, "Great as my personal expectations were, the realization far surpassed them." In 1935, Freeman was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for his four-volume biography. More on U.S. Grant............ 1822–85, commander in chief of the Union army in the Civil War and 18th President (1869–77) of the United States, b. Point Pleasant, Ohio. He was originally named Hiram Ulysses Grant. Military Career Grant spent his youth in Georgetown, Ohio, was graduated from West Point in 1843, and served creditably in the Mexican War. He was forced to resign from the army in 1854 because of excessive drinking. Grant failed in attempts at farming and business, and was working as a clerk in the family leather store in Galena, Ill., when the Civil War broke out. He was commissioned colonel of the 21st Illinois Volunteers, and in Aug., 1861, became a brigadier general of volunteers. Grant assumed command of the district of Cairo, Ill., in Sept. and fought his first battle, an indecisive affair at Belmont, Mo., on Nov. 9. In Feb., 1862, aided by Union gunboats, he captured Fort Henry on the Tennessee River and Fort Donelson on the Cumberland. This was the first major Union victory, and Lincoln at once made Grant a major general of volunteers. In April at Shiloh, however, only the arrival of the army of Gen. Don Carlos Buell may have saved him from defeat. The Vicksburg campaign (1862–63) was one of Grant’s greatest successes. After repeated failures to get at the town, he advanced in cooperation with a fleet and finally took Vicksburg by siege. The victory of Braxton Bragg, the Confederate general, at Chickamauga, led to Grant’s accession to the supreme command in the West, Oct., 1863. At Chattanooga in November his forces thoroughly defeated Bragg. The President, in Mar., 1864, made Grant commander in chief with the rank of lieutenant general, a grade especially revived by Congress for him. Grant himself directed George G. Meade’s Army of the Potomac against Gen. Robert E. Lee in the Wilderness campaign. His policy of attrition against Lee’s forces was effective, though it resulted in slaughter at Spotsylvania and Cold Harbor. Failing to carry Petersburg by assault in June, 1864, Grant had that city under partial siege until Apr., 1865. Philip H. Sheridan’s victory at Five Forks made Petersburg and Richmond no longer tenable. Lee retreated, but was cut off at Appomattox Courthouse, where he surrendered, receiving generous terms from Grant, on Apr. 9, 1865. Grant went about the distasteful business of war realistically and grimly. He was a skilled tactician and at times a brilliant strategist (as at Vicksburg, regarded by many as one of the great battles of history). His courage as a commander of forces and his powers of organization and administration made him the outstanding Northern general. Grant also was notably wise in supporting good commanders, especially Sheridan, William T. Sherman, and George H. Thomas. Made a full general in 1866, he was the first U.S. citizen to hold that rank. Presidency Grant at first seemed to favor the Reconstruction policy of President Andrew Johnson. In Apr., 1867, Johnson appointed him interim Secretary of War, replacing Edwin Stanton. Johnson expected him to hold the office against Stanton and thus bring about a test of the constitutionality of the Tenure of Office Act, but Grant turned the office back to Stanton when the Senate refused to sanction Stanton’s removal. It was apparent then that the general had thrown his lot in with the radical Republicans. The inevitable choice of the Republicans for President, Grant was victorious over the Democratic candidate, Horatio Seymour, in 1868. Characterized chiefly by bitter partisan politics and shameless corruption, his administrations remain notorious. The punitive Reconstruction program was pushed with new vigor, and legislation favorable to commercial and industrial interests was passed. The President associated with disreputable politicians and financiers; James Fisk and Jay Gould deceived him when they tried to corner the gold market in 1869. In foreign affairs, however, much was accomplished by the able Secretary of State, Hamilton Fish. The party unanimously renominated Grant in 1872, and he was reelected easily over Horace Greeley, the candidate of the Liberal Republican party and the Democrats. Toward the end of his second term his Secretary of War, William W. Belknap, and his private secretary, Orville E. Babcock, were implicated in graft scandals. Through the loyalty of the deceived Grant, both escaped punishment. Later Years The two years following his retirement from the White House were spent in making a triumphal tour of the world. In 1880 the Republican “Old Guard,” led by Roscoe Conkling, tried to secure another nomination for Grant but failed. He took up residence in New York City, where he invested money in a fraudulent private banking business. It collapsed in 1884, leaving him bankrupt. Dying of cancer of the throat, he set about writing his Personal Memoirs (2 vol., 1885–86) in order to provide for his family. He died a few days after the manuscript was completed. These memoirs are ranked among the great narratives of military history. The remains of the general and his wife lie in New York City in Grant’s Tomb

Price: 300 USD

Location: Imperial Beach, California

End Time: 2024-11-03T08:53:00.000Z

Shipping Cost: 0 USD

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Ulysses S. Grant 1885 Memoirs 1st Edition Originals (w/ RE Lee 4 vol. Books)Ulysses S. Grant 1885 Memoirs 1st Edition Originals (w/ RE Lee 4 vol. Books)Ulysses S. Grant 1885 Memoirs 1st Edition Originals (w/ RE Lee 4 vol. Books)Ulysses S. Grant 1885 Memoirs 1st Edition Originals (w/ RE Lee 4 vol. Books)Ulysses S. Grant 1885 Memoirs 1st Edition Originals (w/ RE Lee 4 vol. Books)Ulysses S. Grant 1885 Memoirs 1st Edition Originals (w/ RE Lee 4 vol. Books)Ulysses S. Grant 1885 Memoirs 1st Edition Originals (w/ RE Lee 4 vol. Books)

Item Specifics

Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 30 Days

Refund will be given as: Money back or replacement (buyer's choice)

Binding: Cloth

Language: English

Special Attributes: 1st Edition

Region: North America

Author: U.S. Grant

Publisher: Charles Webster

Topic: Civil War (1861-65)

Subject: Biography & Autobiography

Year Printed: 1885

Original/Facsimile: Original


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